Master Kelyarnus Moonshard Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Master Kelyarnus Moonshard

What Do We Know?

Master Kelyarnus Moonshard is a male high elf who is realtively young in comparison to most of his collaegues. He has always been known for being a pretty nice guy despite the creepy reputation enchantment magic has in the community. Master Moonshard is the enchantment professor at the Academy of Adept Sorcerers in the city of Andron. Overall Milo's experience with this guy was very good. He always seemed to like the guy, even if he felt kinf od uncertain about his interest in enchanment magic, seeing as is was a little creepy. This guy would often go off on long tangents during class which Milo had always found very interesting.   He has had very little in the way of interactions with the party up to this point if any at all, so outside of this, not much is known about him.

Character Information

Physical Description
Fairly young male high elf (at least for being a professor at the academy)
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
Academy of Adept Sorcerers
Known Relations
Milomo Plumecrest (Student)
Suspected Class Information
High Level Enchantment Wizard
Known Weaknesses


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