The Concious Era

The modern era as the people of Midridal have come to know it

  • 1000 BCS

    The Collapse of the Sodality
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The war between the gods that shaped Midrial forever.

  • 0 BCS

    16 Cova

    Merriby Main Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first settlers reach Merriby Main

  • 3 ACS

    12 Jariph

    Dris Ak'ron is established
    Construction beginning/end

    The city of Dris Ak'ron is established in what is modern day Dris Ogrel. The founder, Ordettan Renth'ledia, is declared city leader.

  • 208 ACS

    Halis is born
    Life, Birth

    Halis, who will later become a vitally important figure throughout Merriby's history, is born.

    More reading
    Halis Reincarnate
  • 394 ACS

    7 Harvest

    Valian explorers reach Costrana
    Discovery, Exploration

    The famed Valian explorer Corrich Bremlley touched down on the shores of Western Costrana in Harvest of 394.

    Western Costrana
    Additional timelines
  • 609 ACS

    The Lasian Dynasty
    Era beginning/end

    The Lasian Dynasty is born from the ashes of the Leodove Empire

    Additional timelines
  • 697 ACS

    The Rot takes hold of Rhidilia
    Plague / Epidemic

    The deadly disease that led to the construction of the Vorimon spreads throughout Rhidilia.

  • 735 ACS

    1 Bamos

    Estimated formation of the Crypthand

    The Crypthand, the necrotic slavery organization is formed.

    More reading
  • 808 ACS

    14 Bamos

    Dwilkas Rhorellian is born
    Life, Birth

    Dwilkas, son of Keavalur Rhorellian, is born.

  • 824 ACS

    3 Bowhil

    Elniana Rhorellian is born
    Life, Birth

    More reading
    Elniana Rhorellian
  • 825 ACS

    4 Poime

    Faithkeeper is forged
    Construction beginning/end

    Faithkeeper is constructed by Hjonmel Gunnel I. It is a Blackblade made especially for Mirafalor. It is one of the only confirmed Blackblade constructions.

  • 828 ACS

    16 Winlept

    The Assassination of Dwilkas Rhorellian
    Life, Death

    Dwilkas is assassinated, Elniana declared empress. Otto Legran and Dwight Rohrellian act as the leaders of the Empire.

  • 831 ACS

    23 Bowhil

    Pelor's Light is rebranded

    Mirafalor kills Strath, head of Pelor's Light. In doing so, he rebrands Pelor's Light as an organization for good.

    More reading
  • 832 ACS

    15 Pekumn 10:00
    832 ACS

    19 Pekumn 02:00

    The Battle of Genneyonne
    Military action

    The siege of Genneyonne by the Halian Empire. Accounts of the day vary in accuracy, but what is known is that a horrid and violent beast of some kind killed hundreds.

    More reading
  • 840 ACS

    10 Cova
    841 ACS

    12 Pekumn

    Dris Ak'ron is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Halian capital of Dris Ak'ron is left destroyed after a month long bombardment and assault. The Halian citizens flee; some to Lethny Glade, others south to Uslos.

  • 842 ACS

    3 Poime
    1248 ACS

    1 Winlept

    Elniana Rhorellian takes the throne
    Political event

    After years watching her adoptive parents run Rhorellia, Elniana comes of age and takes the throne.

    More reading
    Elniana Rhorellian
  • 898 ACS

    Baksaei is declared Halis' second-in-command
    Life, Milestone

    Baksaei, a famed Halian warrior, is named Halis' right hand after his many victories in battle.

    More reading
  • 1087 ACS

    Valient Crusade ships strike naval forces south of Merriby Main
    Military action

    The first of the Valient Crusade ships strike Halian and Rhorellian naval forces south of Merriby Main, complicating relations.

  • 1230 ACS

    2 Winlept
    1247 ACS

    The Halian Civil War
    Civil action

    Baksaei reveals his discontent with the Halian empire, rallying armies against Halis. Those who fear Halis’ power take his side and civil war breaks out.   In 1247, Halis takes his own life in ritualistic sacrifice. The remaining armies are forced underground, back to the Underdark where they had emerged from long ago. It is said that some escaped elsewhere and live in hiding.

    More reading
  • 1243 ACS

    12 Harvest 16:00

    The Fall of Liaris
    Disaster / Destruction

    The floating elven city of Liaris becomes a battleground for two city states in Merriby West. The people of the city escape thanks to the heroics of the city's leadership, but both armies, as well as the entirety of the city, are destroyed.

    Merriby West
    More reading
    The Liaris Family
  • 1243 ACS

    12 Harvest 18:00

    The Death of the Liaris Family
    Life, Death

    As Liaris falls, so does its ruling family in a personal sacrifice that saves the citizens. Rose, Saelethil, and Meliodas Liaris are killed in the city's final brilliant explosion.

  • 1247 ACS

    17 Bamos 16:00

    Rosavel is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Rhorellia's capital city is destroyed under mysterious circumstances.

  • 1248 ACS

    1 Winlept

    Elniana steps down, Percerian takes the throne
    Political event

    In an unprecedented move, Elniana steps down as empress. She leaves her eldest son, Percerian, to rule Rhorellia.

    More reading
    Percerian Rhorellian
  • 1248 ACS

    3 Winlept

    Alistair is banished from the Ki Shaar
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Alistair Kenshin cuts off the hand of Sojiro, Master of the Ki Shaar. In doing so, he is exiled from the organization he grew up in.

    Merriby East
    More reading
    Alistair Kenshin
  • 1248 ACS

    6 Poime

    The Outcasts meet
    Gathering / Conference

    The adventuring party, later to be known as the Outcasts, meet in Griner's Burrow.

    Griner's Burrow
    More reading
    The Outcasts
  • 1248 ACS

    18 Cova

    The Battle of Rhidilia
    Military action

    On this day, the Outcasts led the factions of Lethny Glade against the Crypthand in Rhidilia with the help of the Rhorellian armies.

    More reading
  • 1249 ACS

    1249 ACS


    The Outcasts capture an Uslosan soldier
    Military action

  • 1249 ACS

    12 Bamos
    1250 ACS

    3 Pekumn

    Percerian's War
    Military action
  • 1249 ACS

    3 Poime

    The Arbiters are formed

    Wornal Freerunner and Lucyan Blackfyre form a crew of formidable warriors to help get to Halis and end Percerian's War. They dub this crew The Arbiters.

  • 1250 ACS

    Halis is defeated
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Thanks to the bravery of The Arbiters, Halis was finally defeated in his temple at Caavylterradyn.

  • 1250 ACS

    5 Bamos

    The Treaty of the Outcasts is signed
    Civil action

    A treaty is signed that reforms the governments of Uslos and Rhorellia. Lucyan Blackfyre is appointed as the Feather of Democracy in Uslos and any conspiring members of the Wings of Uslos are imprisoned. In Rhorellia, Wornal Freerunner-Renriel is appointed Head of House Renriel and major changes are put into place throughout the nation.