Lowers Patois

Commonly referred to as "Lowers," or just "Lower," the Lowers Patois is a creole that evolved naturally in the Lower Wards of Millennium Station. It is comprised mostly of Galactic Standard, as well as the primary languages of the four factions, (Zheng, UIW Standard, Republic Common, and Imperium Royal,) with less common languages, even Human, incorporated as well.    Lowers Patois evolved naturally in the less affluent sections of Millennium Station. Translators were a luxury most could not afford. As the cultures blended, so did the languages. Each learning to communicate with each other. A creole formed fairly quickly and stabilized as subsequent generations took the patois as their primary language.   Many in the Lower Wards never learn to speak the common languages, either not wishing to, or never having the chance to leave the more impoverished sections of the station.

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