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Areon Son of Zepran and Lumia

A Wolfblood warrior and the only survivor of the Talma'kabi tribe.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Areon is tall and muscular, about halfway between the typical height of an Elf and that of a Werewolf's bestial form.

Identifying Characteristics

His dark skin is covered in brightly colored tattoos that take the form of pink and orange swirls, stripes or dots.

Special abilities

Areon has an innate connection to the Element of Energy. This connection lets him sustain his body with little food and stay comfortable in cold weather.   In combat, he can draw energy from his enemies and use it to attack with increasing physical strength. However, he needs direct skin contact for this to work, because most forms of armor interfere with the energy flow.   This energy transfer also works in reverse. He can share his own energy reserves with others who are cold or hungry.

Mental characteristics


Areon attended primary and secondary school, which provided him with a solid foundation of general knowledge. Afterwards, he was trained as a warrior.   He is skilled in various forms of unarmed and lightly-armed combat, as well as various intellectual and cultural matters. To this day, he puts great effort in honing his existing skills and learning new ones.

Mental Trauma

His entire tribe was wiped out after word got out that they provided a safe haven for the illegal Mixbloods. Areon himself was left for dead among the other warriors. He woke up to nothing but corpses and burning ruins, which completely shattered his worldview. As a consequence, the once jovial young man became quiet and distant.

Personality Characteristics


Areon is driven by survivor's guilt and the belief that he was poorly prepared for defending his loved ones. Consequently, he works on improving himself in all areas that might be relevant - be they practical or philosophical in nature.   In trying to make sense of the world around him, he especially questions what "freedom" truly means. How can somebody be free if everyone else is also free to take said freedom away? What is freedom good for when survival itself is a constant struggle? How do moral codes and laws factor into this - do they foster freedom or restrict it?

Likes & Dislikes

Areon's education also involved artistic pursuits such as poetry and drawing. He relies a lot on those to process what happened in his life and enjoys the calming effect they have on his mind. Besides that, he meditates regularly.   He dislikes noisy, crowded environments and can't stand people who are unnecessarily brutal or cruel to others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Areon is calm and reliable. He has a gentle nature and was raised with a very strong moral code.

Vices & Personality flaws

He tries to gracefully accept what life throws his way, but in doing so, he sometimes fails to see opportunities for taking action.   He also avoids worrying too much about other people's problems, especially if he sees no way to help. This often comes across as a lack of empathy.


Social Aptitude

Bonding with others is difficult for Areon because it tends to bring back memories of all those he lost. As a consequence, he prefers to spend time on his own, and is sometimes slow to catch on to social dynamics.   That said, when he is approached by others, he welcomes them with open arms. He is always ready to listen and give advice or tangible support.


Areon is very polite and prefers an indirect approach to requests or negative observations. He also tends to use metaphors or similes.
Adopt Credits
Original Artwork
Kingslayer Vol.01
Werewolf-Elf Hybrid
How I got him
design commission
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Day 18 of Old Winter Moon, 1346
long and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark gray
2.64 m
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Desert Elvish (fluent with dialect)
Southern Wolfish (fluent)
Northern Elvish (fluent)
Elemental Attunement
Energy (primary)
Body (weak)

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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