Caer Chaftar Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Caer Chaftar

The Royal Castle guarding the islands most evil city.

A royal castle and residence of King Chafin III when he holds court in the City of Golotha This is Queen Erela primary residence, and she oversees the castle's operations.

The castle contains the following features.

  • Granaries are well stocked in case of siege.
  • A private pier used by the Rethemi Kings to enter and exit Caer Chaftar (to minimize the risk of assassination).
  • A small chapel to Agrik.
  • A fully equipped inquiry room (torture chamber).

Typically in residence are;

  • A Bonded Master Weaponcrafter.
  • A Bonded master Ostler.
  • The Queen's household.
  • The Royal Physician.
  • The Lord Master Herald of Rethem.
  • The King's mother.

The castle is defended by the Queen's Guard, a unit of the Champions of the Golden Stag and reinforced by the King's Guard when he is in residence. A thirteen man squad of the Company of Dead Men have been hired to supplement the garrison.  

Purpose / Function

Royal castle and residence of King of Rethem when be is in Golotha.

The primary residence of the Queen of Rethem.


The island citadel is connected to the rest of the City of Golotha by a causeway. It can easily withstand most sieges even if the city falls.

The castle is six stories above ground plus one dungeon level. Its walls are over 20 feet tall and rumor has it hat the castle contains many secret passages and hidden chambers.


The castle was completed in 395TR and improved several times over the years particularly by King Arlun in 640TR.

Parent Location
Owning Organization


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