Guildhall of Arcane Lore - Hall of Ancient Knowledge

Based on The Golotha: Guild of Arcane Lore by Alun Rees found at 

A small island of scholarship outside the walls of the repressive City of Golotha.

The guildhall's founder, Sir Adelrin Lanegrun, believes knowledge must be shared to improve the common man's lot. He is willing to disseminate his knowledge and welcomes any scholars or arcanists, although they must offer some support to cover the guildhall's expenses.

The guildhall has a small but growing library, rooms, and laboratories for four masters of the Arcane Arts or Lore. Space is at a premium, so the hall rents a separate dormitory for the apprentice in the nearby village.

Guild Members

Viran Sir Adelrin Lanegrun

Sir Adelrin, art by Playground
The founder of the Guildhall, Sir Adelrin, the wealthy son of the Bailiff of Esbony, is fascinated by the history of the Kingdom of Rethem, the Theocracy of Tekhos, and the Corani Empire. His knowledge of this subject is unparalleled.

A mediocre arcanist, he actively increases his library and encourages historical or magical scholarship. He is not fussy about where his books come from and is more than willing to acquire them illicitly.

Master Sir Wilfrod Granfiel

Sir Wilfrod, art by Playground
A close boyhood friend of Sir Adelrin and the cousin of Sheriff of Zabin, Sir Wilfrod is a skilled warrior who served in his youth on the King’s ships in the latter years of Ezar's War and learned to love the sea.

After the war, he made a living in whaling and is an acknowledged, well-respected expert on the leviathans, writing several papers on the subject. He has studied whale oil and its practical and alchemical applications.

Master Gorvinder of Parindran

A short ugly hunchback and former barber-surgeon practicing his trade throughout Ezar’s War. He provides the hall's library with scrolls from the time of the Corani Empire from a mysterious source and is studying alchemical methods of preserving flesh.

Mistress Amalya of Weigela

A rich, attractive woman in her 40s, she is from Coranan's Guildhall of Arcane Lore in the Thardic Republic. She is a skilled artist who, using living subjects, accurately draws and studies the human body and its internal organs and structure. She is also a charming sadist, enjoying inflicting pain on her test subjects.

Founding Date
Parent Location

Cover image: by Attacus


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