Session 068 - Bad Weather and Bad Dreams Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 068 - Bad Weather and Bad Dreams

General Summary

5 to 20 Ilvin (Winter) 721TR

The story so far

Quazzy has had revelations from the long past. During the events of the Battle of Sorrows, her Warlock Patron Desridaen has lost a valuable Magical Flute, and he wants it back.

Quazzy and friends have decided to make a winter journey from the Thardic Republic to the musical instruments' last known location, likely buried with Mearkis the Sorcerer in Shobald's Tower, somewhere in the Kingdom of Chybisa.

Location - The Salt Route between the Thardic Republic and Trobridge Inn.

The trip to Trobridge Inn was expected to take around 9 days, but poor winter weather could slow progress. Furthermore, the local Tulwyn Barbarians tribes are on the warpath and have repeatedly humiliated the Thardic Republic Legions and sealed off the western portion of the Salt Route, the primary source of trade between the West and East of Hârn.

The party has had some experience avoiding the tribe's war parties and cautiously proceed forward. They get snowed in for several days, found themselves lost once and were forced to take a shortcut around a Tulwyn Village stealthily.

The journey took 13 days with two notable encounters.

Ice Devils

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
09 Feb 2020
Secondary Location

The party approach a small ice-covered stream. Yureb, scouting ahead, spots many semi-transparent humanoids hiding under the ice and a large white-furred creature on the other side hiding behind a bush. The party has the time to prepare for a fight.

Eight small, winged humanoids made of ice burst from the frozen stream. They swarm the heroes then exhale frost all over them, but this only causes superficial damage. From behind the bush, a huge white shaggy humanoid charges forward and also breathes an immense cone of bone-chilling cold.

The small ice devils are quickly dispatched by a combination of fire spells from Quazzy and well-placed sword strikes. Yureb magically distracts the enormous white-furred beast allowing the party to surround and kill the bewildered monster before it can strike back.

Quazzy's Bad Dream

Ethereal Marauder by Wizards of the Coast
A few nights later, Quazzy has a particularly terrifying dream, something to do with knives, murder, blood, and ravens. She wakes but has unconsciously used her Psionics Power of Disembodiment and steps into the Ethereal Plane. Unfortunately, nearby Ethereal Marauders have sensed her. These dangerous and bizarre predators attack. A strange battle begins on two planes of existence.

Quazzy unleashed balls of fire and various other damaging spells, forcing several of the Marauders to escape into the real world. There they attack a surprised Yureb and a sleeping Athena. Quazzy's ethereal form is severely weakened, so she returns to her material body with the last of the Marauders in pursuit. These are eventually destroyed.

Location - The Salt Route, Trobridge Inn.

Diplomatic Efforts

The heroes arrive at Trobridge Inn Inn just as their supplies run out. They find this settlement very quiet, and no major trade caravans have passed through this outpost in two years. The guards at the ford charge an exorbitant fee for passing over, so to keep in practice, Yureb pickpockets one.

Sir Rayneld Ynel by Artbreeder
That night one of the Inns patrons recognizes Athena, Sir Rayneld Ynel, Trobridge's Envoy from the Kingdom of Kaldor. He observes that she is traveling incognito. Traveling into Kaldor or any of the Larani worshiping Eastern Kingdoms dressed as a Crimson Dancer Knight, Agrik Worshiper, or a Rethemi Noble risks execution.

The heroes' deduce that Sir Rayneld is apprehensive as several of his entourage have disappeared, he suspects murdered.

He confides that the diplomatic situation at Trobridge is tense. He has an agreement in principle with the local Warlord Kurson Ondailis to secure this outpost for Kaldor. But this will require the creation of a military base operated by a force from Kaldor. These could be used to assist the very poorly led Thardic Republic Legions in dealing with the Tulwyn Uprising or provide additional security to the trade caravans.

However, Clan Maael, the immigrant Priests of the Ivinian God of War Sarajin, believes this would antagonize and interfere with their ongoing religious conversion of the local Chelni Barbarians. The Maael's are a violent lot and may be willing to use direct action to oppose this proposal. Sir Rayneld needs to report back to the King in Kaldor quickly, so he asks to accompany the heroes in the next section of their journey to the City of Tashal. They agree to help.

Sir Rayneld knows the location of Shobald Tower, which Quazzy is searching for. It can is found in the river near Castle Burzyn.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Sir Rayneld Ynel - Kaldor's Envoy to Trobridge Inn.

Challenges Overcome

8 Ice Mephits and 1 Abominable Yeti.

8 Ethereal Marauders.

Skill Challenge - Arrived at Trobridge Inn in Winter alive.

Created Content

Chelni Barbarians.

Related Reports


Trobridge Inn.

Sir Rayneld Ynel - Updated.

Kingdom of Kaldor.

Tulwyn Barbarians.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 14 Paladin of Vengeance - Gained Level.

Yureb - Level 14 Arcane Trickster - Gained Level.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 9 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen - Gained Level.

Cover image: by Attacus


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