Session 079 - The Silver Swords Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 079 - The Silver Swords

General Summary

8th and 10th of Nuzyael (Spring) 722TR

The story so far

Our Heroes have many reasons to visit the Dwarven Kingdom. Quazzy has promised a Ghost that she will return an ancient book to his distant living kin, and Acheron needs to get his magical Silver Sword Forged.

But first, they must travel to the headquarters of Acheron's Order to investigating the destruction of an evil artifact recovered from a distant ancient Dwarven Mine.

The continuation of Sessions 64 - Escaping the Mines of Death and 78 - Mercenaries, Wizards and a Tiny Storm.

Location - Abbey of St Andrada, near Kostim Manor Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 1 - Ambush

The party makes their way through the fields and small villages in Central Kanday. Not far from Kostim, they fail to notice the malicious looks among the villagers. Suddenly a dozen commoners attack. The heroes are careful not to kill any as they appear possessed or under magical control. While Quazzy uses the Sleep spell, Acheron and Avon disable some of the attackers. Sabretooth seeks out who or whatever is responsible.

Behind a large nearby rock is the culprit, an insane-looking grinning man covered in blood. Sabretooth and his pet Ivashu Smeg Attack furiously attack. The man's shortsword glowed with necromantic energy grew more powerful every time he received an injury. Although he managed to strike Sabretooth with fear and a near-crippling blow, Acheron arrived and hits from the side with his Silver Sword and a Divine Smite. The man collapsed into dust, indicating that he was an Amorvin, a free-willed undead servant of Morgath, likely reform to haunt the land again.

When no one is looking, Quazzy decides to Modify the Memory of Serana, one of the unconscious villagers. She is now convinced that she was saved by a magical manifestation of Quazzy's Warlock Patron Desridaen. She has become the newest initiate into Quazzys Cult.

Part 2 - The Abbey and old Friends.

The party arrives at the Abbey of St Andrada, the headquarters of the Argent Order. Acheron spent years training here.

Father Chavoshka, by Artbreeder
He is warmly greeted by the High Priest, Father Chavoshka. Acheron briefs with current events. Chavoshka is pleased that Acheron has retrieved the Silver Sword Quicksilver, but is very concerned about the evil artifact Acheron recovered from the Mine. The dwarven sword Kliagragon Donir contains an evil much more powerful he has seen in his career. It will require exorcising.

Uncle Thydox, by Artbreeder
Next, Acheron meets with Uncle Thydox, the martial arts instructor. He would like Acheron to demonstrate how much he has learned on his travels. Achern fights a monk of the Order and easily beats him. Sabretooth and Avon are also challenged to a friendly fight with Sabretoon, easily winning. However, Avon is quickly stunned and knocked out. Impressed Uncle Thydox says he will teach Acheron a special trick.

Sister Dionisia, by Artbreeder
Finally, Acheron meets with the instructor in ceremony, Sister Dionisia. He is examined in an overnight ritual and performs satisfactory, not disgracing himself, this time.

Father Chavoshka has been thinking about exorcising the artifact. He believes that he will need the best exorcist he knows, Erdin Toradas. Erdin was a Priest of Peoni and a member of the Shield of Belsirasin; however, he left the church six years ago to get married. He has a business as a Toymaker in the nearby City of Aleath. Acheron is to ask for his help.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
26 Apr 2020
Primary Location

The Argent Order

Argent Order, art by Attacus

Smeg the Nukaz

Nukaz - the Marrow Feeder.png

Nukaz, by Attacus

Location - City of Aleath in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 3 - The Missing Exorcist

At the City of Aleath, Acheron spends hours locating the business and residence of Erdin Toradas. They find it closed and speaking with local children to find that he had left the city a week ago. The heroes decide to break into his house and investigate. Inside they find nothing suspicious only evidence of drinking and vials of herbal healing potions. There were also signs that someone has coughed up blood.

The Heroes visit the physician Varden Linn, a skilled healer associated with the Church of Peoni. Varden is of some help; he has been supplying healing potions to treat some form of wasting disease Erdin has been suffering. The same disease as what killed his wife a few years ago. All of his remedies and ecen some magical assistance from the Church of Peoni appear to be of little help.

At the Church of Peoni, the party learn that Erdin has been talking with several fellow priests and sending letters out to all Peoni Temple in the kingdom, trying to locate Ida Roxley. Apparently, as a child, the young Ida was possessed by the Demon Asag. The Exorcism was successful, but for some reason, Erdin believes that Asag may have returned and may have been responsible for his affliction. He recently received a letter from a village Priest Fiar Remy who knows Ida, in the hamlet of Gantul near the Castle Chison. He left the city a week ago for Gantul.

After further discussions with the Priests, the party learns that Erdin has been heavily drinking lately, and the heroes become suspicious. Returning to his house Quazzy carefully examines the empty wine bottles with her Poisoner's Kit finding evidence of a slow-acting debilitating poison. This will require further investigation.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Father Chavoshka - Chapter head of the Argent Order.

Sister Ines - Drillmaster of the Argent Order.

Sister Dionisia - Ritual Master of the Argent Order.

Uncle Thydox - Martial Arts Trainer of the Argent Order.

Physician Varden Linn.

Various Priests of Peoni.

Challenges Overcome

Defeated one Amorvin, Thrall Master controlling twelve Commoners.

Acheron and Sabertooth each defeated one Argent Order Monk in personal combat.

Discovered that Erdin Toradas had been poisoned.

Created Content

Abbey of St Andrada.

Related Reports

The Argent Order - Updated.

Father Chavoshka.

Amorvin, free-willed undead.

Kliagragon Donir - the Sword that Devours.

Shield of Belsirasin.

Earthmaster Artifacts - Updated.

Players Character Status

Avon - Level 5 Thief.

Acheron - Level 3 Paladin and Level 2 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Level 4 Ivashu Lord and Level 1 Monk.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 10 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

Cover image: by Attacus


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