Session 078 - Mercenaries, Wizards and a Tiny Storm Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 078 - Mercenaries, Wizards and a Tiny Storm

General Summary

9th and 25th of Morgat (Winter) 721TR

The story so far

Athena and her friends have killed the leadership of a recruiting mission tasked with assembling a Mercenary Army from the Lythian Continent. They intended to join the side of King Chafin III in the Rethemi Civil War. Athena now seeks to switch the allegiance of this army to the rebels, her side of the same war.

The continuation of Session 77 - Return of the Ravens.

Location - City of Cherafir in the Kingdom of Melderyn.

Part 1 - Recruiting

The heroes return to Cherafir's foreign quarter, the Alienage noting buildings and businesses are shut. At the same time, bands of armed Mercenaries roam the streets and causing trouble. They also observe that the City Guards on the Walls are at triple strength. Athena acting confidently makes her way to the largest warship, the White Tiger. Her intimidating demeanor quickly gains an audience with the Mercenary Captains.

Captain Athved

Captain Athved.jpg
by Captain Athved, by Artbreeder
Captain Athved leads the White Tigers, who are excellent marines and light infantry.

Captain Breva

Captain Breva.jpg
Captain Breva
Captain Breva leads Breva's Raiders, tough shock infantry.

Captain Eanfrith

Captain Eanfrith, Artbreeder
Captain Eanfrith leads the Iron Legion, who are good quality disciplined medium infantry.
She informs them that their employers are dead, killed by herself, and they only have the choice of leaving or joining the Rebels. She assures them that the Earl of Tormau will pay for their services at the same terms as their previous contracts. The Captains fall into line, with some enthusiasm, happily following the charismatic Athena as well as the "guarantee" of employment. Athena spends several days evaluating her new army to get an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
19 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

The Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Powers of Peleahn

by Columbia Games

Part 2 - Meeting with Wizards

Guildmaster Algran Roe, by Artbreeder
Athena receives a letter from Guildhall of the Ancient and Esoteric Order of the Powers of Peleahn. This Wizard Guild, and secret society of Arcanists, specializing in the magic of fire, heat, and energy. After thoroughly examining the letter for all manner of magical and mundane traps, then opening it at range using magic, she finds it is just an invitation to meet at her convenience.

Guildmaster Algran Roe has a request. He is concerned that if the Civil War turns against the King of Rethem, his fellow guild members based in that Kingdom may resort to battle magic. They have been warned not to interfere, but if they do so, Guildmaster Alagren asks Athena to contact his guild so that they can deal with the situation. Athena agrees to help and is also Informed that the Guildmaster Andri Galven at the nearby Chantry of the Guild of Arcane Lore would also like to speak with her.

Adri Galven, Art by Artbreeder
Guildmaster Andri Galven learns that Athena and the mercenary army are planning leave as soon as the weather improves. He tells her that good weather is "guaranteed" for at least the first half of their journey. The Heroes get the impression that the Wizards of Melderyn want to be rid of this army as soon as possible. They also appear to know an uncomfortable amount about Athena.

Quazzy telepathically learns from the Guildmaster that Melderyn's mysterious Council of Eleven would prefer that the rebels would win the Rethemi Civil War. They believe that if King Chafin were victorious, he would eventually make war on his neighboring Kingdoms and destabilize the region. The best chance of peace in the west is with the Earl of Tormau ruling Rethem. Therefore they will offer discrete assistance.

Part 3 - High Seas and Tiny Storms.

SlowStorm, art by Kobold Press.jpg
Slowstorm, by Kobold Press
The Guildmaster is true to his word, the first half of the seaborn journey is blessed with excellent weather, although the remainder had unseasonably weak winds. However, the voyage was not without incident, a small magical elemental storm appeared, intent on causing havoc. This creature killed several crewmen, and blasted the heroes with powerful lightning bolts, but it was eventually destroyed. Quazzy hypothesizes this bizarre elemental may have been a side effect of some sort magical weather manipulation.

Location - Ithius Keep and Castle of Tormau in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 4 - New Campaigns.

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus
Athena directs that the warships stop at Ithius Keep where her Order, the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer is stationed. Reporting in, Athena is unsure whether their Commander Grandmistress Baliela Shernath, is impressed with Athena's achievements or sees her as a potential threat.

Athena has a productive meeting with Earl Denyl Lynnaeus. The cunning Earl of Tormau is thrilled with his new army, and he and Athena come up with a battle plan. Athena will send the ships out to sea while the Earl will move a portion of his army to raid the baronies of Zaza and Ithiko. Hopefully, this will draw an army out while Athena will mount a surprise amphibious attack behind the lines, hopefully seizing a significant castle.

Meanwhile, Quazzy leaves the party on another mission. She has an ancient Chronicle which she has pledged to return to the Dwarven Kingdom. She learns that another group of adventurers is also planning to visit the Dwarves as well and plans to join them.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Guildmaster Algran Roe.

Guildmaster Andri Galven.

Captain Athved, leader of the White Tigers.

Captain Breva, leader of Breva's Raiders.

Captain Eanfrith, leader of the Iron Legion.

Baliela Shernath, Grandmistress of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus, the Earl of Tormau.

Challenges Overcome

Athena Recruited a Mercenary Army.

Defeated 1 Slow Storm.

Created Content

Guildhall of Arcane Lore, Peleahn.

Chantry of the Guild of Arcane Lore.

The Forge of Eternity.

Related Reports

City of Cherafir.

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 15 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 15 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 10 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

Cover image: Clan Pallas by Attacus


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