Session 133 - Land of the Green Demons Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 133 - Land of the Green Demons

General Summary

7th to 13th Peonu (Second month of Spring) 723TR

The story so far

Acheron has undertaken a quest to recover the Shield of Saint Andrada, likely in possession of Clan Sherwyn in the distant Kingdom of Orbaal.

The Heroes have begun their trek North along the dangerous Fur Road.

The continuation of Session 130 - Treasures of the Wilds.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - The Last Meeting in the City

Yrech Sturil, Highpriest, Art by Attacus
When in the City of Tashal, Sabretooth stays at the Church of the Yellow Hand among friends. On learning that he is planning to travel north, High Priest Yrech Sturil asks for a favor. Could he please deliver some items to High Priest Lastefan Trythe, the head of the Order of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam at Leriel. This is the largest clerical order of the god Ilvir, and High Priest Lastefan is regarded as the church's most senior cleric. He is the nearest thing worshipers of Ilvir have to a pontiff.

The items included are a superb tapestry, paid for by donations from the faithful, with representations of all manner of known Ivashu. Sabretooth is pleased to see many of his former companions included in this superb work of art. Also, he is asked to deliver a sealed letter of some importance. He is also told that High Priest Lastefan is old and ailing. His next life is not far away.

Location - The Fur Road between Kingdom of Kaldor and Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 2 - Call in the Night

Vlasta, art by Attacus
The first few days of travel are uneventful, and the heroes pass through the Taelda barbarian territory without incident, although the sounds of log drums tracking their progress are disconcerting. Things change as they enter the territory claimed by the Anoa Barbarians, the so-called land of the Green Demons.

Nukaz - the Marrow Feeder.png
Nukaz, by Attacus
During the night, Sabretooth and his Ivashu companion Ringo hear a high-pitched scream. They feel drawn to the distant caller. Sabretooth is able to resist the summons; however, Ringo is compelled to follow the call. Ringo even strikes Sabretooth when he tries to drag him away, but when Sabretooth decides to carry him towards the mysterious sound, Ringo seems satisfied.

Surgath, art by Attacus
The rest of the Party follows stealthfully on behind. After traveling a mile, Acheron is surprised by a hulking monster, an Aklash, or the vessel of choking wind. The huge creature, encased in thick layers of blubber, breaths toxic gas all over him and rapidly regenerates any damage inflicted by the Heroes. Luckily, its poor eyesight allows the Heroes to escape easily, and the creature lumbers on in the same direction as Sabretooth. They a soon joins by a pack of four eye-eating Vlasters, an ugly catlike Nukaz, and a Scurgath or Dragon Bird.

Part 3 - The Bargain with the Green Demons

Cynog, art by Attacus
The menagerie of strange creatures approaches a small hill lit by flaming torches. On the hill are half a dozen Anoa warriors, the green demons, tribesmen with their skin dyed green, and a Shaman. He called the Ivashu using the Ivashu Song spell and uses Ivashu Bargaining spell to gain their aid. This "Bargain" is more of a compulsion, and Sabretooth falls under his sway.

The Shaman Cynog tells the assembled Ivashu that the yellow-hairs kill his brethren and destroy the shrines of the god K'orr. Sabretooth is aware K'orr is another name for his god and creator, Ilvir. Sabretooth is happy to deal with these yellow-hairs but wants any aid to be voluntary. He makes his help, and that of his friends, conditional on it being voluntary. Sensing that Sabretooth is a powerful warrior and potential ally, Cynog agrees to the terms and releases the Ivashu from his charm. All the Ivashu, except the Scurgath, agree to help deal with these yellow-hairs.

The yellow-hairs are the Ivinian conquerors of Orbaal. This party from Lorkin have been particularly savage, killing the Anoa and destroying their holy shrines. This band includes Priests of Sarajin, the God of the Icy Wind. They are approaching a nearby shrine, presumably with the intent to destroy it. Cynog speaks to the Ivashu, ensuring that they do not attack the party's human members, and gives Sabrtooth a small, crude carving of a troll. Cynog explains that he will see through this statuette and implies, unconvincingly, that he may offer assistance to the Heroes and Ivashu if things go poorly.

Part 4 - Dealing with the Yellow Hairs

After dawn, the Heroes find so-called yellow-hairs, nine well-armed Ivinians, six warriors, and three priests. Two of the warriors are hacking a wooden statue of a Hru, or Rock Giant, with their axes, The Ivashi roar with rage and charge.

The melee is chaotic. The Ivinians are skilled warriors and hack down the Vlasta and the Nukaz easily, although one of the priests loses an eye in the process. The Aklash takes a pounding, fighting on as large slabs of blubber are cut off, but its rapid healing keeps it in the fight. The Priests conjure spectral axes and direct blasts of frost, weakening the Heroes except for Sabretooth, he was built for the cold conditions. Avon sneaks behind one of the warriors executes him as Ringo is almost killed as he attempts to escape the melee. Eventually, the warriors fall, although Acheron and Avon are badly injured. The Priests die next, fighting and cursing with their last breaths.

Of the injured Ivashu, three of the brittle boned Vlasta pass on to the next life; however, Sabretooth helps the Nukaz survive its injuries.

Part 5 - Rewards

The Anoa are ecstatic that the hated yellow-hairs are dead and claim the weapons and armor for themselves, but are happy for the Heroes to have any other treasures. Cynog spends some time with Sabretooth explaining his personal view of K'orr (Ilvir) and teaches him some of his tribal divine rituals. Avon learns that these barbarians need weapons and armor and considers means to supply them these, provided they can pay.

The Anoa will provide the Heroes with a guide to safely get them close to Leriel and warn them that the mountain pass to the north is inhabited by White Orcs, which is not usually aggressive, Hippogriffs and a Blue Dragon, which are.

To be continued...

NPC Interactions

Yrech Sturil, High Priest Ilvir.

Cynog the Anoa Shaman.

Challenges Overcome

Negotiated with the Shaman Cynog.

Killed a band of Ivinian raiders.


The Heroes are offered guides through Anoa Territory.

Sabretooth is taught some new spells.

Created Content

Anoa Barbarians.

Related Reports

City of Tashal.

Order of the Yellow Hand.

Temple of Ilvir - Church of the Yellow Hand.

Vlaster - the Eater of Eyes.

Nukaz - the Marrow Feeder.

Scurgath - the Dragon Bird.

Player Character Status

Acheron - Human - L6 Paladin and L4 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Unique Ivashu - L6 Ivashu Lord Barbarian, L3 Monk, and L1 Druid.

Avon - Half-Elf - L10 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
14 Mar 2021

NPC Companions


Avon's able assistant

Moneypenny 4.jpeg

Moneypenny, art by Artbreeder


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Ringo, art by Attacus

Shaman of Kórr Spells

Spell Bellow of the Aklash.png

Cover image: by Attacus


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Mar 28, 2021 18:56 by MrGunn

A very interesting encounter. Should be curious to see how thing end.

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]