Tormau Rebellion - Prelude to War (715 to 721TR) in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Tormau Rebellion - Prelude to War (715 to 721TR)

Spring 721

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus, the Earl of Tormau has refused to swear fealty to King Chafin III Araku the ruthless King of Rethem. As a result, he has been named Outlaw, and his life and lands are forfeit. A civil war has broken out.

The free City of Golotha remains technically neutral ground and Hyen, the domain of the Copper Hook has not taken sides at this stage.

Prelude to War

Spring 715 - King Chafin III Ascends The Throne.

After a brief, but bloody conflict, Chaffin III ascends the Rethemi Throne. Most with a superior claim have been murdered.

Summer 715 - The Wrong Assassination

The Earl of Tormau takes his Nephew and Niece under his protection at Tormau Castle. Chafin's assassin murdered their royal mother, and they both have a superior claim to the throne.

Spring 716 - The Rebellion Smolders

The Earl of Tormau refuses to swear Fealty to King Chafin and withhold taxes, instead starts hiring mercenaries. He begins to openly discuss rebellion with the other great lords wanting to place his Nephew on the throne.

01 Nuzyael 721 -Treaty of Themeson Signed.

King Chafin II and the Thardic Senate signed the The Treaty of Themeson. This gives Rethem border security and use of the large fighting order of the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang in any future armed conflict, funded by the Thardic Republic, for 5 years.

10 Nuzyeal 721 - The Tormau Ultimation

King Chafin III demands that the Earl of Tormau by the 30th of Peonu 721 must present himself to the King and swear fealty. He must pay all taxes owing since 715 and return Ithius Keep to the Earl of Ithiko. Failure to comply will result in the Earl of Tormau and all his family be named traitor and outlaw.

30 Nuzyeal 721 - Rebellion

The Earl of Tormau formally rejects the Kings demands claiming that his rule is illegitimate. Tormau is declared Outlaw with his lands and titles forfeit. The rebellion has officially started.

King Chafin III Araku


Champions of the Golden Stag

Companions of Roving Doom

Order of the Warriors of Mameka

Order of the Red Shadows of Hepra

Order of the Cohorts of Gashang

The Royal Army

Army of the Earldom of Ithiko

Army of the Earldom of Techen

Various Mercenary Companies

Earl Deynl Lynnaeus

Deynl Lynnaeus


The Army of Hohnamshire

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer

Warriors of the Bloody Mace

Kubora Barbarian Mercenaries

Viking Mercenaries

Cover image: Rethem Header by Attacus


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Sep 18, 2019 00:30

Attacus, Great Article as always my friend..i just see one mistake at very beginning,the word to twice..   Spring 721 Earl Denyl Lynnaeus, the Earl of Tormau has refused to to swear...   just letting you know..

Sep 18, 2019 01:32

Thanks for the support, it is always appreciated. Corrected the typo, being mildly dyslexic these things sometime appear.

Sep 18, 2019 11:27

No worries.When i read a good article if i see a mistake i let the person know.I don't like to see a mistake to spoil the persons hard work.I'll keep on reading your work,because i like your world and all the hard work you are putting in.   Aemon