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Cavalier is the capital city of Avalaunt , located in the center of Conebriek. The city is home to Knights of 7 Stones, a legendary order of knights who are said to have the have the favor of The Fates. The city itself is rather traditional a lot of ways, from its government to its aesthetics. While there are occasional influences of magic seen here, it tends to be far more simple than flashy magic. There is also a heavier influence of @fates here than one would expect.


Cavalier has a good mix of other races, but is mostly filled with Humans. This a one of the two kingdoms, along with the Wyverian Empire where many humans tend to be native to the country. The humans of Avalaunt tend to be far more opened minded to the cultures of others compaired to the humans of the Wyverian Empire.



Cavalier is a ringed city with a central fortress in the middle. The city is also surrounded by a moat, which makes it really hard to take down. There are towers all over the outer and inner walls, and archers can shoot from them. You can even put catapults on the walls. Cavalier is a really good copy of a classical European castle or town. The architecture and layout of the city are just like those structures.

Industry & Trade

Cavalier has a very mixed economy, which covers metal goods, armors, weapons, crops, minerals, artistic goods, and various other goods as well. They only thing they don’t truly deal much in is magic items, as they tend to keep those internally within the city itself. There is also trade with other countries in the city with meteorite which is collected from the nearby Starfall. This partitular trade is highly regulated however.


Avalaunt does not truly embrace much of Arcanotech, so the infrastructure of the city is fairly simple. It is what you would expect of a medieval city, in terms of wells, windmills, and sewers. The city itself is paced with cobblestone roads which are well maintained. The most advanced technbology that tends to appear comes from outside the city itself, as they see very little need for Arcanotech.



Points of interest

A large observatory with a massive telescope


Local Cuisine: Crispy Breadsticks filled with spices and cheese.    Pleasure house owned by a mage where fantasies and be experienced with illusion magic


Much of the city is built of stone, which has been collected from the nearby Urin Peaks. Occasional decorative bits are added to the towns andbuilding in order to give it more color and life. So long as nothing stands out or looks too onbxious, the citizens are welcome to decorate the buildings as they please. The look and feel of the town is what you would expect from a medievil eurpoean castle town.


Cavalier is located in the Sagramore Grasslands next to a river that runs off the Urin Peaks. The city uses the river as a source of water as well as transport to reach the Misty Seas faster. As such, the city has nearby water that allows it to help fill its wells and the moat for defensive purpose. Stone fro mthe nearby Urin Peaks makes sure that the city always has fresh building supplies for expansion and repair. Additionally the nearby grasslands provides large open fields for corps .


Located a bit north, Cavalier tend to have temperate summers and hard winters. Springs can be fairly rainy as well as a result of warm air from the south blowing up during that season. There are occasional bitg storms in the summer and spring, but most of the bad weather tends to hit fall and winter. Spring tends to be a bit muggier than normal in some places but generally is pretty decent.
Location under
Owning Organization


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