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Crownsmoore is the capital city of Machina, located along the wheelwell mountain. It is considered the most technologically advanced city in the world, thanks to many Arcanotech artificers, as well for being the new home of the Osleer.


As it is the captial of Machina, Crownsmoore is home to a wide number of smaller folk such as Gnomes , Earthen Folk , and Halflings. Crownsmoore also has a sizable contigent of Humans as well, but they are considered in the minority. Beyond that, Osleer have also been granted acccess to the city, giving them a proper home.





The city itself is built at on a slope of the mountain that allows water to flow from the mountain to through the city underground. This water is then in turn used in order to power undergound


Crownsmoore is built into the side of Wheelwell Mountain and partially exists under the mountain as well. It also starts to spill out into the Blackbark Forest as well.


Located realtively close to the equator, Crownsmoore has a fairly temprate climate durring most of the year. It is very rare that the Wheelwell Mountain has snow, which is good since the water that runs down the mountain helps to power the city.
Location under


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