10/16 - Hitting the Books Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

10/16 - Hitting the Books

General Summary

Olak Vald

  After the battle against Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds and the partial destruction of Olak Vald, the party spent several weeks resting and recovering, along with a wounded Aliester Gilrieth. During this time, and due to a glut of newly acquired draconic resources, Duo  began research into the power and ancient knowledge that might be held in the salvaged brain and heart of the fallen dragon.
  With mandatory downtime on the schedule and no immediate goals to complete, Sylvie began thinking back to her childhood and the Drow incursion that resulted in her kidnapping and indoctrination. She consulted with General Vimdric, a fellow Drow with a more formal education about Drow politics and history, about her foggy memories. Vimdric recognized the name House Theyralana, which Sylvie recalled from her time kidnapped, and informed her that the members of the house were exiled from Drow society some centuries ago primarily due to their overt and jarring worship of a diety other than Lolth. Vimdric also recalled House Theyralana worshipping something they called The Ancient One.


  After spending some time recovering, the party traveled back to Ebonait on their way towards Qadis, spending several days in the coastal city performing further research into draconic crafting and House Theyralana. Darnath spends some time in the city's Bonedocks district spreading the tale of Pyrotol's defeat, while Duo and Sylvie both head to the headquarters of Order of the Knowing Quill along the river through the city's center.
  Duo and Sylvie both spend time investigating their own topics in the public section of the Scribe's Guild headquarters, a library provided for the citizens of Ebonait. After a number of hours pouring over books and documents, the pair set out to gain access to the building's restricted library, an area where only Scribe's Guild members are allowed. Turning their research towards the intricate and interwoven bylaws of the guild, Duo and Sylvie spot an old and accidental gap in the rules allowing them to exchange a new, foreign tome for honorary access to the guild.
  Through his investigation at the Ebonait library, Duo learned several pieces of information which could be applied to his endeavors in draconic crafting. Duo learned of an Elven adventurer named Alluin Loranala did mercenary work in Ebonait three centuries ago, and wielded a Spirit Jar which was capable of capturing and containing the souls of defeated enemies, specifically demons in the case of Alluin's prey. Duo also uncovered tax records detailing the schematics of a sword, spear, and longbow which passed through the city's Pearldocks shops and brokers, and were made from the materials of a Brass Dragon which died somewhere in The Cursed Expanse a numbere of centuries ago.
  Sylvies investigation leads her further toward the truths of both House Theyralana and the god they worship. The Ancient One is also referred to as That Which Lurks in certain texts and testimonies of those with knowledge of the god. House Theyralana is also known to perform sacrificial rituals which involve the kidnapping, drugging, and magical compulsion of victims to embrace an acidic slime.


  The party continues on to the desert city of Qadis where they continue their research into draconic crafting and Drow history and religion. Duo examines records from the royal library of Qadis which reveal that the foundations of the city were built by bound Dao, greater earth elementals, and researches the arcane arts used to form vessels to bind the elements.
  Sylvie visits the village outside of Qadis's walls, where the Tiefling refugees from the Underdark are housed, in order to confer with Yamerual about the threats of the Underdark and any knowledge he has about House Theyralana. Yamerual is stunned by Sylvie's description of the house and their rituals, as well as the diety they worship, as he knows all too well the ravages of The Lord of Slime, Ghaunadaur.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content


  • [Info] House Theyralana worships Ghaunadaur.
  • [Info] Ghaunadaur is known as The Ancient One, That Which Lurks, and The Lord of Slime.
  • [Info] House Theyralana is exiled and shunned by most Drow societies.
  • [Info] Mundane construction schematics for spirit jar.
  • [Info] Mundane construction schematics for draconic longsword.
  • [Info] Mundane construction schematics for draconic spear.
  • [Info] Mundane construction schematics for draconic longbow.
  • [Info] Ildreth, The Resplendent, the Brass Dragon formerly inhabiting The Cursed Expanse, was used as crafting materials after her death.
Report Date
16 Oct 2023
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