Skagi Settlement in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Skagi (ska-ghee)

Skagi is a tiny settlement on a peninsula directly South of The Cursed Expanse in Eastern Faerun. Founded a century ago by Gnomish and Goliath migrants, the settlement was eventually destroyed in the Sundering of Skagi, later being repopulated after the efforts of the party and Jolgiz, son of Fargiz.


Skagi is currently comprised of a single common house of moderate size surrounded by a smattering of ramshackle tents, lean-tos, and small gardens. The area is overgrown by several decades of nature and shows obvious signs of disrepair.  

Points of Interest

Common House

Currently the only proper building within the town of Skagi. Serves as the primary storage and gathering location for Skagi's tiny number of citizens. The common house is surrounded by tents and lean-tos that serve as additional storage for the town's necessities and temporary homes for its citizens.  


Skagi does not currently have an economy. There are no meaningful trade partners or imports/exports. Post-Sundering Skagi ekes by via subsistence farming, gathering, and fishing.  

Sundering of Skagi

Full Article  Several dozen years into Skagi's history, an incident occurred which caused the town to be split apart and shunted into individual pocket dimensions on the borderlines of the Material Plane.  

Known History

  • Founded approximately 100 years ago by a group of Goliath and Gnomes who were pushed East from their original homes due to some unknown cause.
  • Became a small but thriving village thanks to the effort of the Gnomish tinkerer Wroza and the Goliath rune-caster Bendar.
  • Approximately 70 years ago, unknown circumstances resulted in the Sundering of Skagi, an event that caused the village of Skagi to be fragmented into at least 4 pocket dimensions.
  • Decades later, Jolgiz, son of Fargiz received a letter from a lawyer in Baldur's Gate notifying him of the inheritance of property in Skagi due to the passing of his great-grandfather, Dolgiz.
  • Jolgiz traveled to Skagi with his wife and child, at which point they accidentally activated a portal in the remnants of Skagi and his wife and child were lost.
  • The party came to Skagi some months later, discovering a disheveled Jolgiz crazed from stress and malnutrition after searching for his missing wife and child.
  • The party discovered that runic markings along the four extant doorways in the one remaining building were magically charged with Conjuration energy.
  • Each of the four doorways was etched with glyphs much like prayers of well-wishes and safe keeping for the inhabitants.
  • The party discovered how to activate multiple doorways, opening portals to pocket dimensions, entered them, and investigating.
  • The party, after a harrowing fight with horrible, other-worldly monsters, rescued several citizens of Skagi that had been trapped in a pocket dimensions and had formed a small farming town. The pocket dimension was inhabited by eldritch horrors who could smell power and spoke of a being called Atropus.
  • The party, after entering another of the portals, discovered a fort constructed of palisade walls and guarded by watchmen with rudimentary weapons. The fort, constructed to withstand the nightly raids of horrible screaming aberrations that emerged from the nearby coast, was the sole construction found in the pocket dimension and housed the dozen citizens surviving on the plane. The party assisted in repelling a nightly raid, then assisted Figlic the guard captain in locating and capturing a corrupted Bendar and escorted the inhabitants of the pocket dimension back in the Prime Material Plane.


Founded 100 years ago by Goliath and Gnomish refugees fleeing some unknown cause to the West.

70 years ago

Founding Date
100 years ago
Camp, Temporary
Location under
Characters in Location