
Mystara does not have actual gods like other settings - clerics venerate the Immortals instead. Immortals were once great adventurers who, by undergoing epic quests and petitioning to past Immortals, transcended their mortal form to take their place forever in the Outer Planes. Each Immortal serves one of the five Spheres of Power, each Sphere represents one of the distinct components of the Multiverse. Clerics of Mystara can venerate a specific Immortal, an entire pantheon, or just a Sphere of Power.   The Immortals hold each other in balance - none may actively interfere with the world without rebuke from others. Instead the Immortals secretly take mortal guise to walk the world unnoticed. While their power is greatly reduced when they do this, they are still creatures of immense power in their guise.   The primary role of the Immortals is to keep balance among the Spheres. Each Sphere must be kept in harmony with the others for the Multiverse to continue. An imbalance between the Spheres can have catastrophic results. The Sphere of Entropy stands apart from the others, trying to cause the end of the Multiverse so they can recreate the next world in their image.


Patroness of the Clan of the Turtle   AL-KALIM
The Peacemaker, Patron of Ylaruam, Holy Prophet of the Eternal Truth, Patron of Tactics and Warfare.   Alphaks
Hui Da-Zhi, The Roaring Demon, Patron of Hatred, Lord of Oppression, Bane of Alphatia   Alphatia(Immortal)
Yao-Lan Zi, Patroness of Alphatia, Patroness of Arts, Lady of Harmony   ARACNE PRIME
An-Ying Zhu Hou, Asharya, Night Spider, Rakhnee, Spider Queen   ASTERIUS
Belnos, Hermod, Kudesha,The Merchant, Murtijai, Zephyr, Patron of Trade and Money, Patron of Communication, Protector of Merchants and Thieves   ATRUAGHIN
Quetzalcoatl, Father of the Atruaghin Clans, Patron of Good and Wisdom, Savior of the Azcans   ATZANTEOTL
Ivaldi, Menlil, Skorpios. Patron of Corruption and Treachery   BAGNI GULLYMAW
Patron of Cannibalism, Patron of Trolls   BARTZILUTH
Hruggek, Patron of Fury in Battle, Lord of War, Patron of Bugbears   BRINDORHIN
Patron of Halflings, High Hero and Protector of the Five Shires, Patron of Abundance   CHARDASTES
Patron of Medicine and Healing   Coberham Shadowglint
Patron of Hin, Protector of the Five Shires, First Master   CRETIA
Patron of Jokes, Lord of Trouble and Chaos, Patron of War, The Troublestarter   DANEL TIGERSTRIPES
Patron of the Clan of the Tiger   DIULANNA
Arduinna, Patroness of Will and Courage, Patroness of Hunting   EIRYNDUL
Eyris, Shaibuth, the Adventurer, Patron of Cleverness, Patron of Shiye-Lawr, Patron of Adventure   FORSETTA
Porewit, Patron of Law and Justice, Patron of Loyalty, Patron of Vestland   FREY
Brian, Fredar, Jarilo, Patron of Friendship and Fertility, Odin's Tactician   FREYA
Brianna, Fredara, Lada, Patroness of Love and Beauty, Patroness of Family and Fertility, Mistress of Seidh, Keeper of Souls   Garal Glitterlode
Garl Glittergold, Patron of Gnomes, Patron of Invention and Crafts, Supreme Technician   Halav
Redhair, Svetovid, Vidar, Patron of Warfare, Patron of Weaponsmiths, Patron of Traladara, Patron of Kendach, Protector of Milenia, Bane of the Humanoids   HATTANI STONECLAW
Patron of the Clan of the Bear   HEL
Erel, Kala, Nyt,Hiisi, Marzanna, Patroness of Reincarnation, Keeper of the Netherworld, Queen of Ice and Shadow   Ilsundal the Wise
Ayodhya, Dain, Tiuz, the Guide, Laksman, Sita, Tapio, Patron of Elves   IXION
Ayazi/Himayeti/Aksyri, Dazbog, Horon, Idu, Orisis, Otzitiotl, Pyrak, Pyro, Solarios, Father Sun, Tabak, Tubak the Lawgiver, Tyr, Warruntam, Xi-Yang, Lord of Light and Energy
  • Epithets and Interests:  Banishing darkness, opposing Entropy
  • Major Followings:  Darokin, Sind
Vaprak, Patron of Vengeance, Patron of Torture, Prince of Nightmares, Patron of Ogres   KAGYAR THE ARTISAN
Belsamas, Ka-Gar, Modsognir, Nin-Agar, Flasheyes, Pater, Ptahr, Patron of Dwarves, Patron of Craftsmen, Protector of Miners   KARAASH
Ilneval, Patron of Battle and Conquest, Patron of Orc Warriors   KHORONUS
Fu Shi Liu, Naabu, Father Time, Keeper of the Gates of Time, Patron of History and Philosophy   KOROTIKU
Guan Zi-You, The Shapechanger, Saimpt Renard, The Supreme Spider, Yehm, The Cheat, Patron of the Pearl Islands and the Tanagoro, Patron of Spiders   KORYIS
Patron of Peace and Prosperity, Patron of Ochalea   KURTULMAK
The Shining One, The Horned Sorcerer, Steelscale, Stingtail, the Watcher, Patron of Kobolds   LOKI
Bozdogan, Farbautides, Lokar, Veles, Patron of Hule, Prince of Lies and Deceit   MEALIDEN STARWATCHER
The Guardian, Milan, The Red Arrow, Patron of Alfheim, Caretaker of the Elves, Patron of Explorers and Adventurers   MINROTH
Patron of Minrothad, Patron of Hope and Prosperity   NOB NAR
Patron of Halflings, Protector of the Five Shires, Patron of Adventurers and Audacity   ODIN
Wotan, Viuden, Taranos, Zephyr, Amon, HeWho Watches, Grammaton, Jumal, Oloron, Father Sky, Perun, Patron of the Northlands, Patron of Fair Rulership and Nobility, Lord of Sky and Winds   ORDANA
Mother Forest, Thendara, Breig, Tawnia, Uì, Patroness of Sylvan Races, Mother of the Elves   Petra
Warden of Traladara, Patroness of Defenders, Patroness of Besieged Cities   Protius
Ahti, Manadyn, Manwara, Nithys, Father Ocean, The Spuming Nooga, Old Man of the Sea, Sovereign of the Oceans and Water, Patron of Sailors, Protector of Marine Fauna   RAD
Etienne d'Ambreville, Patron of Glantri, Patron of Magic, Lord of Radiance   RAFIEL
Patron of the Shadowelves, Patron of Science   RANIVORUS
Yeenoghu, Patron of Raiders, Lord of Madness, Patron of Gnolls   RATHANOS
Ra, Patron of Nithia, Lord of Fire   TAHKATI STORM-TAMER
Patron of the Clan of the Horse   TARASTIA
Pax Bellanica, The Judge, Var, Ta Lai Si-Fa, Patroness of Justice and Revenge, Mistress of Truth and Order   TERRA
Cay, Dun, Frigg, Maderakka, Mother Earth, Magna Mater ,Marau-Ixuì, Mokosz, Mut, Sumag, Yamag, Yamuga, Patroness of Life and Fertility   THANATOS
Tha-to, Karr, The Grim Reaper, Old Nick, Father of Demons, Darga, The Eternal One, Patron of Death and Destruction   THOR
Donar, Donegal, Tuatis, The General, The Thunderer, Dugong, Patron of Warriors, Lord of Battle and Honour   VALERIAS
Ashanti, Biao Hun Xi-Ai, Girder-on of Weapons, Hathnor, Isiris, Shaya, Sjofn, Vanu, Immortal of Love, Patroness of Passion and Desire, Lady of Charity, Protector of Lovers   VANYA
Belbion, Faña, the Grey Lady, the Inquisitor, Matera, Varellya, Patroness of War and Conquerors, Patroness of the Heldannic Knights, Patroness of the Kubitts   Zirchev
The Huntsman, Leug, Uatumà, Protector of the Sylvan Races, Patron of Hunting   WOGAR
Lord of Wolves and Predators, Patron of Goblins   YAGRAI
He-Who-Always-Rises, Patron of Tenacity and Obsession, Patron of Humanoids (especially orcs and hobgoblins)

Articles under Immortals


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