Session 36 - About Town

14 Klarmont 1010 - 18 Klarmont 1010

General Summary

The party quickly slays the hapless Black Eagle Barony soldier and, seeing a second soldier over by the well, they quickly take him down as well. They talk to the frightened man in shackles, and offer to free him. He explains that if he escaped his family would be punished. When asked where his family is,m he explains that if the family escaped, the whole village would be punished.   The party asks how many guards are in town, and how many villagers, and would it be okay if they freed all of the villagers? He seems skeptical, but explains that there are 12 guards (now 10 with the quick deaths of the two earlier). Leo asks him to start preparing the horses in the barn nearby for attachment to the various carts, as they will need a way to transport all of the villagers, and enough goods to get them established in Luln.   Meanwhile, the party closes in on the two-story house the guards live in. Leo sends Flametalon to the roof to watch over the back of the house to ensure nobody gets out, and Tork sneaks up to the front door, and finds it unlocked. He flings it wide, and combat begins. There are five guards on the first floor as they enter, but all are surprised, as they are in the middle of eating breakfast. These guards are quickly dealt with, and more guards start coming down from upstairs, but they too are quickly slain. Tork, Seraphina, and Stavos rush up the stairs and kill the last two guards there, and the battle is over.   As the party is searching the house for important evidence, and any useful items, Leo returns to inform the former slave, and they go door-to-door throughout town to rouse the villagers, and inform them of the plan.   Thankfully the villagers know their way, and are able to prepare the caravan reasonably quickly. The party asks around, looking for anyone who knows the way to Luln, and one of the older folks generally knows the way through the woods to Luln from the days before the Black Eagle Barony.   With several carts, and all the folks that are in good shape carrying whatever they can, the party and the refugees head Northeast through the countryside and woods to Luln. On their way, they thankfully only encounter a single member of The Order of the Griffon, a Paladanic order of the Church of Karameikos - Erhart. The Griffon's presence terrifies the horses (who must see their lives pass before their eyes), but the rider dismounts some way ahead and approaches on foot. He inquires about the caravan and asks the party if they have seen an older gentleman with red hair. The party explains that the "person of interest" should be well on his way to Mirros by now, and that they were providing a distraction to allow him to escape back to the capital unmolested.   Erhart asks if they are being pursued, and the party explains that they may be, but haven't seen any direct evidence recently, and that the refugee train is headed to Luln. The rider offers to provide them an aerial escort, and that they are only a few miles away from Luln now. The party passes this information on to the caravan, and everyone seems heartened by the news.   They are able to get the caravan to Luln without any incidents, and occasionally see Erhart swooping by at high altitude. Upon arrival at Luln, with the search for the missing "person of interest" in full swing still, it takes a while to process all of the refugees through the gates and, as news spreads of the liberation of Woad, many townsfolk and guards come to help get everyone settled in. Sascia comes by to help get the villagers situated, and speaks with the party, and they inform her that they should go somewhere a bit more private to give her a more detailed report on the situation. She offers a round of drinks at the Growling Griffin, which is perfect since they will be staying there tonight.   They get a private table away from the crowds, and give Sascia the full rundown on all the events of the past few days, focusing on how upset the King was to see slavery in his lands, and that the problems Luln has faced with their neighbors to the south are likely to improve in short order. She seems heartened by their report and buys them three rounds of drinks, and the party has their dinner and goes to bed feeling pretty proud of their work.   They wake up feeling greatly refreshed, and stronger than ever, and meet for breakfast to determine their next steps. Should they continue raiding the Black Eagle Barony to weaken them? Should they head back to Saltmarsh to report back to Aubreck and poor Stefan's fiancee? Should they send a courier to Saltmarsh to report on Stefan? In the end, they decide that they should take the responsibility of providing closure on Stefan's loose ends in person. To shorten the trip back to Saltmarsh by half a day, they decide to get horses. Seraphina uses a spell to summon forth a war-horse, named Luminescence, and only needs a saddle and saddlebags. Tork elects to buy a horse, borrowing some cash from Leo since his savings are in (or buried around!) Saltmarsh. Leo of course has Deion, with only the minor inconvenience of having to resummon every 50 minutes!   Saddled up, and ready to go, they make a short trip of the Westron Road to Saltmarsh. They see a lone Griffon rider at high altitude on their travels and wave, and think they may just see a wave back, though it is hard to say at that distance.   They arrive in Saltmarsh in the evening, and drop the horses off at the Wicker Goat, reserving their rooms (for those that wish to stay there), and walk down the street to Aubrek's house. Vertheg answers the door and seems happy to see them, and invites them in. The house has clearly been getting a much needed facelift. The exterior is repainted, and looking great, as is the interior. Aubrek comes to see them and asks if they would be interested in joining him for dinner. They are thrilled at the offer, and Vertheg goes off to expand the dinner menu to accommodate the larger crowd.   Skerrin Wavechaser is also at dinner, apparently with business of his own with Aubrek. The party describes the horror of the situation in Leeside with the False Hydra. Unfortunately, poor Stefan had fallen victim to the False Hydra. The party explains about the strange memory erasing behavior of the False Hydra, and asks Aubrek about Rach. Unfortunately, he does recall Rach, confirming the sneaking suspicion of the party that the False Hydra had erased a friend from their collective memories, and the corresponding tragic fate of poor Rach. The mood becoming somber, Aubrek asks about the messages, and the party brings out the messages from Stefan's saddlebags for Aubrek. This brightens the mood back up, as Aubrek explains this intriguing new financial instrument devised by the Republic of Darokin. It is a "CLOC", a certified letter of credit, which can be brought to specific places to be exchanged for hard currencies. This is a tremendous benefit for major transactions, as this can prevent the need for the risky transit of large quantities of currency.   Leo brightens at this, and dives into a discussion on this; he was thinking that something like this should be introduced in Karameikos to help improve trade. Seraphina asks if Aubrek knows of Stefan's fiancee Clara, and he informs them that he did not know Stefan was engaged, but there is a Clara at the bakery on Sharkfin Bridge. Seraphina explains that they will inform her of what has happened to poor Stefan in the morning, but requests that Aubrek checks in on her sometime in the future. Leo asks Skerrin if the Town Council would be in session tomorrow, as they needed to report back on a secondary topic. He confirms that the council will be in session the next day, and they thank him. Eventually, after dessert, the party returns to the Wicker Goat, and lets Aubrek and Skerrin get back to whatever business they had.   They split up responsibilities for the next day. Elincia and Leo head to Winston's, Tork drops in to check up on Blossom's Home, Stavos and Seraphina will go to the Bakery to give Clara the bad news, and return her letter and warming heart-stone.   Winston is excited to see Elincia, as he has chased a rumor to ground. There is a famous bow known as "Two-Birds", implying the ability to strike multiple targets. This bow was owned by a great hunter that had once visited Saltmarsh to hunt a great beast in the swamp. Legend has it his hunt here was successful, bringing down something legendary like a dragon. Anyhow, he departed Saltmarsh and went to Safari Island in the Kingdom of Ierendi , a place known for adventures and big-game hunting. He departed from Kobos, Safari Island's capital city on the Wautili River, with his guide Benny Raboteau, and was never heard from again, presumably killed by some great beast. Winston explains that this is good and bad. Bad because he can't get the bow for Elincia, but good because she won't have to pay him to get it! Elincia smiles at this, and then they inquire about any other items Winston may have brought in, especially any healing items. He has potions, but other than that just the same goods on hand he had before. Leo buys two paper birds and two healing potions from the party funds.   Seraphina and Stavos go to the bakery, and order some "Elven" bread and, as they are paying, Seraphina asks if she can speak with Clara, and the person behind the counter calls her from the back kitchen. She seems to be a very nice young woman and asks if there was something wrong. Seraphina explains no, all the items were good, but can she speak with her outside. Clara checks with the baker, and comes outside. They find a place a bit away from the crowds, and Seraphina explains that Stefan has been killed. Clara first says this can't be true, but as Seraphina explains in more detail, and returns her letter and the small heart-shaped stone of warmth, she begins to cry. Seraphina comforts her as she can. Clara asks if they have informed Stefan's family, and Seraphina explains that they have not, and do not know of his family. Clara says that she would like to do this if it is okay, and they give Clara his saddlebags and remaining belongings, and inform her where she can find his horse. She thanks them and returns to the bakery; she is given the rest of the day off and leaves to inform Stefan's family.   Tork also stops by the bakery to get some treats for the children at Blossom's Home, including rolls and cookies for all, where he spends most of the day helping with further repairs. He also gives Blossom another 50g to help with the charities. She also says that they have received some of the funds raised at the fundraiser party that Gellan Primewater hosted. She seems a bit overwhelmed by how much Tork has donated in just a few weeks. Perhaps, he will have to discover another form of financial instrument - the endowment!   As the party works their way back to the Wicker Goat to determine their next steps, Leo and Elincia encounter two Lizardfolk (Kirth and Mirik, that they recognize from the raid on the Sahuagin) having a heated discussion with Mafera at The Dwarven Anvil. It turns out that the Lizardfolk want steel spears but ones that won't rust in their damp environment. Leo joins in the conversation to help diffuse the situation, talking lightly that in fact steel and water don't mix too well. He asks Mafera if she has any alternative metals that might hold up better in a wet envirnonment with the edge holding performance of steel. She mentions adamantine, but to make a whole spear of adamantine would cost 500 gold. Leo suggests maybe combining an adamantine spear tip with some other water-durable material for for the shafts, and eventually this is what the Lizardfolk settle on as a solution. Leo asks after Redfin and Othokent, and how things are going back at the Lizardfolk den. It turns out that their original home where the Sahuagin had invaded was no longer suitable for the Lizardfolk, since the island sank too deep into the waters. As a result, the Hin destroyed the lair to prevent it becoming a problem again for some new threat. The Lizardfolk have decided to make their Karameikan spot permanent and have had their first hatchings in the new home, which is worthy of celebration. Leo asks if there have become regular trade routes between the Lizardfolk settlement and Saltmarsh, but this seems to be beyond their understanding of Common. Everyone wishes each other well, and moves on. It is worth remembering for the future that Mafera is able to work adamantine however, as this makes for powerful armor.   When Tork gets back to the inn, he finds a note from Tomas at the bar: "Heard you're back in town, never did thank you properly. Stop by the Squeaky Rudder on Moldain night, first round is on me. - Tomas". Unfamiliar with the Squeaky Rudder, he asks the barkeep about this, and the barkeep chuckles and says he's pretty sure he'd have a good time there, and explains where it is - at the back of boarding house east of the Council Hall. It turns out the Squeaky Rudder is a Pleasure House. Tork decides he'll follow up with Tomas to see what he is looking for.   Meanwhile, the party decides to pursue the famous bow on Safari Island, and gets the crew of the Everlasting Light to start converting back to adventure mode. Converting from fishing operations, provisioning the ship, and making other arrangements will take a couple days, leaving the party time to run errands. The ship will be ready to depart the morning after the meeting time with Tomas at the Squeaky Rudder.   In the downtime, Leo heads over to the Faithful Quartermasters of Ostland to check in on the status of the de-cursing of the magic axe they had found. It turns out the axe is ready, and for just 400 gold more, they can reclaim this Axe. The Axe provides +1HP per level, but requires attunement. This seems relatively powerful, so the party claims the de-cursed item.   On the way back from the Faithful Quartermasters, Leo notices three Footpad Lizards being loaded up at the Green Market, and goes over to investigate and say hello to the Lizards. They are very fine specimens and brighten Leo's day. Not long after arriving, a gnome comes out to check on the progress. This gnome has incredibly bushy eyebrows and beard, such that his eyes and mouth are fully obscured. Leo of course is excited to see another gnome in Saltmarsh. The gnome introduces himself as Shmid Shmilosh from Highforge. Leo introduces himself as Leofingol Folkor, and the gnome is surprised. "Are you the son of Eldon and Roywyn Folkor?" to which Leo says yes! It turns out Shmid knew Leo's parents and was familiar with the situation that lead to their deaths. They were apparently investigating an artifact of some sort for the Guild of Archeologists. Shmid is from the Guild of Archeologists, and is here in Saltmarsh to set up an excavation at the site of some Nithian ruins, which seems to be the site of the ancient temple the party explored some weeks back. Leo explains that he would love to hear more from Shmid about what had happened to his parents since he was very young at the time, and nobody in the Tinkers' Guild ever explained what had happened. Shmid seems to be in a bit of a hurry to set up his camp at the excavation site, but promises to send back more information to Saltmarsh once he is set up. Leo is quite pleased about this, and wishes Shmid well on his journey, giving him a round of Guidance to help him on his adventure.   With that, the party has their preparation work complete, and just needs to wait for the Everlasting Light to be ready for departure. On the day that Tork is to meet up with Tomas at the Squeaky Rudder, there is a hubbub in town, as postings are tacked in place throughout Saltmarsh, from the King of Karameikos:   "I Stefan Karameikos, king and protector of these great lands and its even greater people, attest the following: On the matter of the False Baron, Ludwig von Hendriks, I denounce him and attaint him, as well as all those who shared in his crimes. I strip him of all ranks and titles and of all lands and holdings. I declare him outcast and outlaw. The former Black-Eagle Barony is now unincorporated lands of the Kingdom of Karameikos and has no legal standing, nor protection by the Kingdom.   Nobles and great heroes of the realm interested in care-taking of this land, and its peoples, are invited to appear before the crown and present their case."   This of course presents an opportunity that the party should discuss on their voyage to Safari Island.   That night, Leo and Stavos decide to join Tork in his "round of drinks" with Tomas at the Squeaky Rudder. Seraphina and Elincia decide that the pleasure house may not be to their tastes, and stay behind at the ship to have some wine and hang out with Totoro. Tork, Stavos, and Leo proceed down Boarders Row, passing others out for the night or lounging on porches and balconies, past the Council Hall, and up the main path toward the back end of the Gilman House. A man in the shadows asks Tork if he has a light, to which Tork simply replies no, and continues on his way, but Leo stops and casts Prestidigitation to provide a flame for the man. As Leo is busy lighting the man's cigar, the man pulls out a cudgel and an ambush ensues. A total of five thugs come from various locations and attack the three party members. Thankfully all three are reasonably quick on their feet, and able to come to their own defense quickly, but the surprise assault in their hometown still catches them off guard.   Leo is quickly surrounded, and one of the thugs proclaims "capture the orc, and kill the others". Stavos quickly steps in to help Leo with the close combat, and Tork takes on the others. Leo gets pretty beat up in the process, being forced into melee combat, but they relatively quickly take down two of the attackers. One attacker turns to flee, while Tork kills a third. Stavos soon knocks out the fourth, while Leo tries to snipe the fleeing man with eldritch blast. However, while dealing a significant amount of damage, Leo fails to kill him; on the run, the thug is much faster than Leo. However, Tork is faster yet by far, and pursues him down the alley, finally closing the gap with the thug in the area of the docks. His rage has cooled, so when some town guards intercede, grabbing the fleeing thug, and tell Tork to put down his weapons, he doesn't do anything rash.
Report Date
01 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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