
Hades is the fourth most worshiped God in the kingdom. Mostly because everyone dies eventually.   He is also called the God of Wealth or “the rich one” because he possesses the precious metals of the earth – but he does not share his wealth. He is the God of the Underworld. He is worshiped especially when someone dies. Hades was depicted as stern and unyielding, unmoved by prayer and sacrifice. Because of this, he is not worshiped, except when someone dies you pray to him to guide the dead into the afterlife. He has one large main church – very nice and ornate. And then many smaller churches in the city and some churches outside the city walls too. Every church is surrounded by a graveyard.   Followers of Hades will give alms to keep up the graveyards too. And followers often volunteer to help maintain the graveyards.   He is also the God you would go to if a Devil or Undead were haunting you. He abhors both Devils the Undead because they have found a way bypass his control over the afterlife. Devils make deals for peoples souls, the same souls that Hades wants. And the Intelligent Undead bypass death entirely, thus also denying him their soul. His priests and devout followers will hunt down and destroy any Demon or Undead. His priests are knowledgeable about Devils and the Undead and are generally more powerful against them than the priests of other religions.
Religious, Organised Religion
Parent Organization

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