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Tellaran Peninsula


The Tellaran Peninsula is located south of Paleve and the Iron Marches, separated from the rest of the Midlands by the Mount Vestige, one of the tallest and most volcanically active mountain ranges in Muria. This rugged and volcanic region extends to the southernmost coasts, where the theocratic enclave of Tellara is situated. The landscape is marked by a series of jagged peaks, deep valleys, and active volcanoes of which are active almost year-round. Lava spewed from Mount Vestige do not erupt, and instead effusively spills forth from vents or fissure points along the slope of the mountain. What the lava doesn't touch, the ash spilling from its caldera blankets, covering the vast area around it.   The trail south gives way to lush forests and exotic coastal ecosystems that have largely benefitted from the volcanic activity, spared from any catastrophic eruptions since the early days of the world. Shrines and temples line the roads leading to Tellara, each paying homage to the many faiths of Muria dead or alive.   The region's unique geography creates natural barriers, isolating it from the rest of the Midlands; travel to Tellara is perilous by land, having to cross both the wastelands of the Iron Marches and the ash fields under Mount Vestige. It is comparatively simpler by sea via the ports at Qadar's Stand as it is an important maritime connection between the peninsula and the rest of the Midlands.

Fauna & Flora

The flora of the Tellaran Peninsula includes a mix of temperate and tropical species, supported by the region's varied climate. Dense forests of ancient trees, vibrant flowering plants, and unique fungi thrive in the fertile volcanic soil. The fauna is equally diverse, with a range of creatures adapted to the peninsula's distinct environments. Exotic birds, large predators like the saber-toothed tiger, and numerous species of reptiles and amphibians inhabit the forests and mountains; salamanders are numerous here, preferring to dwell between the borders of the ash fields and the grasslands. The coastal areas are home to a variety of marine creatures, including giant crabs, merfolk, and sea serpents. The region's strong attunement to the planes of fire and water also attracts elemental beings, manifesting in either Mount Vestige's slopes or the coasts of the Manggalan Sea.

Natural Resources

The Tellaran Peninsula is rich in geothermal energy, thanks to its volcanic activity. While Tellara does not subsist off this energy, the Bureau is interested in its applications though attempts to harness this have been blocked by the enclave. Additionally, the volcanic soil is fertile, supporting diverse agriculture and unique flora. Mineral deposits, including rare earth metals and gemstones, are abundant in the mountainous areas. The coastal regions are teeming with marine life and coral reefs, offering a bounty of seafood and other marine resources. The area's isolation and the unique conditions have also led to the growth of rare medicinal plants and herbs.


Historically, the Peninsula has been a site where gods commune with mortals, playing a pivotal role in the many events and conflicts that has shaped Murian history. It was thought to be the site where the gods first arrived during the Xerasian Invasion, beating back the aberrant invaders that have swarmed the western coasts. The War of the Midlands was another pivotal event during which Mystra and Morinth descended to aid the mortals against cultists seeking to invoke forbidden magic. It even participated in the war against the Steelsworn Empire as another theater of war.   The theocratic enclave of Tellara, established centuries ago, has maintained relative autonomy despite being part of the Izeran Federation. This autonomy has led to tensions with the Bureau, as Tellara often resists external oversight and distrusts the overreaching overseers of the federation. As of late, the peninsula has remained largely untouched by major conflicts, with the exception of periodic incursions by the Midnight Horde from neighboring Paleve. The people of Tellara, with their strong faith and formidable clerical and paladin orders, have successfully repelled these threats, preserving their sacred land.   The people of the Tellaran Peninsula are a deeply religious and isolated community, all of whom originated as pilgrims or nomads; they traveled to this region long ago in search of the ideal location to commune with the gods. Theocratic in nature, the society is governed by a council of high priests and priestesses of different faiths known as the Ashen Congregation who once built the many shrines and temples along the peninsula and now oversee the region's spiritual and temporal affairs. Pilgrims from across Muria often travel to Tellara to visit its many shrines and temples, contributing to the region's cultural diversity. The indigenous population includes a mix of humans, elves, and half-elves, all of whom share a deep reverence for the gods and the natural world. There are also small communities of elementally attuned beings, such as fire genasi and water genasi, who find solace in the peninsula's unique environment.
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