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The Midlands are the heart of the Murian continent, characterized by diverse landscapes, bustling cities, and a rich tapestry of cultures and histories. Spanning from coast to coast, the Midlands are a central hub of trade, politics, and innovation in Muria.


The Midlands encompass a wide range of environments, from fertile plains and dense forests to rugged mountains and sprawling coastlines. The climate varies from temperate to subtropical, with distinct seasons that influence agriculture, trade, and daily life. The region is divided into several subregions, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. The subregions are as follows:   Crystalline Basin
Located in the southwestern region of the Midlands. Dominated by dense forests to the east and a renowned river flowing into the western sea, with the mage city of Crystallis overlooking the coastline. Port Alfrons serves as a famous trade and maritime center northwest of Crystallis. The Basin is a center of knowledge and the arcane, with a long history of maritime commerce and exploration.   Sullen Hinterlands
Northwestern regions of the Midlands and parts of the midwestern region. This subregion is primarily inland, stretching to the borders of the Western Jungles and the Gaural Plains east, with rocky terrain, dense forests, swamplands, and rivers flowing from the many mountains. Zarathar, a cultural powerhouse of Izera, lies in the northern center. It is a region teeming with mystery and danger, where ancient secrets and dark forces lurk in the shadows - whether it's under the canopies of the swampland forests or in the back streets of Zarathar. The Hinterlands is also home to the isolated Kingdom of Barovia, shrouded in mist, and the Sabel Marshes, a Midnight-infested swamp in the south.   Gaural Plains
Situated between the Sullen Hinterlands west and the Iron Marches east. Widely regarded as the heart of the continent, the Gaural Plains is a vast expanse of idyllic grasslands, forests, and rivers perfect for farmlands and settlements. Stonehall, the most densely populated city in Muria, sits at its center as one of the most important cities of Muria. Mixed between the lush grasslands are towns and villages who form the agricultural backbone of the Murian trade network. Ruins of old settlements and civilizations serve as a reminder of the recent conflicts fought in the Plains - most notably the ruins of Karakorum, an Aarakocran theocracy which perished in the Steelsworn Gigant's onslaught just before the Midnight Crisis.   Iron Marches
A subregion stretching across the eastern coastline and parts of the eastern Midlands. A region with rocky, mountainous terrain with deep valleys and shaded woods, scarred by years of warfare and conflicts. Memorial serves as a town dedicated to placating the restless spirits of the departed, while Paleve has become warped by the influx of Nebula from the Midnight Star. The Bureau stands guard over the Palevian ruins and the borders to the Tellaran Peninsula south.   Tellaran Peninsula
Positioned south of Paleve, over Mount Vestige. Heavily volcanic and mountainous, teeming with exotic life and closely attuned to the planes of fire and water. At its heart is Mount Vestige, one of the tallest peaks in Muria, acting as a natural barrier between the peninsula and the rest of the Midlands. Tellara, a Theocratic enclave, lies at its southernmost coast in the shadow of Mount Vestige. Shrines and temples litter the roads to Tellara, coexisting in spite of any existing predispositions between faiths. Despite its isolation and tensions with Izera, Tellara plays a vital role in religious and cultural affairs, attracting pilgrims and seekers from across Muria.
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