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Created by Calamity during the 2nd Age, the first Elf & Dwarf were Sylvia & Starg, brother & sister, respectively. Blessed with immortal lives and filled with incomparable skill to craft, nourish, and move; Elves are renowned for their skills as artists, herbalists, and athletes. It is said the reason Elves do not need to sleep is so that they may never miss a moment of beauty around them.   During the 2nd Age, the Dragon Tyrant poisoned the lands the Elves once called home, enslaving and slaughtering them with horrific glee. Their luscious gardens were razed to the ground, their art destroyed, and their swift legs bound with chains. The Dragon Tyrant would continue to find the Elves troublesome, however, as they kept their culture alive through both song and story, even when gagged.   With the fall of the Dragon Tyrant, the Elves ventured into the unknown in search of a new home. Sending a scout ahead, she returned with promises of a new paradise waiting for them. They sailed for weeks without success, finding only more corrupted islands poisoned by their tormentor. At the very bottom of the plane, they came to the land she had promised, a vast continent of trees she herself had planted for them, digging up the gnarled roots of corruption by hand as she went. Her name was Aisling, and in her honor they named the forest. Joining them soon after were the Dwarves, led by a builder named Thorin, and an agreement was struck that they would honor & protect the other.   When the Giants began their expansion, they were welcomed as fellow refugees of the Dragon Tyrant's oppression. Their efforts to rid the rest of the plane of the Dragon Tyrant's corruption led to conflict between them, ultimately leading to war when the Giants sent an invading force to the Immortal Lands. It was not until the sacrificial death of Aisling that the war would turn around. Calamity released the sealed Old Gods from their prison. But even as the Old Gods returned, Aisling was not among them.   Despite their pivotal role in the Titanfall that ended the 3rd Age, things have not gotten better in the 4th Age. The rise of Dwarven arcane technology goes against the traditions the Elves fought so long to preserve. As the Dwarfs expand their cities ever outward, the costs for resources & materials grow ever greater. In addition, the Psychic Wars ravaged the eastern Elven lands beyond all repair, reducing entire woodlands into ash & dust. Officially, the conflict between the Elves & Dwarves began when the Dwarves refused the Elves' rights to the wastelands, claiming them for their industrial expansion now that they bear no Elven trees.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves can start baring children around the age of 100

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves are considered children until their 20s, and teenagers until they reach 100
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Sylvanus Llanoweth
Elder Races
Immortal (unless killed)
Conservation Status
Due to long courtship rituals and dwindling populations, the Elves are dying out
Average Height
Average Weight


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