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Giant & Giant-kin

Towering immortals who once ruled over much of the plane.   The Giants were among Calamity's first creations. Some say Calamity sought to create beings who could protect their plane from dangers & threats, so they made the Giants to be strong, durable, and capable of standing up to even the most powerful of threats. But Calamity also imbued them with the power of the elements, and with minds that could learn & build. As a result, the Giants would be among the first to build and craft, meaning many of the oldest structures on Nasza Ziemia are giant-made (albeit many have been modified in the millennia since to meet the needs of smaller inhabitants).   During the reign of the Dragon Tyrant, the Giants would be the first to rebel, and the first to suffer their new ruler's wrath. Giants were tied to mountains and whipped by their brethren, or caged on islands that were sunk into the seas. And yet, they faced their deaths with heads held high, none giving their tormentor the satisfaction of seeing them beg or scream. And so the Dragon Tyrant sought a different means of punishment. They began to inflict punishments on the smaller slaves, the Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, and Humans. The Giants could only watch as others suffered for their actions, and slowly, their indomitable spirits began to break.   With the fall of the Dragon Tyrant, the Giants sought to reclaim Nasza Ziemia and purge all memories of their tyrannical oppressor. Waging a nearly 1000-year war with the Draconic Usurpers seeking to take the Dragon Tyrant's place, they bathed the plane in blood. Once victorious, they sought to remake the world for their friends & comrades who suffered with them and especially for them. Alas, these good intentions would go astray. The desire to protect became a desire to command, and then the desire to unite became a desire to conquer. The Titanfall would last over 500 years, and in the end, the majority of the giants would be wiped out and driven north to their last island. There they would remain, under the watchful eye of Rime, Goddess of Winter, and Fenrys, God of the Hunt.   Giant-kin, smaller descendants of their towering kin, include Goliaths and Firbolgs. Goliaths were blessed with Giant strength while Firbolg were blessed with Giant magic.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Deux Jotun
Elder Races
Conservation Status
Only a few hundred giants remain
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
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