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Lilith Bellum

Empress of the Ranginian Empire Lilith Bellum (a.k.a. The Ice Queen)

Lilith had a rough childhood to say the least. Her mother worked on a brothel on the Nine Hells called The House of the Thousand Smiles and got pregnant from one of her clients. She thought that a child could be the thing she needed to keep going and so she hid the fact that she was pregnant from everyone. And nine months after a beautiful amethyst skinned girl was born. Lisbeth hid her child from Kylo, balor owner of the brothel, and took care of her. She loved her daughter dearly, it was the light in her darkness, but this was the farthest from an optimal enviroment for a child.

Kylo quickly caught on to the trick Lisbeth was playing on him and saw it as an opportunity. When Lilith was six, he confronted Lisbeth about her and told her that if she wanted the girl to live, she would have to work. Kylo began assigning shores to the young child who was awfully treated by the clients and Kylo himself. Nevertheless, Lilith was happy, she had her mother and the other sex workers in the brothel were great to her.

As she grew she began to see the brothel as it really was. The clients mistreated the workers and the only thing they could do was endure. They were slaves to Kylo. She was tired of seeing her mother put on a façade for her. Lisbeth always looked happy around Lilith, but she knew. She knew her mother cried constantly when she was not there. She knew she felt trapped and helpless. She knew the only thing keeping her from killing herself was her child. And so she confronted her. She told her mother that they should leave, escape and find a new home. Her mother looked scared and calmly asked her to lower her voice, but Lilith wouldn't listen and, for the first time in her life, her mother slapped her. She instantly tried to apologize, but it was too late. Lilith screamed at her that she hated her and took off into the streets of the City of Red Lights.

She felt betrayed, invisible and cursed her mother's name for hours. A few hours passed and a sand storm began to form. She returned to the brothel, but nothing would ever be the same. She entered the room and her mom was laying on the ground, bloodied and beaten. She ran to her side and shook her. As her tears started to roll down her mother looked at her and weakly smiled and muttered under her breath "I'm sorry". Before Lilith could even say anything her mother's eyes grew cold. She cried alongside her mother for hours, until she was interrupted by Kylo. He sauntered into the room and explained to the inconsolable kid that that's what happens when you ask him to leave and don't listen to reason. The childs heart broke, this was her fault, her mother asked to leave because of her. In a fit of pure rage and hatred Lilith's body moved on it's own. She jumped towards the fiend and popped one of his eyes off with her right horn. She ran towards the door beign chased by the guards, but managed to escape.

After the incident, Lilith ran out of the city as fast as her legs allowed her to. She was scared, alone and felt nothing but guilt. She wandered the barren lands of Phlegethos for days until she collapsed.

She woke up in an unknown bed in a place she had no recollection of. There, an old looking human man with a straw hat was sitting next to her. Startled she tried to attack the man who swiftly for his age pointed a dagger to her throat and asked her to calm down. The man introduced himself as Vitorio Bellum, head of the Bellum family. She explained to the girl how he found her laying on a side of the path that leads to their hideout.

Lilith would spend the next eight years of her life working for the Bellum family. She was trained in the art of deception and theft for which she seemed to have a gift. She grew to like the jobs and people of the family, they treated her like part of the family. The family kept the balance of power in Phlegethos, they stole from rich people and gave to themselves. They gave protection to those who populated the terrain of the family for a small fee. She was fond of his brothers and sisters and slowly but surely began to see the old Vitorio as the father she never had. With him and his daughter, Bianca, she opened up about her mother. With time and help from her new family her guilt gradually faded.

Howbeit, his idyllic new life would be cut short by a visit of an old acquaintance. She was usually outside the main house on missions during the day. She was the only member of the family who only had day missions. This bothered her at best, until Vitorio told her that it was because of her skills to hide in broad daylight. She felt proud of having harder missions and always aimed to end her jobs fast to impress Vitorio. As such, one day she managed to end her mission before sundown and returned home fast. She found Vitorio's door closed which generally meant that he was having a meeting. She was about to leave when she heard her name be mentioned inside the room. With the urge to quench her curiosity, she eavesdropped on the conversation and once again she felt fear. The voice that argued with Vitorio was familiar, it was Kylo's. He advised the old man to think twice about his offer. He said that he knew for certain that she was hiding Lilith. He just had to surrender her to him and he could keep turning a blind eye to the family's business. She felt goosebumps and nausea take ahold of her, but Vitorio's answer soothed her inmensely. The old man said that he had no idea what the fiend was talking about and, even if he did, he doesn't deal in family members. Kylo assured the old man that he would regret not taking his offer.

Weeks later, the alarm was sprang in the main house. The City of Red LIghts' armed forces were quickly approaching the families state. An emergency meeting was called and every house was reunited on the outside of the main house. Vitorio told all the members that had been caught and that they would have to defend the state. Lilith abruptly interrupted the elder's speech. She said that she knew it was because of her and that they just had to give her up. Then everything would be as always. Vitorio continued his speech and informed the family's executives of the defense strategy. Frustrated she repeated the same to which Vitorio replied by asking to every single one of the family memebers if what that annoying daughter of his said changed anything, to which everyone replied with a resounding no. Lilith burst into tears and sobbed how no one needed to die if they just left her behind.

Vitorio tried to convince Lilith to leave for hours, but she refused. She wouldn't leave while her family was decimated. Despite the words of all of her brothers and sisters she wouldn't leave. Tired, the old man seemed to give up and gave her a coin. He told the girl to shout Bellum if her platoon was endangered and help would come.

The battle turned gruesome fast, the casualties on both sides were unfathomable. Mid battle her platoon was met by Kylo. By himself, the fiend decimated their forces. Lilith decided to use her last resort and pulled out the coin. She shouted to the top of her lungs the activation word. Bianca turned to her, smiled and whimpered "I'm sorry". Suddenly, her visage disappeared, and so did the battlefield, and his brothers and sisters, and Vitorio. She looked around desperately looking for them all, but they were nowhere to be seen. Eight years of her life just crumbled to the ground and it was her fault again.

She found herself alone in a white barren cold land and with a deep hatred towards nobility and powerful people ever-growing inside of her. She roamed the paths looking for cities, when she found one she stole from every noble in the city until they had nothing left. When they were all dry and miserable she left in search for a new city to strike. This would eventually fetch her the highest bounty in the Ranginian Empire.

On one of her heists, she got careless, she fell into a magical trap laid by the mansion's owner, Count Zathrian. She had the misfortune of landing in the house of a noble with a crooked hobby. Zathrian enjoyed trapping exotic species and torturing them. She became his favourite toy, torturing her seemed to be of no use. She didn't flinch, didn't cry, beg or scream. She just took it, she seemed to feel nothing. This was amusing to Zathrian, who wanted to find out what would make her break.

Zathrian's state was raided by the Empire's forces and all the prisoners were freed by a knight with blond hair and amber eyes. She would learn the knight's name was, Adriel Caelum and that he was son of the Emperor. The situation hadn't changed for her, the moment they discovered she was a fugitive she would just switch prisons. She tried to play it out like she was bought at the black market, but the guards swiftly remembered her face from all wanted posters. However, the prince stepped in and convinced the guards that he would handle it. She asked her why would he do that to which he responded that it wouldn't feel right to rescue a person from a prison where she was tortured to take her to another, to him it felt like she had done her time.

After taking care of her wounds, the prince offered her a deal. She would help him take down corrupt nobles and he would grant her absolution from her past crimes. To her discomfort, she had to team up with the prince in order not to get arrested. Besides, screwing over nobles sounded like a job for her anyways. The only counterpart was being constantly with a noble.

At first, Lilith despised Adriel, but after many trials and tribulations together she would learn that the boy was nothing like the nobles she knew. He wouldn't treat her like an inferior person, demean or mistreat her. Quite the contrary, actually. He would be patience with her constant teasing and pranks, respect her privacy and avoid any lustful interactions with her. He even made her feel embarrassed with his reactions.

After some time working together, they would learn that Adriel's father was terrorising the population. Adriel insisted that they should go back to Syrendille so that he could convince his father to stop this nonsense.

When they arrived at Syrendille, the emperor had left for a council with the duke of Dalven. They spent a week in the castle where she would meet Adriel's sister, Elaine Caelum, a sweet girl afflicted by the aether pox. She and Lilith quickly grew closer in the week spent there. Even though Lilith usually cut their interactions short for her fear of bonding with nobles, Elaine still seemed to enjoy their interactions and sought them out.

When the emperor returned he was fuming. His banished son was back, with the most wanted criminal in the Empire no less. Moreover, he even wanted to reprimand him for his actions. He exiled Adriel from Syrendille for the rest of his life and imprisoned Lilith. She was alone again, but this time she didn't feel hopeless. She didn't know why, but her heart told her that Adriel wouldn't abandon her. The idiot knight was too much of a romanticist to leace an opportunity like this pass by, she thought to herself.

A month passed and her faith grew slimmer. How could she have thought that a noble would come rescue her? She began to see the truth, no one would save her. However, no matter how hard she tried to make her thoughts go away she still had hope.

Two months passed and there were no signs of a rescue party. Not until a tremor shook the whole castle from the inside out. Sounds of battle made their way to the dungeons of the castle and, just like the first time they met, there he was. A knight with blond hair and amber eyes.

She was freed and escorted outside the castle. But the problem was far from over. The emperor took Adriel's sister hostage and threatened to execute her. A rescue team was assembled and a last battle in what had been the Throne War began.

In the battle, they discovered that the emperor had been conspiring with the demon prince, who promised him to bring her wife back if he gave him power over the Empire and a powerful artifact that lied within the castle's walls. Lilith, Adriel and the royal guard courageously fought and overcame the demon prince. However, on his last moments the demon prince took Elaine with him to the Nine Hells. Kaede and Karl pursued him through a gate spell and nothing has been known from them since.

The now emperor of the Ranginian Empire built a garden of statues in the castle with a monument to each of his fallen loved ones. Lilith asked for monuments to her mother and foster father to be constructed too.

Two years after the war had ended, Lilith got married to Adriel who took her family's name. That same year, they were blessed with their first child, Maylea, a blue tiefling girl with amber eyes. The year after, they had their second kid, Lucifer, an aasimar boy with golden hair.


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lilith is a fit and young looking woman. Despite her age, she is still agile and healthy, though her strength is practically non-existant.

Body Features

Her back is covered in whip scars from the time she spent at The House of the Thousand Smiles where her mother used to work. She was branded on her left ass cheek with the brothel's symbol. She burnt the mark off herself, leaving an awful burn mark.

Facial Features

She has a mole under her right eye and thin long fangs that show when she smiles or growls.


Adriel Bellum

spouse (Vital)

Towards Lilith Bellum


Lilith Bellum

spouse (Vital)

Towards Adriel Bellum


Stunning and cunning empress of the Ranginian Empire

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
11th of Vermel, 380 AMB
Circumstances of Birth
She was given birth to in secret
Malbolge, Nine Hells
Parents (Adopting)
Adriel Bellum (spouse)
Current Residence
Reindyshorn castle, Syrendille
Black Sclera with blue pupils
Long curly and snow white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Amethyst colored, her back is covered in whip scars
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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