
A world renowned for its agriculture yet also distinctive due to its low level of technological advancement, Arbor is now part of theSecond Galactic Systems Union. Its inhabitants adopt a rural lifestyle, or rather the most rural compared to other planets in the GSU. Prior to the Xarqiin Invasion, the planet was a major exporter of food, clothing and other animal goods due to the extensive surplus it generates in these areas.    

Society and Government

The population of Arbor is made up of many different species including Terrans , Vampires, Lycans, Witches, and a fewer number of Devils and Angels. Synthetics aren’t too common due to the low tech level of the planet in general, but some may be sourced by richer farmers from Chorus II or Terra to help with farm-related tasks or general servitude. Only one known Dwarf exists on the planet.   As mentioned before, cities exist but are smaller, quieter and more peaceful than their counterparts on Chorus II and Terra. Beyond the outskirts of these cities are smaller towns and villages. These communities are very tight-knit and each establishment usually has its own cultural holidays, celebrations and traditions.   Unlike most planets in the GSU, Arbor is, much like 21st century Terra, ruled by several different democratically-elected governments which are headed by Presidents, Prime Ministers, Mayors, Chiefs and whatever other titles each specific government elects to use for their leaders. When it comes to appearing on the GSU Council however, the President of the largest settlement on Arbor, Asorith, is elected to speak on behalf of the planet.    


Technology on Arbor is mostly used to aid with agricultural work. Tasks such as fertilising soil, planting seeds and harvesting crops are mostly delegated to state of the art machines imported from Chorus II and Terra with the profits made from Arbor’s own exports. These machines have come a long way from the tractors, combines, planters, balers and sprayers used in the 21st century, being much more efficient in their tasks as well as energy consumption. Regardless of this, some smaller farmers and communities continue to use both older versions of these machines and/or manual labour.   Cars, buses, trains and planes are used for transport around the planet while very few Starbus ports exist for interplanetary travel. On the individual level, residents live in conditions that can loosely be compared to 21st century standards. Televisions, computers, air conditioning etcetera are all considered as part of the standard quality of life, although some more remote communities may choose to live even simpler lives.   After the Xarqiin Invasion, and the subsequent inclusion of Arbor into the GSU, the planet now has a considerable military presence especially in light of recolonisation and rebuilding efforts. A defensive fleet constantly orbits the planet alongside a network of 300 orbital defence platforms.   See Also:   GSU Military Tech   GSU Civilian Tech    

Major Locations

Asorith - Major City   Yhadena Settlements - Collection of Villages   Matura - Moon of Arbor   Kasterborous - Secondary agricultural colony    

Flora and Fauna

Animal life bears a lot of similarity to that which exists on Terra. Counterparts of bovid, canid, felid and aves (plus many others) exist across the planet both as wild animals and livestock depending on species subtype. Plant life also exists with the majority of the dry surface being covered in forests and jungles. Many biomes are known for their vibrantly coloured plant and tree life. However the most notable aspect of Arbor’s fauna is its population of dinosaurs.   Vitiosus Rex - Apex Predator   Steliosaurus - Native to lakes and rivers   Magnavemus - Native to the skies   The above mentioned dinosaurs aren’t all that exist on the surface of Arbor, but are the most prominent and popular for one reason or another. However counterparts to Terra’s velociraptors, baryonyx, brachiosaurus, stegosaurus, and many others exist. In addition to this, Arbor is known for its large species of arachnids which can grow up to the size of a car. They mostly inhabit forests and suspend themselves between trees using giant webs. Rarely are they ever seen approaching civilisation and rarer still are reports of civilian casualties by these spiders.    



Arbor was first discovered on accident during a conflict between the then-Unified Defence Force and an insurrectionist group known as Scorpio. A pre-emptive warpspace jump during a space battle led the UDF Destroyer-class vessel, the Destiny's Harbinger, to exit warpspace outside the planet, alongside several Scorpio ships. The battle continued but was short lived, as the Harbinger emerged victorious. In that time however, the vessel had begun orbiting the planet, and it was soon realised that the ship was also losing power.   The source of the power loss had nothing to do with the damage the ship had taken however, and was determined to be due to an external force which was on the surface of the planet itself. A small taskforce was sent to the planet's surface, but the dropship immediately lost power during descent. The ensuing crash killed all of the marines onboard, though two survivors emerged, Aaron-157 and Kittiana Youngblood.   Noticing that their technology had shut down, they determined that the entire planet was covered by a nullification field. They noticed a constant, red aurora-type pattern in the sky which seemed to be intensifying in colour and opacity towards the north-western direction. They followed the direction for several hours until they discovered a large, three-story-building sized machine of unknown origin which appeared to be emitting the nullification energy. Aaron-157 was, surprisingly, able to shut down the device easily, which enabled the Harbinger to engage its failing engines just in time to avoid falling into the planet's atmosphere and burning up.  

Subsequent Events

Arbor was later revisited months after the Scorpio insurrectionists had been successfully eliminated, and colonisation efforts followed soon after the surveillance of the planet's surface had been completed. In the following years, the planet became a massive exporter of agricultural goods as many farmers from UDF colonies saw potential to grow their businesses.   When the UDF and Alliance of Kings united to become the First Galactic Systems Union, Arbor was included in the faction. Its place in the GSU persisted all throughout its history, even during its transition into the Terran Empire. However, the planet finally gained full independence when the Terran Empire finally disbanded after a long period of uninterrupted peace.  

Recent Events

Unfortunately, this peace was soon to be shattered, and tragically, Arbor became the first victim of the first conflict to occur in the sector in two centuries. The planet, undefended and unprepared, suddenly came under attack by invading forces who would later become known as the Xarqiin. Within a couple hours, the planet's resident army was crushed, its cities, towns and villages almost entirely razed to the ground,  and the vast majority of its population massacred. A handful of survivors were taken prisoner by the invading alien force, but were luckily rescued when CONCORD launched a campaign to take Arbor back - a campaign which ultimately failed.   After CONCORD's retreat with the surviving population, the Xarqiin put Arbor into lockdown. Xarqiin War Chieftain Xarjaan Fateh'karnee had the planet surrounded by a defensive fleet, and construction of orbital installations were also underway. Meanwhile, on the surface, fortresses and citadels were built in place of major cities and smaller towns respectively, while automatic harvesters were assembled to harvest the multitude of crops grown by their former human owners.
Owning Organization