Elijah Almis

Elijah Almis (a.k.a. Kari'anar)

Elijah was the youngest of the three Almis brothers, and the only one not to be cast out of the Celestial Realm. He was the Celestial Jailor however, which meant most of his duties took place in the mortal realms.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elijah was always of a slender build without much definition.

Special abilities

Elijah was one of the few 'mortals' to learn Time Magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elijah, or Kari'anar, was an ancient Descendant of the Celestials; created to be the ward and jailor of any who would oppose them. This meant that when his two brothers were cast down to Earth for rebelling, he was charged with watching them from afar and eventually having to detain and punish Daniel for his many crimes. Daniel managed to elude and even kill Elijah, but this only set him back temporarily. Elijah captured his brother and handed him over to the Wardens of Oblivion for his punishment. He then went back to being the warden of the galaxy for the Celestials.   When Nozdormu the Starforger was corrupted and caused The Convergence, Elijah was bound by duty to help him defend the entrance to his seat of power. After clashing with the Heroes of Old who had come to stop his father, he eventually came around and joined them to stop the mad Celestial. Together with the heroes Nozdormu was defeated, and so Elijah was left confused about his place in the world, disappearing for some time.  

An old Elijah, returned to defend the galaxy
When he returned, notably at first to help defend the Dragon homeworld of Drakenhelm, he had become a powerful wizard who vowed to continue to protect the galaxy from any and all threats. He had also learned from the Guardians of Time, and was friends with the then Aspect of Time; Jack Chronis. When Chronis was killed and The Cataclysm ensued, Elijah stepped up and became a Guardian of Time. He maintained the timelines and continued to aid the galaxy, most notably against Zalgo and Seh'makou  He then took Jaya Almis' child to the Traveller's Dimension, hiding her there for some time. Unbeknown to him though, the Rift King was hiding there and eventually killed her. He then entered the galaxy claiming he was her son, grown up and here to do good. The power of the Rift meant even Elijah was blinded to this deception, and it remains a great shame in his life. Elijah died defending the Chronorealm from the Rift King, shortly before The Extinction.  


Waking up in The Glow, Elijah maintained his sense of duty to protect the universe. He very soon formed The Nexus Guard and built the barrier to the Exiled Lands, knowing that the Rift would try to encroach on them to claim this realm aswell. From then on he served as its Commander, leading and fighting alongside many old family and friends such as Jaya Almis and Gavin Reeve. Although the shame of his failure against the Rift King still lingers in his mind, he is determined to right this by defeating the Rift once and for all; although his priority is the safety of the Glow.  

Elijah as Commander of the Nexus Guard

Personality Characteristics


Elijah was always motivated by the defeat and subjugation of evil, according to Celestial Law.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Celestial Jailor
  • Guardian of Time
Year of Death
Aligned Organization