Magic Overview

Magic is fundamentally the ability to influence natural forces via supernatural or mysterious means. It was once in abundance across the galaxy, being wielded by many different species and drawn from countless realms and dimensions, most of which were created by the Celestials.   However, upon the invasion of the Rift and The Extinction of Celestial-made life, all bridges to these realms were severed and the Mortal Plane was left on its own. Without as many inherent magic users and no external sources of magic to keep the balance of life, the galaxy's wizards and spellcasters lost all of their power. This was known as the Voidout; 3 years of no Celestial magic. Not all supernatural energy was Celestial-made, and so during the Voidout there were still some individuals capable of displaying supernatural powers. These were mainly Metahumans , Angels, and Devils. Metahumans maintained their seemingly genetically-granted abilities, whilst Angels and Devils were still able to harness their powers of Light and Shadow from somewhere unknown. The Voidout proved that these forms of magic were created by something other than the Celestials; a group of magic which became known as Mysticism or the Mystic Arts.   Finally after 3 years, researchers found a strong magical nexus on Lucian that was connected to a realm called The Glow. Scholars and wizards quickly discovered that this realm was a well of magical energy kept safe by the Celestials, allowing them to tap into it and begin using the Celestial-made Arcane magic once again. However, it was then later realised that the Rift had also survived in this dimension, making the chaotic and corrupting Rift magic also accessible once more...  

Celestial Magic


Arcane Magic

  Arcane magic is an intellectual and knowledge based magic that can warp time, space, and control the flow of mana between the Glow and the natural world. It is the manifestation of order in the universe, with every spell creating circular blue lights, shapes, and sigils in the air when cast, directly opposing the chaos of Rift Magic. Arcane spellcasters, also known as Wizards, use logic and rationality to categorize the magic inherent in the world around them. Because of its far-reaching approach, the arcane tradition has a very broad spell list and versatility in its use, however it is generally poor at affecting the spirit or the soul. People who are connected to the Glow, meaning they have some supernatural or celestial blood in their genes, can learn the gestures and sounds required of each spell to begin using arcane magic. Manipulating the Glow for various effects can also be done via magical writings, runes, and gems. The more powerful a spell is however, the more willpower and disciplined concentration the caster needs, making it a long journey of learning and practice for any spellcaster to become competent with most spells.    

Rift Magic

  Rift Magic is highly emotive and temperamental magic that can warp time, space, and mana to more drastic degrees than Arcane magic, but with much more risk and uncertainty. It is the manifestation of chaos, the polar opposite of Celestial order, with its spells causing crackling purple lightning and even slight tears in reality to appear when being cast. Whilst skill with this magic is developed through study and practice much like Arcane, the summoning of this energy is much more tied to the emotional state of the caster. Wizards who are filled with anger or other negative emotions can see their Arcane spells break down into Rift energy, having unwanted effects all around. This makes the Rift a dangerous force, and means that Wizards are best to be educated and measured if they want to avoid accidentally unleashing this magic. Rift magic can be seen as stronger initially, but it takes a toll on the physical and mental state of the wielder. Prolonged use can turn ones mind to insanity, and even cause ones soul to become damned in the Exiled Lands after death; wandering as a permanent mindless thrall of the Rift.  

The Mystic Arts


Planar Magic

  Originally the way most magic was cast, Planar Magic is the act of drawing energy from another dimension or plane of existence to create supernatural effects in your own world. Due to the Extinction of most magical realms, there are now much fewer users of Planar Magic today. Most notably Devils and Angels are still able to each draw upon Shadow and Light magic respectively, from realms they have never really discovered the extent of. The fiery magic of Demons is also thought to come from planes beyond the natural world. Forgotten arts such as Blood and Purge magic were also manifested from other dimensions, but no one has seen such magics in a very long time.  

Nature Magic

  Nature Magic is a mostly long-forgotten art of communing with the life force of the natural world, borrowing or stealing its latent energy to create or multiply positive or negative effects. This mainly means promoting or regressing the growth of plant life, communicating with or befriending animals, and in extreme cases even controlling parts of the earth or bodies of water. Nature magic was once mastered by the Fey of Mytheria, who understood how the forces of nature interwove closely and used it to protect large forests and peaceful glades, later teaching other races to do the same as Druids. However, with Mytheria's destruction in The Cataclysm, the Druid arts were mostly lost, and was only made worse by the Extinction. These days some tribal species still use kinds of nature magic, such as the Grompin or Rhacodan, but to a much less evolved degree than the Elder Races of the past did.  

Spirit Magic

Spirit Magic is based on the premise that every persons soul carries a certain amount of energy and power. Therefore, filling a vessel or even ones own body by collecting or invoking the spirits of the departed allows one to drawn upon this energy for magical effects. Spirit Magic is very rare, and in best cases it is used by tribal cultures and shamans who invoke the spirits of their ancestors, or of elemental spirits in nature to wield their abilities in an agreed exchange or borrowing of power. However, most Spirit Magic is known as Necromancy, where the user collects and establishes dominion over souls; not allowing them to pass on to the afterlife and instead coveting them to be used to raise servants from the dead, sustain ones own life, or to fuel powerful and harmful spells against others. Mastery of Necromancy allows one to achieve Lichdom; wherein the Necromancer houses their own soul in a phylactery and hides it away. They can then use bodies as anchors for their soul and walk amongst mortals, with the added benefit that when they die their soul returns to their phylactery and chooses a new body. With the development of artificial bodies through science, this art has even more potential for aspiring immortals to pursue. Without scientific intervention though, Necromancy can not prevent a deceased body from decaying even while it is occupied. Furthermore, destruction of a Lich's phylactery means they can be killed for good, making it their ultimate weakness.    



Meta Magic

Xmen cosmic energy tings   See: Meta Magic
Metaphysical, Supernatural