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Mars ARC Events

Mars is a vast desert of dust and stone. Since the days of human colonization, the atmosphere has gradually become more and more erratic with winds creating massive dust storms called ARC Events. These surges pick up sediment and loose debris from the ground, tossing it into the sky with rapid force.   In the five minutes leading up to the Event, the sky begins to dim as a sheet of orange and brown particles cover it. Once the storm arrives, ambient light fades by 30%, a cloud of particles fills the air making it difficult to see, obscuring visibility past 20 meters. The Martian winds create tornadoes that are 15 meters wide that move at three meters per second.  


Tornadoes and debris will avoid solid structures, so they are generally safe to take shelter inside of while storms pass through.  

Class I Debris Surge

Class I storms last five minutes. The warning that appears on player’s Action Feed one minute before the event starts reads “Warning: Class I Debris Surge imminent. Take shelter.”. Much of the map experiences roaming tornadoes that cause Ballistic damage every two seconds, equal to (Max SP + Max HP) * 0.01.   Entering a tornado also applies a stacking Debuff of Overwhelmed every six seconds up to a maximum of 20 stacks. Overwhelmed disables Thruster usage. Stacks are removed after six seconds once the player has exited the area. Once a player has 10 stacks of Overwhelmed, they are inflicted with Erosion. The Erosion Debuff is refreshed every second the player remains at or above 10 stacks of Overwhelmed.  

Class II Debris Surge

Class II surges last ten minutes before dissipating, and the warning that appears on player’s Action Feed one minute before the event starts reads “Warning: Class II Debris Surge imminent. Evacuation advised.”. They are more harrowing than Class I as they introduce falling debris as well as tornadoes.     Falling rocks will strike locations across the Map as well as a random location within 5 meters of any player every 8-10 seconds. These rocks are 1-2 meters wide. Before debris hits the surface, their size is determined and the area where it will impact displays a warning animation on the ground for three seconds. These rocks cause (Max SP + Max HP) * .05 Concussive damage, (Max SP + Max HP) * .05 Ballistic damage, and 50 Force damage.