The Turo Disaster

Disaster / Destruction

1005 3A

"Mantle, we're going down! We're on fire, we're goi-" -Last moments of the Turo's experimental technomantic flight recorder.

The Turo Disaster was a much publicized Airship crash in 1005 3A.   Advertised as the "Safest Airship of All Time." The Union built and managed Turo was a massive pleasure Airship made for the rich and famous to travel both quickly and comfortably.   Its first voyage was to be to depart from Atresa, head to Lyath'Or, Balmoth, Avolen, Tharrisia, Straka, and finally ending in Cam. With rich and famous passengers embarking and disembarking at each stop.   The trip did not make it to Lyath'Or. A freak storm over the Southern plains of the Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi saw the ships primary elemental exhaust struck in a 1 in a million chance impact. The exhaust backfired, and the engine exploded. The airship was lit aflame, and impacted the ground at near terminal velocity a few minutes later.   All 534 passengers and crew died in the crash. It made continent wide newspapers. It also kicked off an investigation in the Airship builder and saw new regulations around airship safety within Union Airship construction.

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