
The Rams are tasked with the most honorable task of protecting the city of Ikan and manning the great walls surrounding the city. Walls that in the entirety of their existence barley ever get attacked - and never with a real chance of success. Therefore the Rams are mostly involved in the security of the citizen, fulfilling the role of a police force.  


  • Field Marshal Marius von Reschâre
  • Lieutenant General Etienne von Reschâre - Commander of the Citadel Watch
  • Brigadier General Olaf Tormtad - Commander of the Wall Watch
  • Brigadier General Torsten von Tjonfels - Commander of the City Watch
  • Brigadier General Meltran Harbschwing - Commander of the Bracht Watch


Citadel Watch

This division is tasked with the protection of the Citadel - center of the Army of Ikan and seat of the Commander General. The actual service is purely ceremonial as the Citadel has not yet been attacked - ever. Furthermore the Citadel Watch serves as the military police.

Wall Watch

Tasked with manning the walls of the city, the activity of the Wall Watch focus primarily on the gates of the city. A position that allows them a direct influence on the trade in and out of the city. Rumors of bribery hand persistently over this division.

City Watch

The closest thing Ikan has to a police force. There duties include the investigation, conviction and arrest of criminals. But the city watch is laughably understaffed for a city of the size of Ikan - therefore they have completly retreated from some districts of the city.

Bracht Watch

The Bracht is the infamous prison of Ikan. More people are incarcerate in here then live in other cities. The guards are brutal and sadistic - but the illusion of safety let the well off people of Ikan gladly forget about the disastrous living conditions in there prison.


Ranks of the Rams

Generals Field Marshal
Lieutenant General
Brigadier General
Officer Guardian
Lieutenant Major
First Lieutenant
Cadet Second Lieutenant
Sergeants Sergeant Major
Enlisted Stone Guard
Recruits Recruit
Founding Date
Military, Army Corps
Parent Organization


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