The navy of Ikan is the backbone of it's dominance since the first days of the Empire of Alharien. Due to the agressive projection of trad routes into the city it made a sizable contribution to the rise of the empire.   Due to restrictions from the Contract of the Dragon the navy might not be what is once was - yet especially on the open sea their dominance is still unrivaled.  


  • Fleet Admiral Martin Balltran
  • Vice Admiral Ischara Tilara
  • Commodore Telwan von Drockenburg - First Fleet
  • Commodore Bjolnem Donnerbruch - Second Fleet
  • Commodore Deschta Holden - Third Fleet


First Fleet

The first fleet is permanently stationed in the harbor of Ikan. Their primary task is the projection of the harbor, the security in the harbor bay as well as the maintenance of the defense systems of the harbor. As nobody has proven dump enough to attack the greatest navy directly in their home harbor, this fleet musters the least man power. It is an open secret that most of the soldiers in this fleet are old veterans of the navy, doing their service until retirement. Over time the First Fleet has accumulated additional security related tasks like custom affairs, investigation of smugglers and security in the warehouse district bordering the harbor.  

Second Fleet

The second fleet is task with the projection of the trade routes from Gharlarad to Ikan. Due to an infestation of pirates on the Fireisles and hampered by tight restrictions on their operation area this task remains impossible to fulfill. This fleet has by far the most combat missions then any other branch of the navy - or army for that matter. Most sailors for a transfer after the first month - even more die within the first month. Those who manage to stay are destined to become the best the Seaserpents have to offer.  

Third Fleet

The third fleet is tasks with the protection of the northern trade routs between Norland, Marland and Ikan. Yes this remains a rather fruitless task. Most piracy in this regions is committed by the Nor themself - and the rules of the Contract of the Dragon strictly forbid any direct engagement of members of the Norland navy. Therefore the task of the third fleet usually boils down to escort missions and a show of presence. Occasionally ships of the third fleet are used for expeditions along the northern coast and across the sea.


Ranks of the Seaserpents

Generals Fleet Admiral
Vice Admiral
Officer Captain
Cadet Ensign
Recruits Recruit
Founding Date
Military, Navy Admiralty
Parent Organization


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