Northwest faerûn Goblin Ambush

Goblin Ambush

Military action


The party is ambushed on the Triboard Trail by a band of goblins. They chase the goblins back to their hideout to deal with them before resuming their journey to Phandalin.

After two uneventful days on The High Road, the party spots two slain horses in the road after a half day's travel on the Triboar Trail. Before they can investigate, they are ambushed by 4 goblins who attempt to slay their oxen and steal their goods. They quickly dispatch the outnumbered goblins and capture one for interrogation.   After inspecting the horses, Thistle informs the party that they resemble the horses that they resemble the ones that Gundren and Sildar were riding. Allen shows an empty map case that he found near the horses to Thistle who says that Gundren carried one that looked similar. A search of the area and the interrogation of the captured goblin, Chuggs, confirms suspicions that they were kidnapped by the goblins raiding this territory. Chuggs also reveals that there is a cave about 5 miles to the northwest where his tribe has made base.   The party decides to head to the cave to investigate and Chuggs agrees to lead the party to the cave in exchange for his freedom. Before they go, Allen heals up the surviving ox, Marri'Elle and Valamin help pull the cart off the road into a clearing, and Thistle agrees to stay behind with Garret to watch the wagon and tend to the ox.   Along the way, Chuggs lets slip that there are friends of his who do not support their bugbear leader, Klarg. He and the leader of the opposition, a goblin named Yeemik, have taken separate sides of the cave but only venture to the other's side when necessary. This schism has created two unofficial groups in the cave. Chuggs agrees to vouch for them to Yeemik if they agree to help him overthrow Klarg. Chuggs says that Yeemik or Klarg will know more about the missing human and dwarf.   When the party arrives at the cave, Chuggs helps them sneak pass the guards loyal to Klarg and shows them to Yeemik's chamber. The party sees Yeemik holding a human (who they later confirm to be Sildar), who appears to have been badly beaten. The party and Yeemik come to an agreement that in exchange for information and Sildar's freedom, they will help him overthrow Klarg. Yeemik leads the party to Klarg's section of the cave and a battle ensues. The party manages to dispatch Klarg and his followers without too much trouble. During the battle, Marri'Elle and Trinn pressed in to the treasure room and noticed a large number of coins scattered around the room and many wooden boxes with a blue lion head painted on them. Before they can investigate further, the battle ends and Yeemik gives the party time to interrogate Klarg while he goes to gather his followers.   During the interrogation, Klarg reveals that the leader of the entire Cragmaw tribe, King Grol, reigns from a nearby castle and that the party and Yeemik will regret their decision. The party also learns that King Grol is worked with "the black spider" to capture Gundren and his map, who have been taken to the castle. When Yeemik returns, he releases Sildarurges the party to leave now that their deal is done. Allen asks Yeemik if he'll continue raiding, to which Yeemik smirks and affirms. Allen warns that their paths may cross again on less favorable terms and Yeemik kicks the party out of the cave.   As the party is leaving, Trinn and Allen notice Yeemik remove a glowing stone from Klarg's pocket before executing him and tossing him in a nearby pool. Trinn has a hunch that it is a dwarven runestone, but cannot be sure from the distance. Upon leaving the cave, the party begins the trek back to the wagon. Along the way Sildar tells them he is heading to Phandalin as an agent of the Lords' Alliance, a group of political knights who aim to enforce law and order along the Sword Coast. He tells them he was escorting Gundren when they were ambushed and captured, and that he did not know much of Gundren's whereabouts. When Trinn mentions the runestone, Sildar says that he saw Gundren with it but didn't know anything about it.   The party meets back up with Thistle and Garret at the cart and take the cart back to to Phandalin. They arrive well after dark, so Thistle suggests they seek lodging at the Stonehill Inn and return to Barthen's Provisions for payment in the morning.   At the inn, the party sits down at a table in the tavern on the first floor to relax after a long day. Rieta offers to play for the people of the tavern and the innkeeper offers free room and food as payment. Her lively tunes lift the spirits of the party and patrons. Allen asks the innkeeper, Toblen, about the Redbrands, and he responds that they don't tend to visit his establishment, but they do hang around the Sleeping Giant on the east side of town. As the night winds down, the party discusses their plan of action now that they've arrived at their destination. They decide to help Sildar continue the search for Gundren.

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