Northwest faerûn The Giants' Tomb

The Giants' Tomb

Discovery, Exploration


The party's map leads them to an ancient tomb guarded by a 3 headed giant where they learn about an ancient war between Giants and Dragons.

The next morning, the party wakes to Leo's army packing up camp. The party thanks them for the meal and camp, and they part ways. The party continues their journey towards the spot on the map, leaving Neverwinter Wood and heading up the mountainside. When they arrive, the see a whole under some brush and foliage that hides a dirt tunnel. Trinn sends Athena down the tunnel to scout, and she finds it quickly turns into a worked stone hallway and opens up to be 10 feet wide and over 15 feet tall. At the end of the hallway was a steep stairwell that went up about 30 feet. From the top of the stairwell, Athena could see a faint, dull orange glow.   Garret and Valamin decide to sneak ahead of the party to scout, but when they get to the top of the stairs, they only see the source of the glow; a swirling glass sphere 10 feet in diameter. As the rest approach, their darkvision allows them to see further into the dimly light cave. Beyond the sphere they see the silhouette of a massive creature sitting in a massive stone throne. The creature is completely motionless, making it hard for them to know if it's living or a statue. Trinn decides to enter the room, but Marri'Elle beats him to it and steps in.   As she enters, she sees 4 more giants in the room seated on massive stone thrones. Two wielding massive shields stand up from their thrones and slam their shields down on the ground, their glowing red eyes fixed on her. Two more stand with their axes in their hands and fix their piercing blue eyes on her. Finally, the one beyond the orb stands and slams the hilt of its massive axe on the ground. They all feel a great force urge them forward, however everyone but Trinn is able to resist it. As he is pulled forward, Marri'Elle grabs on to him and is flung forward with him.   The party gets a clear view of the giant at the end of the room, it has three heads on its shoulders and many more giant heads worn as trophies along its waste. Its three working heads speak in monotone unison. It asks who the party is and why they have come. The party explains themselves but the giant is skeptical. It asks them to touch the sphere which will reveal their true nature. They all do so and feel the energy first overwhelm then drain from their body. Reginald falls unconscious from the event, but the party brings him back to consciousness with a healing potion. Afterwards, the giant begins to speak with them.   After some dialogue, the party learns that dragons attacked giants over 25,000 years ago and a great war took place. As a result, dragons and giants have an eternal hatred of one another. Dragons get stronger as they age and eventually cannot be killed by mortal means, so the patron god of giants, Annam the All-Father, created powerful weapons to slay the ancient beasts. The tomb that they are in holds the last surviving weapon, but giants are too weak and scattered to fight the dragons again. Trinn tells the giant that dragons recently attacked each other and are all but a legend now. This surprises and invigorates the giant, who says they may be able to defeat them. With this, the giant slams its hilt on the floor once more and they are thrown through what feels like space and time itself to appear outside the entrance to the cave.   The party decides to seal the entrance to the cave, if only to keep others from stumbling upon it, and setup camp for the evening near the forest.

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