Northwest faerûn Venomfang is Slain

Venomfang is Slain

Military action


After reporting back to Neverwinter, the party decides to take care of Venomfang themselves.

Despite their night out, the party wakes the next morning at the usual time. Trinn tells the party that they should go see his father to inform him about the events of the last few weeks. He plans to visit him early afternoon. While they wait,Marri'Elle makes a trip to the Tarmalune Trade House to buy a grappling hook and 20 feet of chain, Reginald heads back to his sister's house to pick up some items he commissioned from Jaesor, and Garret decided to go consolidate his coinage at Manycoins Moneylending. To be sure Garret doesn't find any trouble, Valamin tags along with him. Unbeknownst to Valamin, however, Garret was also gathering intel from local contacts known to frequent that establishment. When Garret finishes, Valamin goes to buy a trained sugar glider from Maria Crewe at the Raven's Roost. Soon after, the party reconvenes at the Gladius estate. Garret tells them he heard about a roving group of mercenaries that have turned to banditry in the south and to be wary of them when they heard towards Valamin's monastery. Afterwards, Trinn leads them to the Hall of Justice to speak with his father.   The party meets Roman Gladius at the Hall of Justice and he brings them back to a separate room to speak. Trinn informs his father that they have secured Phandalin and found something that may be very valuable and powerful to Neverwinter. After some discussion, his father agrees to send a group of soldiers to help secure the city after Leo returns, with Julia leading it. Should it prove to be valuable, they will establish a more permanent solution. Trinn also tells his father of the giant's tomb that they found and about Venomfang in Thundertree. He also informs him of the cultists that worship the dragons and his worry about their presence in Neverwinter. Roman tells Trinn he can have Leo handle it when he gets back, or Trinn can handle it himself. After some consideration with the party, they decide to slay the dragon themselves. They ready themselves and set out back towards Thundertree.   The party rises early in anticipation of the battle ahead. They seek out Reidoth and ask for his assistance once more. They march out to meet Venomfang in his tower under the guise of cooperation and giving him gifts for information. As soon as they are close, however, the party turns on him and attacks. Venomfang is constantly stunned by Valamin as the rest of the party pours their damage on to him, but he does manage to get a breath attack off before his attempts to retreat. The party survives, but Reidoth does not. As Venomfang tries to flee, Marri'Elle snares him with her grappling hook and uses all of her strength to keep him in place while the rest of the party kills him. The battle is not too difficult, but Trinn is troubled by how such a young dragon became so strong…   Reginald revives Reidoth as Valamin and Marri'Elle leap off the tower to follow Venomfang to the ground, ensuring that he is in fact dead. The rest head down the stairs of the tower to the ground floor. Trinn, still troubled by Venomfang's strength, further investigates by casting Detect Magic and Identify on the corpse. He discovers that Venomfang's entire body was imbued with transmutation magic that's quickly fading. The party decides to carve off what pieces they can, obtaining 30 scales, 2 claws, 4 fangs, and a venom sac. In addition, they decide to lob off his head in order to question him later with Reginald's Speak with Dead. The party returns to the tower to look for Venomfang's spoils. They find 3000 gold, the magical axe Hew, and a potion of flying.   The party decides to head back to Neverwinter. With his business finished, Reidoth says he will head home and if they need him, they can contact Theryis. They say their farewells and make the journey back to Neverwinter.

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