Citadel Adbar Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Citadel Adbar

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Цитадель Адбар (большой город): Традиционное; AL LG (МВ ЗД Лимит 40 000 зм; Активы 39 924 000 зм; Население 19962; Смешанное (щитовые дварфы 84%, золотые дварфы 6%, люди 5%, дварфы урдунниры 3%, глубинные гномы 1%, земляные генаси 1%).
  Citadel Adbar In the extreme north of Faerûn, near the Cold Wood, lie the Ice Mountains. There, in the bitter cold, stands the eternal fortress of Citadel Adbar, the last great remnant of the Northkingdom, and glory of fallen Delzoun. For nearly eighteen centuries, Adbar has stood strong against every threat from every foe, and stood fast, to the great pride of its residents and our people throughout the region.   From the surface, Citadel Adbar looks less like a castle or a human city than a mountain carved to suit the purposes of the Dwarves who live there. The two great towers that stand uppermost are ringed with vicious dragonspikes to keep large creatures from landing to attack the structures directly. The great chimney of the city’s central foundry stands between them, belching smoke like a volcano about to erupt. Ringing the citadel is a host of platforms, battlements, and arrow slits from where defenders can fire crossbows at anyone foolish enough to attack the city.   For centuries, Adbar has stood as the living monument of the Northkingdom. Already the main fortress of Delzoun when that empire fell, it only grew in importance to the Dwarves of the region as other settlements were overrun by orcs, assailed by Goblins, or simply disappeared. An orc horde hoping to take Citadel Adbar might rage against its walls, but to little effect, until the great, unyielding granite became the anvil against which they were smashed. The great drawbridge allowed none to pass except welcomed guests, and such guests were few indeed. Standing unconquered, it was the bastion of dwarven hope, glory, and trade.   But now, for the first time in memory, my fellow Adbarran seem truly frightened at the prospect of opening the citadel to any outsiders. Perhaps they are reacting to the recent losses of the war, or the lack of leadership shown by our new king, or mere war-weariness, but for whatever reason Adbar’s gates are even harder to move with soft words than they have been in the past, and there are fewer traders coming out of the city nowadays.   The recent orc wars have cost the kingdom dearly, both in warriors and in leadership. In a short time, our long-ruling king, Harbromm, died. His unprepared twin sons shared the rule until the elder, Bromm, was himself killed by a dragon, leaving young King Harnoth with the rule of the ancient citadel.   What followed was a great bleeding of the realm. Much was required to break the North out of the great siege the Many-Arrows orcs held it under. There are also whispers that King Harnoth led his Knights of the Mithral Shield out into the field to vent his rage and grief on the orcs in ill-advised assaults, winnowing down the once great Knights to fewer than two dozen. The Iron Guard, Adbar’s army, appears as strong as ever it did, but given the extent of the losses against the orcs, it would be little surprise if their newer recruits were more smiths than warriors, serving their realm out of a sense of duty rather than a desire for battle. I served in the Guard for a century, but I’ve yet to test the newcomers to see just what they’re made of.   If you are fortunate enough to be granted entry to Adbar, be wary of walking around on your own. Within the citadel are traps, deadfalls, and other hazards in various places waiting for someone to approach a protected location incorrectly. A guide, if you can find one, is necessary for newcomers to get around safely.   Beneath the citadel proper, miles of dwarf-sized caverns form a confusing maze that frustrates most non-dwarf visitors. These tunnels are what remain of the early mining efforts inside the mountain. Below them lie the great ore mines of today, constantly being worked by crews of engineers and laborers.   By law, the mines are forbidden to visitors — even non-Adbarran Dwarves — except in times of great emergency. So, given the impregnable nature of the fortress, no one not of Adbar has yet been privileged enough to witness what occurs down below. The citadel’s Great Wheel, a most impressive sight even to a dwarf, is an ever-turning water wheel that provides power to keep Adbar’s foundries, mines, and other operations working at all times. Near the wheel is the Hall of Moradin’s Forge, a place of worship that reminds every dwarf of the Soul Forger’s strength and enduring protection. One can’t help but feel safe in its presence, and a true dwarf is home in the warmth of Moradin’s shadow.   Given the current state of the surface lands around the citadel, it is no surprise that Adbarran are even more suspicious than usual of caravans and visitors that approach the city by means of an underground route. One such road arrives from the west, connecting Adbar to Mithral Hall and Mirabar through the ancient tunnels of Old Delzoun. Another tunnel leads south from Adbar to meet the Lowroad, which connects the ruins of Ascore in the east to Citadel Felbarr in the west.   No matter where they come from, all roads leading to Adbar converge so that all travelers must confront the great pair of iron doors known as the Caravan Door. Like the rest of Citadel Adbar, this gate has never been breached. Mention the idea of that happening to an Adbarran dwarf, if you’re looking to get a laugh.  
    На крайнем севере Фаэруна, поблизости от Холодного Леса, лежат Ледяные Горы. Там, окружённая лютым холодом, стоит древняя крепость Цитадели Адбар - последнее величественное напоминание о Северном Королевстве и славе павшего Делзуна.   Уже почти восемнадцать столетий Адбар мужественно и стойко отражает любые угрозы со стороны всевозможных врагов - к огромной гордости её жителей и всего дварфийского народа Севера.   Эта могущественная крепость - самый северный крупный обитаемый город в Серебрянных Кордонах. Не смотря на свою отдаленность, здесь ведется активная торговая деятельность. Отличительным знаком цитадели является персональная эмблема ее правителя, Короля Харбромма: вертикально установленный одноручный топор, заключенный в кольцо пламени, с красной надписью на серебряном фоне.   Городская армия, легендарная Железная Гвардия, одна из сильнейших на севере Фаэруна. Верхом на боевых пони патрули охраняют территорию, лежащую в одном дне пути от цитадели во всех направлениях; а иногда отправляются и на более дальние расстояния, чтобы обеспечить безопасную дорогу караванам, направляющимся в или из Цитадели Адбар.       С поверхности Цитадель Адбар больше похожа не на замок или человеческий город, а на гору, обработанную каменотёсами таким образом, чтобы сде¬лать её пригодной для живущих там дварфов. Две огромные башни, возвышающиеся над крепостью, окружены ужасными драконьими шипами, не позволяющими крупным существам совершить посадку и сразу же атаковать строения. Между ними расположена гигантская труба центральной литейной города, выбрасывающая в воздух клубы дыма, подобно извергающемуся вулкану. Цитадель окружена множеством защитных платформ, зубчатых стен и бойниц откуда защитники могут вести арбалетный огонь по любому, кто был достаточно глуп, чтобы напасть на город.   На протяжении веков Адбар стояла живым памятником Северного Королевства. Всегда бывшая главной крепостью Делзуна, она стала особенно важна для населявших эти места дварфов после того, как империя пала и другие поселения были опустошены орками, подверглись нападению гоб-линов или просто исчезли. Орды орков в надежде взять Цитадель Адбар тщетно бесновались под её стенами, пока великолепный неподатливый гранит не становился для них наковальней, о которую они были сокрушены. Огромный подъемный мост не позволял пройти никому, кроме действительно желанных гостей, а таких гостей было очень мало. Стоя непокоренной, Цитадель Адбар была оплотом дварфийской надежды, славы и торговли.   Но сейчас, впервые на моей памяти, мои товарищи адбарцы кажутся действительно напуганными при мысли о том, что Цитадель будет открыта для посторонних. Возможно, виноваты недавние воен-ные потери, или недостаточно умелое руководство нашего нового короля, или просто сказывается усталость от войны, но, так или иначе, ворота Адбар всё неохотнее открываются перед сладкоречивыми чужеземцами, и всё меньше торговых караванов покидает город в наши дни.   Последние орочьи войны дорого стоили королев-ству, мы потеряли множество воинов и утратили лидерство. В скором времени наш долго правящий король Харбромм умер. Его неподготовленные сыновья-близнецы правили сообща, пока старший из них - Бромм сам не был убит драконом, оставив молодого короля Харнота править древней цитаделью.   Последующие события обескровили королевство.   Потребовалось немало усилий, чтобы прорвать долгую осаду, в которой удерживали Север Орки Много-Стрел. Поговаривают также, что король Харнот выводил своих Рыцарей Мифрилового Щита в поле лишь для того, чтобы дать выход своему горю и ярости, и его опрометчивые нападения на орков сильно проредили некогда могучих Рыцарей, сократив их количество менее чем до двух дюжин бойцов.   Железная Гвардия, армия Адбара выглядит столь же сильной, как и раньше, но, учитывая масштабы потерь в боях с орками, вполне может оказаться, что среди новых рекрутов больше кузнецов, чем воинов, и на службу королевству их привела не жажда битв, а чувство долга. Я служил в Гвардии на протяжении столетия, и я еще проверю нович¬ков, чтобы разобраться, чего они стоят.   Если вам посчастливилось получить доступ в Цитадель Адбар, остерегайтесь бродить по ней в одиночестве. Внутри цитадели в самых разных местах спрятаны ловушки, западни и другие опасности, поджидающие того, кто не сумеет правильно пересечь охраняемую ими зону. Для безопасного перемещения внутри Цитадели понадобится проводник, если, конечно, вы сумеете его найти.   Многие мили каверн высотой в рост дварфа, лежащие под цитаделью, образуют запутанный лабиринт, который производит крайне неприятное впечатление на большинство посетителей недварфийской расы. Эти туннели остались от более ранних горнодобывающих работ внутри горы. Под ними лежат огромные современные рудники, где постоянно трудятся бригады инженеров и рабочих.   По закону шахты закрыты для посетителей - даже для неадбарских дварфов - кроме как во времена чрезвычайных ситуаций. Таким образом, учитывая неприступный характер крепости, никто, кроме самих адбарцев, не удостоен чести быть свидетелем того, что происходит внизу. Великое Колесо цитадели - весьма впечатляющее зрелище даже для дварфа, представляет собой бесконечно вращающееся водяное колесо, которое вырабатывает энергию, необходимую для непрерывной работы литейных,   Рядом с колесом расположен Зал Кузницы Морадина - храм, который напоминает каждому дварфу о силе Кователя Душ и о его неизменном покрови-тельстве. Любой почувствует себя в безопасности в его присутствии, ведь истинный дварф чувствует себя дома в теплой тени Морадина. С учётом нынешней ситуации на поверхности земель, окружающих цитадель, не удивительно, что адбарцы еще подозрительнее, чем раньше встречают караваны и посетителей, прибывающих к городу подземны¬ми путями. Одна из таких дорог расположена на западе, проходя сквозь древние туннели Старого Делзуна, она связывает Адбар с Мифраловым Залом и Мирабаром. Другой туннель ведет на юг от Адбар, к Нижней Дороге, которая соединяет руины Аскора на востоке и Цитадель Фелбарр на западе.   Где бы они не брали своё начало, все дороги, ведущие к Адбар, сходятся в одной точке, так что любой путешественник оказывается стоящим перед гигантскими двустворчатыми железными дверями, известными как Караванные Ворота.   Ещё никому не удавалось пробить брешь в защите этих ворот, как, впрочем, и всей остальной Цитадели Адбар. Если вы хотите насмешить адбарского дварфа, предложите ему обсудить возможность этого события.   Цитадель Адбар простояла в холодах Ледяных Гор почти восемь столетий, непокорная и неприступная. Крепость, вырезанная в горном пике, состоит из двух больших башен с кольцами шипов, чтобы не дать приземлиться летающим существам и атаковать.   Огромный дымоход центральной литейной в цитадели расположен между башнями, а выбрасываемый дым похож на готовый извергаться вулкан. Цитадель окружена множеством платформ, зубчатыми стенами и бойницами, с которых защитники могут стрелять по атакующим.   Огромный подъемный мост не позволяет никому кроме патрулей и почетных гостей входить в дварфийскую крепость. Хитро спрятанные ловушки ожидают тех, кто попытается проникнуть внутрь без приглашения, а под цитаделью существует обширная сеть тоннелей и пещер, созданная, чтобы запутать захватчиков.   На крайнем севере Фаэруна, поблизости от Холод¬ного Леса, лежат Ледяные Горы. Там, окружённая лютым холодом, стоит древняя крепость Цитадели Адбар - последнее величественное напоминание о Северном Королевстве и славе павшего Делзуна.   Уже почти восемнадцать столетий Адбар муже¬ственно и стойко отражает любые угрозы со сторо¬ны всевозможных врагов - к огромной гордости её жителей и всего дварфийского народа Севера.   С поверхности Цитадель Адбар больше похожа не на замок или человеческий город, а на гору, обработанную каменотёсами таким образом, чтобы сделать её пригодной для живущих там дварфов. Две огромные башни, возвышающиеся над крепостью, окружены ужасными драконьими шипами, не позволяющими крупным существам совершить посадку и сразу же атаковать строения. Между ними расположена гигантская труба центральной литейной города, выбрасывающая в воздух клубы дыма, подобно извергающемуся вулкану. Цитадель окружена множеством защитных платформ, зубчатых стен и бойниц откуда защитники могут вести арбалетный огонь по любому, кто был достаточно глуп, чтобы напасть на город.   На протяжении веков Адбар стояла живым памятником Северного Королевства. Всегда бывшая главной крепостью Делзуна, она стала особенно важна для населявших эти места дварфов после того, как империя пала и другие поселения были опустошены орками, подверглись нападению гоб¬линов или просто исчезли. Орды орков в надежде взять Цитадель Адбар тщетно бесновались под её стенами, пока великолепный неподатливый гранит не становился для них наковальней, о которую они были сокрушены. Огромный подъемный мост не позволял пройти никому, кроме действительно желанных гостей, а таких гостей было очень мало. Стоя непокоренной, Цитадель Адбар была оплотом дварфийской надежды, славы и торговли.   Но сейчас, впервые на моей памяти, мои товари¬щи адбарцы кажутся действительно напуганными при мысли о том, что Цитадель будет открыта для посторонних. Возможно, виноваты недавние воен¬ные потери, или недостаточно умелое руководство нашего нового короля, или просто сказывается усталость от войны, но, так или иначе, ворота Адбар всё неохотнее открываются перед сладкоречивыми чужеземцами, и всё меньше торговых караванов покидает город в наши дни.   Последние орочьи войны дорого стоили королев¬ству, мы потеряли множество воинов и утратили лидерство. В скором времени наш долго правящий король Харбромм умер. Его неподготовленные сыно¬вья-близнецы правили сообща, пока старший из них - Бромм сам не был убит драконом, оставив молодо¬го короля Харнота править древней цитаделью.   Последующие события обескровили королевство.   Потребовалось немало усилий, чтобы прорвать долгую осаду, в которой удерживали Север Орки Много-Стрел. Поговаривают также, что король Хар- нот выводил своих Рыцарей Мифрилового Щита в поле лишь для того, чтобы дать выход своему горю и ярости, и его опрометчивые нападения на орков сильно проредили некогда могучих Рыцарей, сократив их количество менее чем до двух дюжин бойцов. Железная Гвардия, армия Адбара выглядит столь же сильной, как и раньше, но, учитывая мас¬штабы потерь в боях с орками, вполне может ока-заться, что среди новых рекрутов больше кузнецов, чем воинов, и на службу королевству их привела не жажда битв, а чувство долга. Я служил в Гвардии на протяжении столетия, и я еще проверю нович¬ков, чтобы разобраться, чего они стоят.   Если вам посчастливилось получить доступ в Цитадель Адбар, остерегайтесь бродить по ней в одиночестве. Внутри цитадели в самых разных местах спрятаны ловушки, западни и другие опас¬ности, поджидающие того, кто не сумеет правильно пересечь охраняемую ими зону. Для безопасного перемещения внутри Цитадели понадобится прово¬дник, если, конечно, вы сумеете его найти.   Многие мили каверн высотой в рост дварфа, лежащие под цитаделью, образуют запутанный лабиринт, который производит крайне неприятное впечатление на большинство посетителей нед- варфийской расы. Эти туннели остались от более ранних горнодобывающих работ внутри горы. Под ними лежат огромные современные рудники, где постоянно трудятся бригады инженеров и рабочих.   По закону шахты закрыты для посетителей - даже для неадбарских дварфов - кроме как во времена чрезвычайных ситуаций. Таким образом, учитывая неприступный характер крепости, никто, кроме самих адбарцев, не удостоен чести быть свидетелем того, что происходит внизу. Великое Колесо цита¬дели - весьма впечатляющее зрелище даже для дварфа, представляет собой бесконечно вращающе¬еся водяное колесо, которое вырабатывает энергию, необходимую для непрерывной работы литейных шахт и других нужд Цитадели.   Рядом с колесом расположен Зал Кузницы Мора- дина - храм, который напоминает каждому дварфу о силе Кователя Душ и о его неизменном покрови¬тельстве. Любой почувствует себя в безопасности в его присутствии, ведь истинный дварф чувствует себя дома в теплой тени Морадина.   Торговые пути   С учётом нынешней ситуации на поверхности земель, окружающих цитадель, не удивительно, что адбарцы еще подозрительнее, чем раньше встречают караваны и посетителей, прибывающих к городу подземными путями. Одна из таких дорог расположена на западе, проходя сквозь древние туннели Старого Делзуна, она связывает Адбар с Мифриловым Залом и Мирабаром. Другой туннель ведет на юг от Адбар, к Нижней Дороге, которая соединяет руины Аскора на востоке и Цитадель Фелбарр на западе.   Где бы они не брали своё начало, все дороги, ведущие к Адбар, сходятся в одной точке, так что любой путешественник оказывается стоящим перед гигантскими двустворчатыми железными дверями, известными как Караванные Ворота.   Ещё никому не удавалось пробить брешь в защи¬те этих ворот, как, впрочем, и всей остальной Цитадели Адбар. Если вы хотите насмешить адбарского дварфа, предложите ему обсудить возможность этого события.   На случай, если защита Адбара будет прорвана, дварфы сделали секретный эвакуационный тоннель, длиной в сотни миль, соединяющийся с проходами под Цитаделью Фелбарр на западе.  
Гарнизон Адбара дает награду в 10 зм за каждую голову орка, принесенную к воротам города, и 100 зм за каждую голову гиганта.
  Население Цитадели Адбар сильно уменьшилось Войной Серебряных Пустошей, которая забрала многих великих воинов Адбара, включая их давно правившего короля, Харбромма. Король Харбромм вел своих рыцарей в бой против орочьих орд, заполонивших Пустоши, и погиб на поле брани.   Сыновья близнецы Харбромма, Бромм и Харнот, унаследовали трон и, как и их отец, оставили цитадель Адбар и ушли на войну. Позже Бромм пропал без вести и корона досталась Харноту. Харнот и его последователи сражались в множестве битв на войне, но новый король принял несколько неудачных решений, которые уменьшили число когда-то великих Рыцарей Мифрилового Щита до горстки членов. К счастью для Харнота, Железная Гвардия, армия защитников Цитадели Адбар все еще сильна.   This fortress is named for King Adbar, the ancient dwarf who built it over 1,000 years ago during the waning years of ancient Delzoun (the dwarven North kingdom), making this the last shard of the dead dwarven kingdom. Quarried of granite, the Citadel, whose gate tower is visible above the surface, can house up to 60,000 Dwarves in comfort; men find its miles and miles of defensive granite corridors, tunnels, and hallways twisting their way under the Ice Mountains too dark, dreary, and cramped.  


  This dwarven city doesn't welcome visitors. This is not surprising, as most visitors are orcs or monsters seeking the swift death of its citizens. The Citadel is a fortress, perhaps the mightiest castle north of Amn. It has ditches that can be filled with flaming oil, bridges that can be drawn up or swung down into deep pits, concentric rings of walls that can be defended one by one in the event of a powerful besieging army, and so on. The Citadel has withstood over 60 orc horde attacks thus far. Each of these were determined sieges by over 10,000 orcs at a time, and occasionally 10 times that number.   Despite its forbidding ways and remote location, Citadel Adbar is a trading city. Around 14,000 Dwarves dwell here, forging and smelting finished work from ores. Their work creates quite a din and clangor, and a permanent cloud of smoke hangs over the city. These factors make a visit to Citadel Adbar very unpleasant for most folk. By and large, only metal traders and the most desperate or daring peddlers go there.      

Важные Места

  Цитадель Адбар построена для того, чтобы ее жители находились в безопасности в случае начавшейся атаки врагов. Следовательно, многие из ее наиболее важных участков являются оборонительными приспособле¬ниями, используемыми во время осады или битвы.  


  Намного ниже поверхности расположена пара мас-сивных железных дверей, за которыми открываются бесконечные коридоры и отсеки Фардримма, скры-того сердца павшего Делзоуна. По этим темным ки-лометрам тянется подземный караванный путь из цитадели до самого Мифрилового Зала (а оттуда - в Мирабар). Другой туннель ведет к Нижней Дороге, которая тянется от Фелбарра до развалин Аскора. Огромный вход не заперт и открыт для доступа толь¬ко во время приближения караванов, но даже тогда Врата остаются открытыми ровно настолько, чтобы телеги, животные и путешественники были безопас¬но пропущены внутрь. Здесь все время находятся на страже не менее тридцати солдатов-дварфов, вклю¬чая высоко квалифицированных ветеранов и готовых к сражению жрецов Клангеддина Серебробородого или Горма Галтина.   Стража пропускает знакомых им дружественных существ и зарегистрированные караваны, но все про¬чие рассматриваются с предубеждением, которое гра¬ничит с откровенным подозрением. Те караваны, ко¬торые возглавляют торговцы, никогда раньше не бы¬вавшие в цитадели, подвергаются полному осмотру, от них также могут потребовать немедленно отбыть по окончанию своих дел. Многие посетители, при¬бывшие впервые для законного ведения дел, никогда не видят в цитадели более чем комнат и коридоров в непосредственной близости от Караванных Ворот.   Те путешественники, которые не могут предоставить удовлет-ворительного объяснения их прибытия Б цитадель, или от-сылаются прочь, или будут обя-заны отсидеть в одной из мно¬гих нижних «камер ожидания» пока кто-либо из наделенных властью не решит, разрешить им находиться внутри цита¬дели, выгнать их или казнить как врагов и шпионов. Ко¬манды авантюристов без раз¬решающего документа будут уведомлены о задержании до тбго момента, пока кто-либо не решит их судьбу.   Стража может предупредит обитателей крепости об опас-ности, используя инженерное устройство в виде трубы, пере-дающей крики в многочис¬ленные комнаты этого уровня. Дварфы, которые слышат это предупреждение, повторяют его в трубы, расположенные на их уровнях. Вся цитадель может быть готова к неизбежной опас¬ности в какие-то 10 раундов.   В огромных, сводчатых камерах, где находятся прибывшие караваны, в полу расположе¬ны особые ловушки, которые при запуске закиды¬вают все, что стоит на полу на 12 метров вниз в яму, которая затем наполняется водой со скоростью 2,4 метра в раунд. Целые караваны, приведенные недру¬гами, были уничтожены в цитадели таким способом.   Из этих ворот легендарные Тайные Разведчики Ци-тадели начинают шпионить в окрестностях Подземья. Элитные отряды опытных рейнджеров и воров, знако-мых с различными хитростями, квалифицированных в чтении следов и знании подземелий - эти Тайные Разведчики являются первой линией защиты против приближающейся подземной угрозы.  


  Шахтеры-дварфы в Цитадели Адбар добывают руду в настоящих шахтах-катакомбах, расположенных глу-боко под самыми нижними обитателями крепости. Дварфы передают добытую руду наверх для пере-работки на литейный завод и в плавильную печь. Не живущим постоянно в крепости существам и ее посе-тителям -даже тем, которым доверяют ее постоянные обитатели, никогда не показывают дорогу в шахты, за исключение крайней необходимости. Шахтовые ра-боты настолько обширны, что кто-то неосторожный или неподготовленный вполне может безнадежно за¬теряться там. Дварфы подготовили тайные комнаты, проходы и отсеки (конечно, снабженные запасами пищи) в пределах шахт на тот случай, если однажды им придется использовать эти разработки как убежи¬ще.  


  Наиболее высокие этажи цитадели содержат обшир¬ную металлоплавильную печь и литейный завод, где дварфы производят товары для торговли, благодаря которым они справедливо известны по всему Северу. Здесь обычно спокойно, кроме времени моления и специальных праздничных дней.   Великое Колесо: Гигантское водяное колесо бес¬конечно вращается в глубине цитадели, вырабатывая энергию для устройств, которые дварфы используют в шахтах, при плавлении и обороне. Отряд из не ме¬нее чем десяти солдат, возглавляемый жрецом или опытным капитаном, все время охраняют колесо от попыток саботажа.   Зал Кузнецы Морадина: Возле Великого Колеса находится Зал Кузнецы Морадина, самый большой и важный храм города. Храм фактически является крепостью внутри крепости, охраняется гигантскими воротами и непроницаемыми стенами. Его защитни¬ки, элитные отряды жрецов, паладинов и монахов, известные как Молоты Морадина, часто оказывают поддержку своей святой силой Железной Гвардии в моменты опасности. Роранн Каменный Молот (НД мужчина, щитовой дварф, Жр Морадина 17) является лидером Зала. Он - один из самых доверенных совет¬ников и соратников Харбромма.  


  Башни цитадели, включая вентиляционную башню литейного завода, оснащены огромными железными пиками. Эти пики остро заточены для того, чтобы помешать драконам и другим летающим существам приземлиться на башни. Существо размером Боль¬шой и крупнее, которое летит на пики, подвергается их атаке. (Пики считаются длинными копьями разме¬ром Гаргантюан, заточенными против стремительной атаки).   Драконовы Пики: СВ 6; нет броска атаки (268+5 пунктов повреждения, удваивается, если существо стремительно атакует или пикирует для избежания повреждений спас-бросок Рефлекса (КС 20).  


  Даже во время самых отчаянных сражений и в самые тяжелые моменты в крепости ее правители никогда не считали необходимым привести в действие эту устрашающую ловушку. Башней Железный Башмак можно манипулировать - она прикреплена к основ¬ной части цитадели массивными железными крепле¬ниями так, что ее можно отсоединить, и при этом она упадет и похоронит находящихся под ней существ под грудами камня и металла.   Для активация ловушки необходимо, чтобы 24-25 дварфов одновременно включили устройство, кото¬рое отсоединяет крепления. Через пять минут устрой¬ство придет в действие, крепления освободятся и эта башня рухнет.   Король Адбар, за время его долгого правления, только однажды лично подготовил к использованию это устройство, когда армия из более чем тридцати тысяч орков установила осаду крепости при помощи великанов, троллей и пары голубых драконов. Сер¬жант Галфвир Железный Башмак и его команда до-бровольно согласились остаться в башне и стрелять из арбалетов по расположенным внизу вражеским отрядам, чтобы последние ничего не заподозрили (а они могли бы догадаться о ловушке, если бы из баш¬ни всех эвакуировали при подготовке к падению). Жертва Железного Башмака была предупреждена прибытием дружественной армии под командовани¬ем Сигрида Рокхоума «Свежевальщика Великанов», который прервал осаду. Но башне присвоили имя в честь упомянутого капитана, в память о его самоот¬верженной храбрости.   Ловушка Железного Башмака: СВ 20; угроза оползня или лавины (смотрите 3 Главу в Руководстве Мастера Подземелий). Все существа в пределах ради¬уса 48 метров от основания башни считаются в зоне обвала; все существа более чем в 48 метрах, но менее чем в 66 метрах от основания башни считаются в зоне оползня.  

Faction: Citadel Adbar



  Common Descriptors: Dwarven, traditional, rugged   Primary Classes: Any (dwarven)   Alignments: LN (primary), LG, NG, N, LE, CG  


  Citadel Adbar, the Delzoun, the North   Ranks   Favored: Rank 1. You are not only regarded as a proper citizen of Citadel Adbar, but you have gained King Harbromm's notice. He occasionally asks favors of you, or those of his court seek you out for aid of some kind.   Agent: Rank 3. You have earned the king's confidences. You are considered a distinct member of his court, possibly even bearing a title of some kind. Your loyalty is expected to be to to king and citadel first and foremost.   King: Rank 10. You are the lord of Citadel Adbar.   “For Adbar! For Harbromm! For the sons of Moradin!”   Citadel Adbar's agents are no shadowy, secretive force. They are proud Shield Dwarves who wear the red-axe-and-flame of Harbromm proudly. These are Dwarves who take great pride in the history and traditions of their people, and they have sworn to keep it alive at all costs.   Overview   Agents of the Citadel can occasionally be found outside of the Citadel proper - they are usually on official business of some sort, even if they are also tending to personal affairs. King Harbromm knows the strengths of his advisors, clan elders, and chief military personnel very well, and is skilled at leveraging their strengths to the Citadel's benefit. To outsiders, the agents of Citadel Adbar seem almost stereotypically dwarven: doughty, sullen, mistrusting of non-dwarves.  

Goals and Philosophy

  For a long time, Adbarrim-folk have thought of themselves as the last bastion of dwarf-kind in the North, the final home of the Shield Dwarves. While there are other places that boast small communities of Moradin's children, Citadel Adbar is a proper dwarf-hold, of the kind that once held power across the North in ancient days. These tales of ancient dwarf kingdoms, of long lineages of Shield dwarf heroes, and of the glories done in Moradin's name are more than just stories to agents of Citadel Adbar: they are ideals to live up to and goals to achieve once more.   True agents of Citadel Adbar hold to the following tenets:   Loyalty to Citadel Adbar comes first, for loyalty to the Citadel is loyalty to dwarvenkind in the North.   It is not slavish obedience that King Harbromm wants, but strong and willful Dwarves of noble temperament who wish to do what is best for all of Moradin's children.   The safety of dwarvenkind is paramount - outside allegiances, personal concerns, and the drive to accumulate personal wealth and power must all fall to the wayside when the lives of Dwarves are at stake.  


  The tasks given to Harbromm's most trusted vassals are many and varied. Literally anything that might be needful for the survival and prosperity of the Citadel and its folk is fair game, and Harbromm trusts the most delicate and dangerous tasks to his most trusted advisors and agents alone.   Quests undertaken by agents of Citadel Adbar might include the following:   Leading a fighting force to clear orcish raiders out of the trading routes through the Deep Realm.   Diplomatic missions to other nations to help acquire new trade.   Missions into ancient dwarven ruins, to recover lost artifacts and lore of ancient fallen Delzoun.  


  Agents of Citadel Adbar in good standing might receive the following benefits:   A Place to Call Home: Rank 1+. Those in Harbromm's service are ensured basic living quarters so long as they are in Citadel Adbar, equivalent to a Poor Lifestyle expense for free. Those who live more grandly may reduce their lifestyle costs by 2 sp per day. This is upgraded to Modest and 1gp discount per day at Rank 3+, and Comfortable and 2gp at Rank 6+.   Lore of the Elders: Rank 3+. You have access to the body of dwarven elders, an august gathering of esteemed scholars, historians, and sages, well-versed on those topics dealing with dwarven history, culture, and theology.   A Royal Gift: Rank 3+. You receive a suit of Adamantine armor or Mithral armor as a gift from King Harbromm.  


  Some of King Harbromm's agents are given titles in accordance with their role within his court. These titles come with responsibility as well as rewards.   Iron Guard: Members of the Iron Guard are dedicated warriors. Those trusted enough to hold positions of command must pass muster with King Harbromm directly, however, becoming agents. These war-axe-wielding, plate armor-wearing warriors are very distinctive.   Iron Guard Second Axe (Rank 1+): Those responsible for commanding smaller units of Iron Guard. Each Second Axe is given a command of twenty Dwarves, and they are responsible for the training and maintenance of that unit, and for seeing that the orders of their First Axe is carried out. Unlike other Rank 1 agents, Second Axes are given a salary that ensures they can live Modest lifestyles.   Iron Guard First Axe (Rank 3+): A small council of lieutenants to the Master of Axes, the First Axes oversee numerous units, with Second Axes as their subordinates. A First Axe is awarded one of the distinctive greataxe +1 wielded by the First Axes of the Iron Guard.   Iron Guard Master of Axes (Rank 6+): The general of the Iron Guard and the warrior invested by King Harbromm with responsibility for the safety and security of Citadel Adbar as a whole, this appointment of the Master of Axes is always a great honor and a wearying responsibility. The Master of Axes wears a distinctive suit of dwarven plate, given to him for the duration of his service to the Citadel. He also sits on the King's Council.   Clan Masterwright: Rank 3+. The finest of Citadel Adbar's craftsmen are given great respect and accord by King Harbromm, who takes their advice as part of the so-called Council of Anvils, a political body made up of the finest craft-masters in the Citadel, who speak on behalf of their clans.   Clan Elder: Rank 6+. Each clan is run by a single dwarven patriarch or matriarch, who oversees the prosperity of their clan's place within the Citadel. Those elders are appointed not by the clans themselves, but by King Harbromm, who chooses the most politically savvy and wisest-seeming of the Dwarves of an eligible age and rank within a clan when its previous elder passes away. Clan Elders are supported by the King in a Wealthy Lifestyle within the clanholds of Citadel Adbar, and they have access to the wealth and talents of an entire clan of Dwarves within the Citadel.   Curate: Rank 5+. The priests of the dwarven gods must be politicians as well as holy folk, seeing to the Citadel's proper observances of the needs of the Morndinsamman's theology. The truly gifted - whether for political acumen, dwarven wisdom, or as one of the Called - often rise to the rank of Curate, giving them a seat on the King's Council. There is always one priest of Moradin as a Curate, and anywhere between two and four others at any one time. Curates are supported by the temples in a Wealthy Lifestyle, and have access to a small arsenal of magical items and the talents of the Called aligned with their various institutions.   Royal Councilor: Rank 7+. Those who sit on the King's Council come from a variety of backgrounds. There are warriors, adventurers, craftsmen, priests, and many others, all joined in singular purpose: to give the wisest advice they can to King Harbromm as he shepherds dwarf-kind in the North to a future of prosperity. Royal Councilors are supported in Wealthy Lifestyle as long as they remain in Citadel Adbar.  

Important Members



  King Harnoth: King of Citadel Adbar (Rank 10). x  

Armed Forces

  Berthar Watchever: Master of Axes of the Iron Guard (Rank 8). x   : Deepstalkers (rank 8)   : Hammers of Moradin (rank 8)   : (rank 8)  


  Auryld of Moradin: Curate of Moradin (Rank 9). x   Mikrin of the Brightaxe: Curate of Haela Brightaxe (Rank 7). x   Ozil of Dumathoin: Curate of Dumathoin (Rank 7). x   Avelm of the Silverbeard: Curate of Clangeddin Silverbeard (Rank 6). x  

Royal Council

  Dairn Gallowglar: Royal Councilor (Rank 9).   Tordun Juneth: Royal Councilor (Rank 8).   Ornera Foehammer: Royal Councilor (Rank 8).   Ilarn Stoneshoulder: Royal Councilor (Rank 7).   Urcleia Rockfist: Royal Councilor (Rank 7).   Gomal Worldthrone: Royal Councilor (Rank 6).   Jalurlor Trueforger: Royal Councilor (Rank 6).  

Clan Elders

  Calshur Foehammer: Elder of Clan Foehammer (Rank 8).   Hendak Trueforger: Elder of Clan Trueforger (Rank 8).   Kar Blackbanner: Elder of Clan Blackbanner (Rank 8).   Olorryth Narlagh: Elder of Clan Narlagh (Rank 8).   Turnil Quarrymaster: Elder of Clan Quarrymaster (Rank 8).   Kloebbar Rockfist: Elder of Clan Rockfist (Rank 7).   Ygderun Stoneshield: Elder of Clan Stoneshield (Rank 7).   Lirymna Watchever: Elder of Clan Watchever (Rank 7).   Thoroin Wyrmslayer: Elder of Clan Wyrmslayer (Rank 7).   Fyrril Worldthrone: Elder of Clan Worldthrone (Rank 7).   Tos Arnskull: Elder of Clan Arnskull (Rank 7).   xxxx   This fortress is named for King Adbar, the ancient dwarf who built it over 1,000 years ago dur­ing the waning years of ancient Delzoun (the dwarven Northkingdom), making this the last shard of the dead dwarven kingdom. Quarried of granite, the Citadel, whose gate tower is visible above the surface, can house up to 60,000 Dwarves in comfort; men find its miles and miles of de­fensive granite corridors, tunnels, and hallways twisting their way under the Ice Mountains too dark, dreary, and cramped. This dwarven city doesn't welcome visitors. This is not surprising, as most visitors are orcs or monsters seeking the swift death of its citizens. The Citadel is a fortress, perhaps the mightiest castle north of Amn. It has ditches that can be filled with flaming oil, bridges that can be drawn up or swung down into deep pits, concentric rings of walls that can be defended one by one in the event of a powerful besieging army, and so on. The Citadel has withstood over 60 orc horde at­tacks thus far. Each of these were determined sieges by over 10,000 orcs at a time, and occasionally 10 times that number. Despite its forbidding ways and remote location, Citadel Adbar is a trading city. Around 14,000 Dwarves dwell here, forging and smelting finished work from ores. Their work creates quite a din and clangor, and a permanent cloud of smoke hangs over the city. These factors make a visit to Citadel Adbar very unpleasant for most folk. By and large, only metal traders and the most des­perate or daring peddlers go there. Orcs and prowling crag cats make the land around the Citadel so deadly that it is safer to bring caravans through the Underdark via Mirabar and Mithral Hall. These caravans bring mainly fruit, which the Dwarves delight in eating during the winter. Goods made in Citadel Adbar are considered top rank and available only at high prices. The Citadel's sword blades, axe heads, pick heads, and fine armor are used all over the North. Most human smiths in the communities of the North use forge bars (blocks of refined metal) from Citadel Adbar for their work. The dwarven smiths here also make armor and other weapons, and they mine Mithral. Adbar armor is still the best dwarven make this side of the Deep Realm. The recent opening of long-abandoned Mithral Hall has made the largely mined-out Mithral deposits of Citadel Adbar less important. The Dwarves' output has dwindled in recent years, however, as the miners grow fewer and orc raids upon the trade-caravans grow fiercer. The fortress Humans see is only the small surface part of an underground dwarven hold known as Adbarrim. The Citadel exists to provide a secure connection with the world above and to keep the smoke, noise, and stench of metalwork out of the dwarven homes. Miles upon miles of cham­bers, passages, and suites have been carved out of solid granite. Like other dwarven communities in Faerfln, the number of Dwarves here has been steadily dwindling. King Harbromm, is noted for his attention to strategy and detail, and he is a master smith. The city's badge is his personal forge mark. It's an upright, single-bladed hand axe enclosed by a circle of flame inscribed in red on a silver field. He's managed to hold his community together in the face of threats from the orcish tribes. The king employs human adventurers in patrols outside the walls, and he keeps 200 Dwarves on the battlements of the Citadel. Another 1,500 are ready to take up arms if the horn call is sounded through the speaking tubes cut in the Citadel's rock. These tubes also allow Dwarves to flee quickly underground by tumbling into them. In a day, Adbar can arm and armor 9,000 dwarven warriors (F2 to F5). Harbromm's policy is to safeguard the lives of his folk and to keep inside the Citadel whatever befalls. No army from the Citadel will sally forth to do battle with orcs or to aid other communities.   xxxx   Citadel Adbar Citadel Adbar Region Silver Marches Power Center Conventional Alignment Lawful Good Authority Figure King Harbromm Population 19,962 Primary Source Silver Marches This mighty redoubt is the northernmost signatory to the confederation of the Silver Marches. Despite its remote location, it is an active trading city. The citadel’s badge is the personal forge mark of its ruler, King Harbromm: an upright, single-bladed handaxe enclosed by a circle of flame, inscribed in red on a silver field. The city’s army, the legendary Iron Guard, is one of the strongest bodies of soldiers in northern Faerûn. Patrols mounted on warponies guard the surface approaches to the citadel for a day’s travel in all directions, and sometimes range even farther afield to secure the road for caravans bound to or from Citadel Adbar. Life and Society The portion of this mighty stronghold that rises above the surface of the ground is visible for miles around, due to the stinking clouds of smoke and flame that belch forth from the venting tower of its main foundry. Built atop a spur of solid rock, the granite walls and towers of the upper levels of the fortress command an impressive view of the surrounding countryside, making it difficult for enemies to approach undetected. Huge, wicked barbs protrude from its uppermost towers as a deterrent to dragons and other flying opponents. Concentric rings of deep pits and high walls that can be defended one-by-one encircle the surface works. Dozens of defensive platforms line the surface walls, from which defenders train siege engines, fire crossbows, and cast spells down upon the heads of would-be assailants. Overlying all is the constant stink of hot metal. In short, it is clear even to the untrained eye that Citadel Adbar is ready for war, and that its residents do not welcome visitors. The subterranean areas of the fortress are no less well defended, and good deal more extensive. Countless miles of passages, rooms, chambers, and mines (many of them rigged with traps to contain or kill intruders) wind and twist their way under the solid rock into which the stronghold is built. There is ample space for many thousands of Dwarves to live comfortably for extended periods of time in the underground chambers. However, they were built by Dwarves for Dwarves. Most other folk find the underground portions of the city uncomfortable, not to mention cramped, and Elves find them positively depressing. Brief History The citadel is named after its builder, King Adbar, who constructed the place over a thousand years ago as the last hurrah of Delzoun, the ancient dwarf Northkingdom. The stronghold has since then been besieged nearly one hundred times by orc hordes, some reputedly as large as one hundred thousand warriors strong. No enemy force has ever taken the citadel, however—King Adbar’s folk built the stronghold to withstand even prolonged sieges, and successive generation of Dwarves have only improved and modified the defenses of the original builders. Today the stronghold produces fine metalwork for trade throughout the North. Its weapons, armor, tools, and building materials are considered among the best available, and it is a mark of status among some communities to bear arms forged here. Adbar is remote and insular; the Dwarves of Citadel Adbar are seldom seen in other areas of the Silver Marches except when traveling on their king’s business or patrolling the mountain slopes near their home. King Harbromm was initially opposed to conjoining Citadel Adbar with the Silver Marches confederation. He saw no benefit in it for Citadel Adbar and believed that he could best safeguard his folk by maintaining a strict policy of isolationism. He changed his opinion when a delegation headed by Emerus Warcrown and Bruenor Battlehammer visited him to illustrate the benefits to be gained from the league. Although Harbromm still has his doubts, Citadel Adbar is now the primary source of the confederation’s military ordnance, and a regular (if somewhat reluctant) participant n its government. Game Statistics Citadel Adbar (large city): Conventional; AL LG; 40,000 gp limit; Assets 39,924,000 gp; Population 19,962; Mixed (shield Dwarves 84%, Gold Dwarves 6%, Humans 5%, Urdunnir Dwarves 3%, deep Gnomes 1%, earth genasi 1%). _ Authority Figures: King Harbromrn, LG male Shield dwarf Ftrl7. _ Important Characters: Rorann Stonehammer, NG male Shield dwarf Clr17 of Moradin (leader of the Hammers of Moradin, and high priest of the Hall of Moradin’s Hammer Throm Forkbeard, LG male Shield dwarf Ftr6/Clr5/Chm5 of Gorm Gulthyn (commander of the King’s Guards Captain Druggath Shieldcleaver, CG male Shield dwarf Ftr8/Def6 (commander of the Iron Guard Helva Darkwatcher, CG female Urdunnir dwarf Rog4/Rgr7 (leader of the Deepscouts Dama Blademaker, N female Gold dwarf Exp3/Wiz11 (creator of many magic weapons and most talented weaponsmith of the hold). _ The Iron Guard—Clr7/Ftr6, Pal13, War13, Bbn12, Ftr12, War12, Clr11, Ftr11, War11 (3), Bbn10, Clr10, Ftr10 (2), War10 (2), Bbn9, Clr9 (2), Ftr9 (2), War9 (3), Bbn (2), Clr8 (3), Ftr8 (2), Pal8 (2), War8 (3), Bbn7, Clr7 (2), Ftr7 (2), War7(6), Bbn6 (2), Clr6 (4), Ftr6 (4), Pal6 (2), War6 (8), Bbn5, Clr5 (5), Ftr5 (5), Pal 5, War5 (12), Bbn4 (2), Clr4 (7), Ftr4 (8), Pal4 (3), War4 (28), Bbn3 (3), Clr3 (11), Ftr3 (11), Pal3 (5), War3 (110), Bbn2 (5), Clr2 (18), Ftr2 (25), Pal2 (4), War2 (344), Clr1 (26), Ftr1 (39), War1 (1,715). _ The Deepscouts—Rgr9, Rog7, Rgr6 (2), Rog6 (2), Rgr5 (3), Rog5 (2), Rgr4 (4), Rog4 (5). _ The Hammers of Moradin—Clr9, Clr8 (2), Mnk8, Pal8 (2), Clr7 (4), Mnk7 (2), Pa17 (2), Clr6 (6), Mnk6 (4), Pal6 (3). The other citizens of Citadel Adbar are too numerous and diverse to enumerate here.
Citadel Adbar This dwarven city does not welcome visitors much. This should be no surprise, as most of the visitors it gets are orcs or other monsters seeking the swift death of its citizens. The Citadel is a fortress, perhaps the mightiest castle north of Amn. It has ditches that can be filled with flaming oil, bridges that can be drawn up or swung down into deep pits, concentric rings of walls that can be defended one by one in the event of a powerful beseiging army, and so on. The Citadel has withstood over 60 orc horde attacks thus far. Each of these were determined sieges by over 10,000 orcs at a time, and usually 10 times that number. Despite its forbidding ways and remote location, Citadel Adbar is a trading city. Around 14,000 Dwarves dwell there, forging and smelting fin¬ished work from ores brought from deep underground. Their work cre¬ates quite a din and clangor, and a permanent cloud of smoke hangs over the city. These factors make a visit to Citadel Adbar very unpleasant for most folk. By and large, only metal traders and the most desperate or daring peddlers go there. Orcs and prowling crag cats make the lands around the Citadel so deadly that it's safer to bring food car¬avans here through the Underdark via Mirabar and Mithral Hall! These caravans bring mainly fruit, which the Dwarves delight in eating during the chill depths of winter. Goods made in Citadel Adbar are considered top rank. The Citadel's swordblades, axeheads, and pick¬heads are used all over the North. Most human smiths in the communi¬ties of the North use forge bars (blocks of refined metal) from Citadel Adbar for their work. The dwarven smiths here also make armor and other weapons, and mine Mithral. Adbar armor is still the best dwarven make this side of the Deep Realm. The recent opening of long-aban¬doned Mithral Hall has made the largely mined-out Mithral deposits of Citadel Adbar less important. The fortress that Humans see is only the small surface part of an underground dwarven hold known as Adbarrim. The Citadel exists to provide a secure connection with the World Above and to keep the smoke, noise, and stench of metalwork out of the dwarven homes here. Miles upon miles of chambers, passages, and suites have been carved out of solid granite, enough to house 60,000 Dwarves in comfort. Like other dwar- ven communities in Faerun, the num¬ber of Dwarves here has been steadily dwindling. King Harbromm is noted for his attention to strategy and detail, and is himself a master smith. The city's badge is his personal forge mark. It's an upright, single-bladed handaxe enclosed by a circle of flame done in red on a silver field. The king employs human adventurers in patrols outside the city walls, and he also keeps 200 Dwarves on the battlements of the Citadel. Another 1,500 are ready to take up arms if the horn call is sounded through the speaking tubes cut in the Citadel's rock. These tubes also allow Dwarves to flee quickly underground by simply tumbling into them. In a day, Citadel Adbar can arm and armor 9,000 experienced dwarven warriors. Harbromm's policy is to safeguard the precious dwarven lives of his folk and keep inside the Citadel whatever befalls. No army from the Citadel will ever sally forth to do battle with orcs or to aid other communities. The Citadel of Many Arrows Once the dwarven hold of Felbarr, this fortified city was abandoned when the strength of the Dwarves grew feeble, and local mines had all been worked out. The nearby human city of Silverymoon brought its troops to the Citadel with the blessing of the Dwarves. The folk of Silverymoon hoped to use it as a base for exploration of the Coldwood and the needle-sharp Ice Mountains north and east of Dead Orc Pass. There, they hoped to find giant trees for use in shipbuilding, and new sources of gold and the increasingly scarce silver. Unfortunately, the orcs of the mountains had other ideas. The Humans were under attack from their first day in the Citadel. Fifty years later, an orc horde came down from Dead Orc Pass in such numbers that it simply overwhelmed the defenders. One survivor, a wizard who fled by teleport, said that the orcs simply: “[H]urled themselves at the walls. We slew them with arrows....The sky rained arrows, with orcs packed so close together that no shaft could miss. But the time came when all our arrows and spells were gone. By then, there were so many dead orcs that the living ones just piled them up against our walls in a heap. It was so high that they could climb it like a mountain and walk in over our battlements. The end wasn't long in coming, then.” Since that day of slaughter, known as the Battle of Many Arrows, orcs have ruled the city. After much blood-letting, Obould, a giant, bald-headed orc as tall as any two orc warriors, proclaimed himself king. Obould has held his throne largely because he seems immune to any poisons that his rivals can get hold of and also because he has shrewdly entered alliances with some evil human mages and Mind Flayers of the Underdark. The king is careful to devoutly obey the demands of his shamans so that he can’t be accused of turning from the gods to embrace the magic of outsiders. Life in the overcrowded Citadel is hard. Many orc citizens are little bet¬ter than starving thieves and beggars. Those who wish to better their lot are given black-bladed scimitars and told to go out and find what they can take. This is a practice that makes caravan travel between Silverymoon and Sundabar perilous indeed. King Obould prevents widespread uprisings by providing great feasts on holy days in honor of the orc deities. At these celebrations, all can eat and drink. In order for the king to afford this, he needs large amounts of money. The orcs who plunder cara¬vans are often slain and robbed by Obould’s guards when they get back home in order to add their treasure to his funds. In response to this prac¬tice, the land around the Citadel is now dotted with thousands of tiny orc treasure caches placed by orcs about to return to the Citadel. Most of the rest of the feast money comes from trade with other orc tribes and evil human merchants in need of weapons and armor. The Citadel pro¬duces such goods ceaselessly from metal seized from human and dwar- ven miners or dug out by slaves work¬ing the mines north of the Citadel. It is death for a nonorc to visit the Citadel, except for a few powerful human and half-orc merchants and mercenaries under the king's pre¬arranged protection. Humans are tor¬mented and then enslaved. Some slaves are put to work in the mines, while others are put to work for the personal pleasure of an orc. The latter sort of slave survives only at the whim of the orc master, and is often tor¬tured. Slaves are always branded, and must be manacled when outside the master's abode. The mining slaves are never fed, and swiftly starve to death or are killed by the hazards of mining. Orc-administered mines never have props holding the ceilings up; slaves simply dig away rock until cave-ins occur. The survivors are then set to digging out the same corridors again. Halflings, Gnomes, and human children are often kept to be tor¬mented for amusement, or for other nefarious purposes. Elves are always interrogated under the lash, and then typically brutally killed. More unusual creatures are often imprisoned in cages for examination to see if they know of treasure or magic that the orcs can seize. More than one cap¬tured wizard has used appearance¬altering spells to intrigue the orcs into ignoring a death sentence. Orcs drag those with tales of wilderland treasure caches along with them to find the treasure. The captive is slain when the treasure is found, so the usual trick of wise captives is to never admit that they have only one treasure cache. Those who speak of treasure hidden in cities are sent there with human mercenary guards and followed by a shadow force of shamans and young orcs who need battle experience. This team lingers near the city to escort the mercenar¬ies back. The orcs of the Citadel have agents and contacts in most of the larger communities of the North (Everlund, Neverwinter, and Silvery- moon are the main exceptions). Merchants who regularly trade with the Citadel usually deal primarily in stolen goods. Nothing is too “hot” to be sold to the orcs of the Citadel, including kidnapped nobles whose ransom doesn't come. One slave is as good as another to an orc The Citadel has resisted deter¬mined attacks from Silverymoon and Sundabar because of the sheer num¬ber of orcs it holds. At any time, 1,000 ores guard the Citadel walls, and another 1,000 are on patrol in the lands around. The Citadel can muster another 18,000 if attacked. Addition¬ally, cave holds in the mountains con¬tinually generate more orcs hungry for their own place in the Citadel and ready to do battle to get it.   ---   Citadel Adbar Jump to navigationJump to search Citadel Adbar Citadel-Adbar.jpg Geographical Information Size: Small City • Location: Delzoun Societal Information Populace: 14,000 • Dwarf 99%, Other 1% Religion: Temples: Hall of Moradin's Forge Imports: Forge bars, forged goods, Mithral Exports: Foodstuffs, textiles, leather Political Information Government: Monarchy Ruler: King Harnoth Military: The Iron Guard, Knights of the Mithral Shield This fortress is named for King Adbar, the ancient dwarf who built it over 1,000 years ago during the waning years of ancient Delzoun (the dwarven North kingdom), making this the last shard of the dead dwarven kingdom. Quarried of granite, the Citadel, whose gate tower is visible above the surface, can house up to 60,000 Dwarves in comfort; men find its miles and miles of defensive granite corridors, tunnels, and hallways twisting their way under the Ice Mountains too dark, dreary, and cramped.   People This dwarven city doesn't welcome visitors. This is not surprising, as most visitors are orcs or monsters seeking the swift death of its citizens. The Citadel is a fortress, perhaps the mightiest castle north of Amn. It has ditches that can be filled with flaming oil, bridges that can be drawn up or swung down into deep pits, concentric rings of walls that can be defended one by one in the event of a powerful besieging army, and so on. The Citadel has withstood over 60 orc horde attacks thus far. Each of these were determined sieges by over 10,000 orcs at a time, and occasionally 10 times that number.   Despite its forbidding ways and remote location, Citadel Adbar is a trading city. Around 14,000 Dwarves dwell here, forging and smelting finished work from ores. Their work creates quite a din and clangor, and a permanent cloud of smoke hangs over the city. These factors make a visit to Citadel Adbar very unpleasant for most folk. By and large, only metal traders and the most desperate or daring peddlers go there.   History Founded nearly eighteen centuries ago, Adbar has stood strong against every threat from every foe, and stood fast, to the great pride of the dwarven people. Adbar has stood as the living monument of the Northkingdom – it was the main fortress of Delzoun when that empire fell, and became even more important to dwarfkind as they were overrun by orcs, Goblins, and myriad other forces.   The recent orc-wars cost the kingdom dearly, both in warriors and leadership. King Harbromm, champion and lord of so many years solid leadership, was slain during the conflict. The crown passed jointly to his twin sons, who shared the rule wisely, until Bromm was slain by a dragon. Now, young King Harnoth has rule of the ancient citadel.   Government King Harbromm is noted for his attention to strategy and detail, and he is a master smith. The city's badge is his personal forge mark: an upright, single-bladed hand axe enclosed by a circle of flame inscribed in red on a silver field. He's managed to hold his community together in the face of threats from the orcish tribes.   Defenses The fortress Humans see is only the small surface part of an underground dwarven hold known as Adbarrim. The Citadel exists to provide a secure connection with the world above and to keep the smoke, noise, and stench of metalwork out of the dwarven homes. Miles upon miles of chambers, passages, and suites have been carved out of solid granite. Like other dwarven communities in Faerûn, the number of Dwarves here has been steadily dwindling.   The king employs human adventurers in patrols outside the walls, and he keeps 200 Dwarves on the battlements of the Citadel. Another 1,500 are ready to take up arms if the horn call is sounded through the speaking tubes cut in the Citadel's rock. These tubes also allow Dwarves to flee quickly underground by tumbling into them. In a day, Adbar can arm and armor 9,000 dwarven warriors. Harnoth's policy is to safeguard the lives of his folk and to keep inside the Citadel whatever befalls. No army from the Citadel will sally forth to do battle with orcs or to aid other communities.   The Iron Guard The main army of Citadel Adbar is worn away thinly by the Many-Arrows war. When Harbromm led them onto the field of battle, they were nigh two thousand in number. After the war, they were scarce half that. Though their numbers have been brought back up in recent years, their recruits are more smiths than warriors, entering service out of duty rather than desire for battle.   The Knights of the Mithral Shield The elite Royal Guard is much decimated. In his grief, King Harnoth led the knights onto the field of battle to vent his rage. A combination of ill-advised assaults, grief-maddened tactics, and sheer bad luck have winnowed the number of this once revered knighthood to a mere two dozen dwarven knights.   Places of Interest The citadel itself is carved out of the mountain. Those approaching the surface keep find the structure to be modest and unassuming – it is referred to as Adbarrim. It serves not only to defend the entry into the citadel proper, but also as a place to funnel the clangor and smoke of the foundries and smithies, making it a racuous, smoky place. Beneath the citadel are the foundries, with ever-burning fires and white-hot forges where the Adbarrim Dwarves work their crafts. Those who are new to the city are advised to find a guide, as the citadel has active traps and deadfalls intended for invaders. All of the locals and frequent visitors know them (or know how to identify them), but there is no sympathy for newcomers who might wander into them.   A maze-like set of tunnels exists below these, where the dwarf-folk make their homes. These mazes open into lavish complexes – even the poorest Adbarrim often have a half-dozen or so rooms in their dwellings. These tunnels are the results of ancient mining efforts and are usually terribly confusing. This is the main level of daily life in Citadel Adbar. The lower levels of this open into a flow of strong water, which turns the Great Wheel. It not only turns to provide power to the foundries and a few other mechanical marvels, but it also provides a great deal of the water, pumped into cisterns and pressure-wells that provide running water and plumbing to the folk of the city.   In the deepest parts of the citadel lie the mines. By law, the mines are off-limits to visitors, including non-Adbarran Dwarves. Today, these mines produce mostly iron and precious metals, with most of its Mithral veins tapped out.   Temples Hall of Moradin's Forge: Temple to Moradin. In the deeps of the citadel, not far from the Great Wheel, is the central temple to the Mordinsamman. Trade Routes Two trade routes exist on the surface. Both start at the gates of Citadel Adbar but split very soon after that. One, barely more than a trail passes through Cold Vale to eventually reach Silverymoon. The other travels for a short way to join Fork Road, at The Fork allowing access to Ascore at one end of Fork Road and Silverymoon at the other. Surface traders bring fresh produce to Adbar and return with metals and dwarven craftworks.   No matter where they come from – whether above ground or below it – all routes into the citadel lead to the Caravan Door. A massive pair of iron doors, this gate has never been breached. All visitors who come into the city come through this passage.   Underdark Trade As it is, only metal traders and the most desperate or daring peddlers attempt to reach Citadel Adbar. Ironically, since raiding orcs, prowling crag cats and other predators make the land around the Citadel so deadly, most caravans travel through the relative safety of the Underdark via Sundabar, Mithral Hall and even distant Mirabar. Caravans that survive the long and dangerous journey bring mainly grain and dried fruits and vegetables that the Citadel is incapable of producing. Fresh fruit, which the Dwarves delight in eating during the winter, fetches the highest price.   Every year more than one caravan was lost in the Underdark but those who are successful are richly rewarded. The dwarven smiths here make the best dwarven weapons and armor this side of the Deep Realm. All goods made in Citadel Adbar are considered masterwork and commanded premium prices throughout the North. In addition most of the forge bars (blocks of refined metal) used by quality smiths in The North are from Citadel Adbar. The Dwarves continually mine Mithral as well as other precious metals, but the recent opening of long-abandoned Mithral Hall had made the largely mined-out Mithral deposits of Citadel Adbar less important.   A well-guarded route runs through the Underdark from Citadel Adbar to Sundabar and also provides access to the Everfire. Once every four years at Shieldmeet, a dozen master craftsmen are chosen by the king to make the perilous journey to the forge at Everfire. They are each given an entire year to create a single magical weapon or piece of armor commissioned by the king for an undisclosed champion of Citadel Adbar. These priceless artifacts are presented to the most deserving defenders of the city, as chosen by the king, and are almost always Dwarves (however at least one dwarf friend had been awarded this great honor).   Faction Citadel Adbar Adbar-sigil.jpg Membership Common Descriptors: Dwarven, traditional, rugged Primary Classes: Any (dwarven) Alignments: LN (primary), LG, NG, N, LE, CG Locations Citadel Adbar, the Delzoun, the North Ranks • Favored: Rank 1. You are not only regarded as a proper citizen of Citadel Adbar, but you have gained King Harnoth's notice. He occasionally asks favors of you, or those of his court seek you out for aid of some kind. • Agent: Rank 3. You have earned the king's confidences. You are considered a distinct member of his court, possibly even bearing a title of some kind. Your loyalty is expected to be to to king and citadel first and foremost. • King: Rank 10. You are the lord of Citadel Adbar.   “For Adbar! For Harnoth! For the sons of Moradin!” Citadel Adbar's agents are no shadowy, secretive force. They are proud Shield Dwarves who wear the red-axe-and-flame of Harnoth proudly. These are Dwarves who take great pride in the history and traditions of their people, and they have sworn to keep it alive at all costs.   Overview Agents of the Citadel can occasionally be found outside of the Citadel proper - they are usually on official business of some sort, even if they are also tending to personal affairs. King Harnoth knows the strengths of his advisors, clan elders, and chief military personnel very well, and is skilled at leveraging their strengths to the Citadel's benefit. To outsiders, the agents of Citadel Adbar seem almost stereotypically dwarven: doughty, sullen, mistrusting of non-dwarves.   Goals and Philosophy For a long time, Adbarrim-folk have thought of themselves as the last bastion of dwarf-kind in the North, the final home of the Shield Dwarves. While there are other places that boast small communities of Moradin's children, Citadel Adbar is a proper dwarf-hold, of the kind that once held power across the North in ancient days. These tales of ancient dwarf kingdoms, of long lineages of Shield dwarf heroes, and of the glories done in Moradin's name are more than just stories to agents of Citadel Adbar: they are ideals to live up to and goals to achieve once more.   True agents of Citadel Adbar hold to the following tenets:   Loyalty to Citadel Adbar comes first, for loyalty to the Citadel is loyalty to dwarvenkind in the North. It is not slavish obedience that King Harnoth wants, but strong and willful Dwarves of noble temperament who wish to do what is best for all of Moradin's children. The safety of dwarvenkind is paramount - outside allegiances, personal concerns, and the drive to accumulate personal wealth and power must all fall to the wayside when the lives of Dwarves are at stake. Activities The tasks given to Harnoth's most trusted vassals are many and varied. Literally anything that might be needful for the survival and prosperity of the Citadel and its folk is fair game, and Harbromm trusts the most delicate and dangerous tasks to his most trusted advisors and agents alone.   Quests undertaken by agents of Citadel Adbar might include the following:   Leading a fighting force to clear orcish raiders out of the trading routes through the Deep Realm. Diplomatic missions to other nations to help acquire new trade. Missions into ancient dwarven ruins, to recover lost artifacts and lore of ancient fallen Delzoun. Perks Agents of Citadel Adbar in good standing might receive the following benefits:   A Place to Call Home: Rank 1+. Those in Harbromm's service are ensured basic living quarters so long as they are in Citadel Adbar, equivalent to a Poor Lifestyle expense for free. Those who live more grandly may reduce their lifestyle costs by 2 sp per day. This is upgraded to Modest and 1gp discount per day at Rank 3+, and Comfortable and 2gp at Rank 6+. Lore of the Elders: Rank 3+. You have access to the body of dwarven elders, an august gathering of esteemed scholars, historians, and sages, well-versed on those topics dealing with dwarven history, culture, and theology. A Royal Gift: Rank 3+. You receive a suit of Adamantine armor or Mithral armor as a gift from King Harbromm. Titles Some of King Harbromm's agents are given titles in accordance with their role within his court. These titles come with responsibility as well as rewards.   Iron Guard: Members of the Iron Guard are dedicated warriors. Those trusted enough to hold positions of command must pass muster with King Harbromm directly, however, becoming agents. These war-axe-wielding, plate armor-wearing warriors are very distinctive. Iron Guard Second Axe (Rank 1+): Those responsible for commanding smaller units of Iron Guard. Each Second Axe is given a command of twenty Dwarves, and they are responsible for the training and maintenance of that unit, and for seeing that the orders of their First Axe is carried out. Unlike other Rank 1 agents, Second Axes are given a salary that ensures they can live Modest lifestyles. Iron Guard First Axe (Rank 2+): A small council of lieutenants to the Master of Axes, the First Axes oversee numerous units, with Second Axes as their subordinates. A First Axe is awarded one of the distinctive greataxe +1 wielded by the First Axes of the Iron Guard. Iron Guard Master of Axes (Rank 3+): The general of the Iron Guard and the warrior invested by King Harbromm with responsibility for the safety and security of Citadel Adbar as a whole, this appointment of the Master of Axes is always a great honor and a wearying responsibility. The Master of Axes wears a distinctive suit of dwarven plate, given to him for the duration of his service to the Citadel. He also sits on the King's Council. Clan Masterwright: Rank 3+. The finest of Citadel Adbar's craftsmen are given great respect and accord by King Harbromm, who takes their advice as part of the so-called Council of Anvils, a political body made up of the finest craft-masters in the Citadel, who speak on behalf of their clans. Clan Elder: Rank 3+. Each clan is run by a single dwarven patriarch or matriarch, who oversees the prosperity of their clan's place within the Citadel. Those elders are appointed not by the clans themselves, but by King Harbromm, who chooses the most politically savvy and wisest-seeming of the Dwarves of an eligible age and rank within a clan when its previous elder passes away. Clan Elders are supported by the King in a Wealthy Lifestyle within the clanholds of Citadel Adbar, and they have access to the wealth and talents of an entire clan of Dwarves within the Citadel. Curate: Rank 3+. The priests of the dwarven gods must be politicians as well as holy folk, seeing to the Citadel's proper observances of the needs of the Morndinsamman's theology. The truly gifted - whether for political acumen, dwarven wisdom, or as one of the Called - often rise to the rank of Curate, giving them a seat on the King's Council. There is always one priest of Moradin as a Curate, and anywhere between two and four others at any one time. Curates are supported by the temples in a Wealthy Lifestyle, and have access to a small arsenal of magical items and the talents of the Called aligned with their various institutions. Royal Councilor: Rank 3+. Those who sit on the King's Council come from a variety of backgrounds. There are warriors, adventurers, craftsmen, priests, and many others, all joined in singular purpose: to give the wisest advice they can to King Harbromm as he shepherds dwarf-kind in the North to a future of prosperity. Royal Councilors are supported in Wealthy Lifestyle as long as they remain in Citadel Adbar.

Important Members


King Harnoth: King of Citadel Adbar (Rank 4). x

Iron Guard

Elili Blackbanner: Master of Axes of the Iron Guard (Rank 3). x


Garala of Moradin: Curate of Moradin (Rank 3). x

Royal Council

Ahmadar Darkfell: Runemage of Citadel Adbar (Rank 3). x

Clan Elders

Farbena Foehammer: Elder of Clan Foehammer (Rank 3). x f Yurdak Trueforger: Elder of Clan Trueforger (Rank 3). x Umirin Blackbanner: Elder of Clan Blackbanner (Rank 3). x Dwila Narlagh: Elder of Clan Narlagh (Rank 3). x f Yurlond Quarrymaster: Elder of Clan Quarrymaster (Rank 3). x Bofthal Rockfist: Elder of Clan Rockfist (Rank 3). x Helthic Stoneshield: Elder of Clan Stoneshield (Rank 3). x Thraerl Watchever: Elder of Clan Watchever (Rank 3). x Delauk Wyrmslayer: Elder of Clan Wyrmslayer (Rank 3). x Yurra Worldthrone: Elder of Clan Worldthrone (Rank 3). x f Urnient Arnskull: Elder of Clan Arnskull (Rank 3). x


щитовые дварфы 84%, зо¬лотые дварфы 6%, люди 5%, дварфы урдунниры 3%, глубинные гномы 1%, земляные генаси 1%


King Harbromm is noted for his attention to strategy and detail, and he is a master smith. The city's badge is his personal forge mark: an upright, single-bladed hand axe enclosed by a circle of flame inscribed in red on a silver field. He's managed to hold his community together in the face of threats from the orcish tribes.


Orcs and prowling crag cats make the land around the Citadel so deadly that it is safer to bring caravans through the Underdark via Mirabar and Mithral Hall. These caravans bring mainly fruit, which the Dwarves delight in eating during the winter. Goods made in Citadel Adbar are considered top rank and available only at high prices. The Citadel's sword blades, axe heads, pick heads, and fine armor are used all over the North. Most human smiths in the communities of the North use forge bars (blocks of refined metal) from Citadel Adbar for their work. The dwarven smiths here also make armor and other weapons, and they mine Mithral. Adbar armor is still the best dwarven make this side of the Deep Realm. The Dwarves' output has dwindled in recent years, however, as the miners grow fewer and orc raids upon the trade-caravans grow fiercer.   The fortress Humans see is only the small surface part of an underground dwarven hold known as Adbarrim. The Citadel exists to provide a secure connection with the world above and to keep the smoke, noise, and stench of metalwork out of the dwarven homes. Miles upon miles of chambers, passages, and suites have been carved out of solid granite. Like other dwarven communities in Faerûn, the number of Dwarves here has been steadily dwindling.   The king employs human adventurers in patrols outside the walls, and he keeps 200 Dwarves on the battlements of the Citadel. Another 1,500 are ready to take up arms if the horn call is sounded through the speaking tubes cut in the Citadel's rock. These tubes also allow Dwarves to flee quickly underground by tumbling into them. In a day, Adbar can arm and armor 9,000 dwarven warriors. Harbromm's policy is to safeguard the lives of his folk and to keep inside the Citadel whatever befalls. No army from the Citadel will sally forth to do battle with orcs or to aid other communities.  

Armed forces

Охрана Короля: Рыцари Мифралового Щита - 25   Молоты Морадина: 27 clerics and paladins (6th lvl and more)   Железная Гвардия: 1404 dwarven heavy infantry, 601 dwarven crossbowman, 451 warpony rider   Глубинные Разведчики: 30 elite spies, rogues, scouts

Рыцари Мифралового Щита

  Рыцари это законно-добрые щитовые дварфы, которые говорят на Всеобщем и Дварфийском.   У каждого рыцаря есть щит и КД 20.   Каждый рыцарь сражается боевым молотом (вместо двуручного меча), и наносит 7 (1к8+3) дробящего урона за удар или 8 (1к10+3) дробящего урона, если держать его в двух руках.   У каждого рыцаря скорость 25 футов и зрение в темноте на 60 футов. У каждого рыцаря преимущество на спасброски от яда и сопротивление урону от яда.


Подземные дороги

  1. Цитадель Адбар - Нижняя Дорога - Цитадель Фелбарр.   2. Цитадель Адбар - Нижняя Дорога - Аскор   3. Цитадель Адбар - Мифральный Зал и Мирабар.   4. Секретный эвакуационный туннель из Цитадели Адбар в Цитадель Фелбарр.   Надземные пути   1. Адбарский путь   2.

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Symbol of Citadel Adbar


  • Citadel Adbar

Дварфийские цитадели Севера

  Гонтлгрим - Gauntlgrym   МИФРаЛоВЫЙ ЗАЛ - Mithrall Hall   Цитадель Адбар - Citadel Adbar   Цитадель Фелбарр - Citadel Felbarr   Сандабар - Sundabar   Мирабар - Mirabar   Айронмастер - IRONMASTER


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