Everlund Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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Эверлунд, расположенный на берегах реки Ровин, это один из самых активных торговых городков Севера. Толстая каменная стена окружает город, пронзенная воротами в пяти местах. Подобно спицам в колесе, широкие и прямые улицы ведут от каждых врат к Звонкому Рынку в центре города.   Улицы очень чистые и достаточно широкие, чтобы пропускать большие караваны. Солдаты городской армии постоянно патрулируют стены, чтобы успокоить местных жителей и обескуражить атакующих.   Строения Эверлунда величественны и поддерживаются в хорошем состоянии. У них сильно покатые крыши и высокие шпили на которых развеваются цветные знамена. Два моста перекинуты через реку, по берегам которой расположены деревья и опушки.   До недавних пор Эверлунд был членом Альянса Лордов. Пятеро лидеров, составляющие городской Совет Старейшин, проголосовали трое против двоих за отделение, и в качестве символической поддержки Сандабара (смотри раздел "Сандабар") осудили альянса за то, что он не пришел на помощь Сандабару во времена Войны Серебряных Пределов.   Это решение было подано как возможность для Эверлунда выбрать свой собственный путь, но более образованные жители считают, что за голосованием стоит семья Зоар, группа влиятельных дворян, которая переехала в Эверлунд из Глубоководья около столетия назад из-за какого-то скандала. Зоары набрали столь значимое политическое влияние в Эверлунде, что у них уже есть свой представитель в Совете Старейшин.   Зал Старейшин это место где собирается совет, чтобы обсудить важные для города темы. Только члены совета знают кто как проголосовал во время принятия решения о выходе из Альянса Лордов. Члены Совета Старейшин следующие:  
  • Старший Капитан Хорикс Зоар (ЗН мужчина Тетирианец дворянин), командующий армией Эверлунда и болтун
  • Старший Чародей Ваэрил Руидхен (НД мужчина солнечный эльф архимаг), это тихий голос сдержанности и разумности, который поддерживает хрупкий мир между самыми раздражительными членами совета (а так же он служил связным с Альянсом Лордов)
  • Хранительница Мостов, Китора Шен (ЗН женщина Шоу человек ветеран), солдат в отставке и опытный бюрократ, она надзирает за стражей и коммерцией в городе.
  • Мастер Гильдий, Болдор Стальной Щит (Н мужчина щитовой дварф дворянин), представляет торговцев Эверлунда, он любит все преувеличивать и по слухам берет взятки
  • Спикер Города, горожанин, который выбирается каждые семь лет, чтобы представлять обычных людей в городе; на данный момент этот пост занимает Ватриса Штормрайт (ХД женщина Иллусканка обыватель), женщина со взрывным характером, которая владеет успешным бизнесом по очистке дымоходов в городе   Самое выдающееся сооружение в Эверлунде это Башня Лунного Света, крепость из черного камня, которая является цитаделью Арфистов на Севере.   Она стоит на одном из самых высоких холмов города и состоит из четырех узких цилиндрических башень соединенных вместе, окруженных сухим рвом, который может быть быстро наполнен через систему цистерн и насосов. Башня увенчана турелью, где находится сигнальное зеркало в виде растущей луны.   В любое время от пяти до пятнадцати Арфистов находятся в резиденции, вместе с верной прислугой и частным гарнизоном из двадцати ветеранов. Хозяйка Луны Давиана Ялраннис (ХГ женщина Тетирианка человек рыцарь) это глав башни, которая должна защищать ее и ремонтировать. Могущественный волшебник Арфист по имени Кроуен Вэлхарроу (ХД мужчина Турами человек архимаг в робе полезных вещей [robe of useful items] и с посохом огня [staff of fire]) так же обитает в башне, вместе с дюжинами одомашненных трессимов и несколькими магами учениками.   Около вершины Башни Лунного Света расположена круглая комната без окон, в которой расположен постоянный круг телепортации, которым пользуются Арфисты высокого ранга, чтобы входить и выходить из башни не будучи замеченными.   Город славится многими храмами, самые известные из них посвящены Хельму, Майликки и Кореллону Ларетиану. В Эверлунде есть много заведений, где можно поесть и отдохнуть, но старейшее и самое большое это Дом Даниварра.   Когда-то это был особняк дворян, а теперь этот постоялый двор с кучей пристроек стала любимым пристанищем искателей приключений. Семья Зоар купила это заведение несколько лет назад, но доверяет управление Домом Даниварр одноглазому полуорку по имени Драл Телев (ЗД мужчина полуорк обыватель). И Арфисты и Жентарим приглядывают за постоялым двором.
    Show spoiler
      Развитие событий   Если персонажи получили рекомендательное письмо от Тамалин Зоар (смотри раздел "Зовущие Рога") и показали его Дралу Телеву, то полуорк рассказывает им, что власть в городе принадлежит семье Зоар, и персонажи могут отдать это письмо Дралу взамен на одну услугу от Зоаров (смотри раздел "Знаки Отличия" в главе 7 Руководства Мастера Подземелий).   Когда персонажи решают воспользоваться услугой, Драл говорит об этом своим нанимателям, и Старший Капитан Хорикс Зоар делает все что в его власти, чтобы дать персонажам то, что они просят, если это в его силах и не идет против его интересов или его семьи.   Примеры того, что он может предоставить, включают встречу с одним или несколькими членами Совета Старейшин, организованную встречу с представителями Альянса Лордов из другого города или свиток с заклинанием возрождение.
        Religion: Temples: Helm, Mielikki, Corellon Larethian, Shiallia Shrines: Oghma, Shaundakul, Waukeen  

    Political Information

      Government: Oligarchy   Ruler: Council of Elders, allied with the Lords' Alliance   Military: Army of the Vale   Everlund is a city of merchant traders and caravan teams and is one of the greatest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. Located southeast of Silverymoon and situated on the north bank of the River Rauvin, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities.   Even though it is one of the smaller and weaker cities of the North, Everlund is the Silver Marches gateway to the rest of Faern. It lies due south of Silverymoon, on the eastern banks of the river Rauvin and is the home base of many caravan masters, guides, hunters, mercenaries, adventurers, and Harpers. Local rangers and adventures, aid Everlunds large standing army in diligently keeping the local roads free of raiding orcs, Goblins, bugbears, trolls, and other monsters of the wilderlands. Since giants have driven the trolls out of the Evermoors, the trade road west of Everlund has become increasing expensive for the Silver Marches to patrol. There is concern that if the giants make a concerted effort they could effectively cut off the fledgling kingdom long enough to seriously affect trade.   Standing on the very edge of the High Forest, Everlund is a beautiful city of trees, wild flower gardens, and little bowers. The fact that the High Forest seems to be growing closer every day is a source of concern for some of Everlunds citizens, but so far there has been no confrontation with the mighty treant Turlang who rules the wood. The inns and taverns of Everlund are on its outskirts, and many the citys streets curve and meander around, avoiding the center of the city. Broad, straight caravan roads cut through the city like the spokes of a wheel however so its hard for a stranger to stay lost for long. Parks, groves and other patches of natural greenery, separate the homes and small shops in the heart of the city so that at night Everlund sometimes seems as quiet and as peaceful as any glade of the High Forest.  


      As befitting a caravan and trade center Everlund is even more tolerant then Silverymoon of various peoples, races, and religions. The citys population is predominately human but there is also good representation of Elves, half-elves, and Halflings. There are a number of dwarven clans that have trade representatives in Everlund, but with retaking of Mithral Hall and revitalization of other Dwarven Halls in the North many of Everlunds Dwarves have left to help resettle their ancient homes in the mountains. Gnomes are a common sight in Everlund but most are visiting from their villages in the High Forest.   Everlunians are known to fiercely protect their city and well over half the citys population is capable of taking up arms if there is ever a need. Everlunds regular defenders include a large number of Silverymoon trained mages and bards, as well as their own homegrown rangers who are as wise in the ways of the wilds as any Uthgardt barbarian. Everlund is fairly ruled by a Council of Six Elders who are part of the Lords Alliance as well as members of the Silver Marches confederacy. They have always been a strong ally of Silverymoon and an active opponent of both the Zhentarim and the Arcane Brotherhood.   History       Government       Defenses       Places of Interest      


      The Great Armory (12): A walled compound overlooking the waterfront that serves as a barracks.   The Hall of the Elders (9): The seat of government in Everlund, with a low, circular building at the heart of the city. It stands next to an old, battered keep that serves as the armory, and next to that are the six large barracks of Everlunds standing army.   The Hall of Records (O1) and the Hall of Redress (O2) are the courts of Everlund.  


      The Bell Market (8)   Market (1c - 3c). There's a great bell used to sound the call to arms or signal a retreat. The bell hangs in a frame in the open space next to the Barracks, and it gives its name to the space: the Bell Market. This is the chief produce fair of the city.   The Bent Bow (M1)   Bowyer (4c). This excellent archers' shop opens onto the Bell Market. It's known for its everbright (nonrusting) arrowheads, some of which can be enspelled so they can be magically traced. The Bent Bow is also known for custom-made bows designed to pull to the desired weight of the purchaser.   Hethmeir's Highboots Corvisor (M2)   Corvisor (5c). This is the best place to buy boots north of Waterdeep - truly a first-class corvisor (a cobbler resoles and repairs; a corvisor custom-makes). In fact, these boots are as good or better than any found elsewhere in Faerûn. Hethmeir and his four nimble-fingered assistants work with incredible speed. An adventurer who brings them a dead beast and wants boots made from its hide can expect them in three days.    


      Squalid (1sp/day): 1c   Poor (2sp/day): 2c   Modest (1gp/day): 3c   Comfortable (2gp/day): 4c   Wealthy (4gp/day): 5c   Bridges & Gates   The two bridges in Everlund are named Knightbridge (10) and Dwarfbridge (11), both of which cross the River Rauvin.   The five gates of Everlund are open from dawn to dusk and shut at all other times. They are named Bridge Gate (3) (the start of Evermoor Way), Downriver Gate (2), Mountain Gate (5), Silvermoon Gate (1) (the start of the road to Silverymoon) and Upriver Gate (4) (the start of the trail to Sundabar).  

    Trade Routes


    Roads & Trails

      Everlund is the final destination on the Evermoor Way (6), the primary trade route from the south and west. The road to the north, eventually reaching Silverymoon, passes through Everlund Pass at the western end of the Nether Mountains. Trade to the east traces the banks of the River Rauvin, reaching Sundabar as its final destination. Points of interest along this trail (in order from Everlund to Sundabar) included Hilltop, Jalanthar, Lhuvenhead, and Rauvincross.  


      Situated on the banks of the Rauvin River, Everlund is one of the North’s most active mercantile commu¬nities. A thick stone wall encloses the city, pierced in five places by gates. Like the spokes of a wheel, broad, straight avenues lead from each gate to the Bell Mar¬ket at the city's center. The streets are clean and wide enough to accommodate large caravan vehicles. Sol-diers of the city’s army make a show of patrolling the walls, to reassure citizens and visitors as well as to dis-courage attackers. The buildings of Everlund are stately and well maintained, with steeply pitched rooftops and tall spires that sport colorful banners. Two bridges span the river, which has parks and trees along its shores.   Until recently, Everlund was a member of the Lords’ Alliance. The five leaders who currently comprise the city’s Council of Elders voted three to two in favor of separation and, in a symbolic show of support for Sundabar (see the “Sundabar" section), condemned the alliance for its failure to come to Sundabar's aid during the War of the Silver Marches. The decision was touted as an opportunity for Everlund to chart its own course, but more educated citizens believe the vote was orches-trated by the Zoar family, a group of influential nobles that moved to Everlund from Waterdeep over a century ago amid some scandal. The Zoars have gained consid-erable political influence in Everlund, to the extent that they now have a representative on the Council of Elders.   The Hall of the Elders is where the council meets to discuss issues affecting the city. Only the councilors know who voted which way concerning the decision to leave the Lords' Alliance. The members of the Council of Elders are as follows:   High Captain Horix Zoar (LN male Tethyrian human noble), commander of Everlund's army and a windbag   High Sorcerer Vaeril Rhuidhen (NG male sun elf archmage), a quiet voice of moderation and reason who keeps the peace between the council’s more frac-tious members (and who formerly served as liaison to the Lords’ Alliance)   The Keeper of the Bridges, Kythora Shen (LN female Shou human veteran), a retired soldier and skilled bu-reaucrat charged with overseeing the city watch and the conduct of commerce in the city   The Master of GUILDS, Boldor Steelshield (N male Shield dwarf noble), representing the merchants of Everlund, who is prone to hyperbole and rumored to accept bribes   The Speaker of the Town, a citizen elected every seven years to represent the common folk in the city; currently the post is held by Vatrice Stormwright (CG female Illuskan human commoner), an easily flustered woman who owns a modestly successful chimney-sweeping business in the city   The most prominent edifice in Everlund is Moongleam Tower, a keep of black stone that serves as a Harper stronghold in the North. It rises from one of the higher knolls in the city and consists of four narrow, cylindrical towers joined together, surrounded by a dry moat that can be quickly flooded through a system of cisterns and pumps. Crowning the roof is an open turret, where a sig¬naling mirror shaped like a crescent moon stands.   At any time, from five to fifteen Harpers are in residence, attended by a loyal staff and a private garrison of twenty veterans. Moonlord Daviana Yalrannis (CG female Tethyrian human knight) is the master of the tower, charged with its defense and upkeep. A powerful Harper wizard named Krowen Valharrow (CG male Turami human archmage with a robe of useful items and a staff of fire) also resides in the tower, along with dozens of domesticated tressym (see appendix C) and a handful of apprentice mages. Apart from their ability to fly, the tressym behave like normal house cats. If one or more characters show an interest in the tressym, Kro¬wen offers to bequeath one (but no more than one) to the party. The tressym bonds with the first character to earn its trust, which requires some obvious sign of affection accompanied by a successful DC 17 Charisma check. A character with proficiency in the Animal Handling skill has advantage on the check. The bonded tressym obeys that character’s commands and no one else’s.   Near the top of Moongleam Tower is a circular, win-dowless room that contains a permanent teleportation circle, which high-ranking Harpers use to enter and leave the tower unseen (see the “Inner Circles” section at the end of this chapter).   The city boasts many temples, the most prominent of which are dedicated to Helm, Mielikki, and Corellon Larethian. Everlund also has many fine places to eat and rest, the oldest and largest being Danivarr’s House. Once a noble’s mansion, this rambling inn is a favorite haunt for adventurers. The Zoar family bought the es-tablishment a few years ago, but leaves the running of Danivarr’s House to a one-eyed half-ore named Dral Thelev (LG male half-ore commoner). Both the Harpers and the Zhentarim keep a close eye on this place. [spoiler]   Everlund   Everlund is a walled city of 12,000 Humans, Elves, half-elves, and Halflings, with a scattering of other races. It lies due south of Silvery- moon, on the banks of the Rauvin.   Though it’s the smallest and weakest of the cities of the Interior, Everlund is as tolerant as Waterdeep of various peoples, races, and religions. This is an attitude well befitting a caravan trading center. Everlund is the home base of many caravan masters, guides, hunters, mercenaries, adventurers, and Harpers. The standing army of 2,000 diligently seeks out and slays raiding orcs, Goblins, bugbears, trolls, and other monsters of the wilderlands.    Another 250 adventurers and mercenaries can be called upon in times of need. Everlunians are known to fiercely defend their city, and are as wise in the ways of the wilds as any Uthgardt barbarian.   Many adventurer-mages, bards, and rangers dwell here, under the six Elders who rule Everlund. The Elders keep it part of the Lords’ Alliance, actively opposing both the Zhentarim and the Arcane Brotherhood.   Somehow word got around that I was a Zhentarim agent—vile slander, I assure you—so my visits to Everlund and Silverymoon were necessarily hasty and largely covert. I did learn that Everlund is a city of trees, wildflower gardens, and little bowers (lawns encircled by screening stands of trees).   The inns and taverns of Everlund are on its outskirts, by the wall, and the center of the city is quiet at night—a place where lovers and plotters walk and talk, I’m told.   Homes and shops rise out of the greenery in pleasant little clumps, so that one might be in a village in the Dales rather than in a city of the North. There’s plenty of space for children to play in. Although the lanes curve and meander, it’s hard to stay lost for long: broad, straight caravan roads cut through this pleasant scenery like the spokes of a wheel. Everlund is a beautiful city, with more trees and grassy space than I’d ever seen in an enclosed space before. I wish I’d had a chance to know it better.  


      The city has five gates: Bridge Gate, Upriver Gate, Mountain Gate, Silver Moon Gate, and Downriver Gate; a quick look at the area map should make it obvious which gate opens in what part of the city wall.   I wasn’t allowed to approach some places in Everlund close enough to report on them properly. These include the Harper fortress of Moongleam Tower (at least, I think that’s what it’s called) and the Hall of the Elders, the seat of government in Everlund. The latter is a low, circular building at the heart of the city. Hard by it stands an old, battered keep that serves as the armory, and next to that are the six large barracks of Everlund’s standing army.   There is a great bell used to sound the call to arms or, when battle goes ill, the retreat. The bell hangs in a frame in the open space beside the barracks, and it gives its name to the space: the Bell Market. This is the chief produce fair of the city.   Opening onto the Market is All Faiths Hall, a shrine for the use of all good worshippers. The two remaining places of worship, located by Downriver Gate, are a shrine to Mielikki, the Lady’s Tree, and a shrine to Malar, the Bloody Hunt.    

    The Seeking Arrow

      Mielikki) and the Bloody Hunt (a shrine to Malar). Its walls are adorned with many trophy heads, and its lobby “desk” is a glass case containing a wolf’s skeleton of truly astonishing size. The wolf (killed by the proprietor’s father) looks to have been as large as a bear. Warning: One of the inn staff is a rather simple soul who likes to put a stuffed snake in a random bed that he makes every morning.
        Everlund This city of merchant traders and caravan teams is one of the staunchest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. This attitude comes as no surprise, however, considering the imminent dangers that threaten the city from all sides.  
    Everlund (large city): Conventional; AL LG: 40,000 gp limit; Assets 42,776,000 gp; Population 21,388; Integrated (humans 48%, Elves (all types) 21%, half-elves 14%, Lightfoot Halflings 9%, Shield Dwarves 7%, others 1%).
      Authority Figures: High Captain Kayl Moorwalker, LG human male Ftr4/Ari8 (current First Elder of the Council of Six Elders and commander of Everlund's army).   Important Characters: Yeshelnó Amrallatha, CG female Wood elf Clr10 of Corellon (Council Elder and high priest of Corellon Larethian in the city Malvin Draga, LE male human Rog8/Ftr3 (Keeper of the Bridge, Council Elder Vaeril Rhuidhen, NG male sun elf Wiz13 (Council Elder, High Sorcerer Borun Fendelben, LN male lightfoot halfling Rog4 (Council Elder, Master of Guilds Sindyl Omoghael, CG female half-elf Brd4/Exp5 (Council Elder, Speaker of the Town).   The Army of the Vale -- Ftr11, Rgr10, Ftr9, War9 (2), Clr8, Ftr8 (2), Rgr8, War8 (3), Clr7, Ftr7 (2), Rgr7 (2), War7 (3), Ftr6, Clr6 (2), War6 (7), Ftr5 (2), Clr5 (3), Rgr5 (2), War5 (9), Ftr4 (3), Clr4 (5), Rgr4 (3), War4 (15), Ftr3 (7), Clr3 (7), Rgr3 (4), War3 (36), Ftr2 (10), Clr2 (8), Rgr2 (5), War2 (112), Clr1 (12), Ftr1 (18), Rgr1 (8), War1 (1,055).   City Watch -- Ftr4/Rog4, Rog8, War7, Ftr6, Rog6 (2), War6 (3), Rog5, War5 (3), Ftr4 (2), War4 (5), Ftr3 (2), Rog3 (3), War3 (14), Rog2 (4), War2 (19), War1 (125).   The other citizens of Everlund are too numerous and diverse to enumerate here.   Notable Imports: Ale, armor, cheese, clothing, fruit, grain, sugar, weapons, wine.   Notable Exports: Amber, charcoal, furniture, furs, stone, syrup, timber, valuable ores.   Located southeast of Silverymoon and situated on the north bank of the Rauvin River, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities. A thick stone wall rings the city, pierced in five places by the city's gates. Like the spokes of a wheel, broad, straight streets lead from each gate to Bell Market at the city center. The layout of these streets and the location of certain city features, such as the market, many inns, and warehouses, are designed for the accommodation of caravans and their merchants. Soldiers of the city's standing army make a show of patrolling the walls in strength, both to provide reassurance to citizens and visitors, and to discourage attackers.   Like many of the communities in the Silver Marches, Everlund traces its origins to a time before the ruin of previous civilizations. Since its humble beginnings as a fortified trading outpost and bridgehead on the Rauvin, the city's population and importance have increased to the point where it is one of the most important trading cities in the Silver Marches, and the North as well. The fact that nearly every single trade caravan that begins its journeys in the Marches calls at Everlund en route to other destinations brings to the city a position of considerable economic and social importance. The city's voice carries considerable weight among its peers, for nearly all are dependent to some degree on Everlund's role as the main caravan station in this region.   Everlund owes its survival to the thickness of its walls (the city's leaders have never failed to keep its first line of defense in good repair, nor to add to the fortifications whenever possible), some strategic alliances, and its ability to keep Evermoor Way open to caravan traffic. Everlund is one of Silverymoon's traditional allies and has historically sided with that city and its High Lady on nearly every important issue. The same looks to hold true today, as the confederation attempts to deal with issues of mutual importance to its signatories. The Council of Six Elders joined the city with the Lord's Alliance several decades ago and signed the Silver Marches articles of confederation with eagerness, hopeful of greater security for its primary trading road.   Brief History Like Silverymoon fifty miles to the north, Everlund was in its beginning a simple crossing-place over the Rauvin. During the last centuries of the dwarf kingdom of Delzoun, trade from the elf realm of Illefarn sometimes passed this way, particularly when monsters or bad weather made the river-passage up the Surbrin to the Rauvin unusually difficult or dangerous.   As the only crossing place for several days' travel in either direction, the Rauvin crossing here often attracted the attention of orcs, barbarians, and other raiders, who would lie in wait to ambush caravans. Around -334 DR the Dwarves of Delzoun responded by raising a small keep overlooking the river crossing, and garrisoned the outpost with vigilant guards to protect the crossing. Under the protection of the keep, a tiny hamlet grew up to cater to travelers seeking the chance to rest and refit in safety.   The dwarf keep was abandoned in -104 DR as the onslaught against Delzoun grew too great to allocate soldiers to the protection of a distant river crossing. The first town on the site of Everlund was quietly abandoned over the years as trade ceased along this route. Wood Elves roaming the eaves of Eaerlann sometimes came here, camping in the forests along the south bank of the river, but otherwise the site was empty.   Everlund rose again in 515 DR, as the folk of Ascalhorn decided to refurbish the dwarf-keep and establish a permanent garrison here. The city's growth had brought a new wave of settlement in the Rauvin Vale, and the princes of Ascalhorn found that the people living near the Rauvin's bend required protection against trolls from the Evermoors and goblinoids from the Nether Mountains. The lords of Eaerlann agreed to share in this duty, and Elves of the Forest Kingdom joined the human knights of Ascalhorn in guarding this corner of the High Forest. Once again a small town grew up around the keep, this time a town of human traders and elf merchants eager to find markets for Eaerlann's goods in the burgeoning cities of the Sword Coast.   The fall of Ascalhorn in 882 DR, and the subsequent collapse of Eaerlann, left the small settlement at Everlund without a country. By the vagaries of campaigns and battles, Everlund had survived the terrible onslaught of the Year of the Curse virtually unharmed, although many of its human knights and elf archers had perished in distant battles. Many hundreds of refugees from Ascalhorn flooded into the area and took shelter in the town. Here they rebuilt. In the absence of the lord of the town (a prince of Ascalhorn killed fighting there), the people raised a council of six wise commanders and leaders to govern the town's affairs until something better could be arranged. Over time, the Council of Six Elders became the true rulers of the city.   Everlund has always been close to Silverymoon, its neighbor to the north. As more people have returned to the Rauvin Vale and Old Delzoun, both cities have grown. Here, as in Silverymoon, Humans, Elves, and other folk live together more or less in peace. For the Elders of Everlund, joining the league Alustriel proposed was simply a formality -- they were already committed to standing with the High Mage of Silverymoon against all threats to the peace of the North.   map  

    Important Sites

    Despite its size and constant level of activity, Everlund's physical appearance is a testimony to both its founders and current leaders. Though ready to withstand an attack at any given moment, it is nonetheless a beautiful community that does not look like a city of war. Everlund's buildings are constructed mainly of stone and timber, and they show clear influence of both elf and dwarf architectural styles. Buildings are arranged in discrete sections separated by green space: trees, hedges, bowers, gardens, and flowerbeds are common sights in all parts of the city. The result is an impression of calm and tranquility that belies the many dangers lurking just beyond the city's walls.   The Rauvin flows through the heart of the city, crossed by two bridges - the Knightbridge and the Dwarfbridge.  

    The Five Gates

    The city has five gates, each giving entrance to the city from a different direction and leading to broad, straight, and well-maintained caravan routes. The gates are, in clockwise order from the north, the Silverymoon Gate, the Mountain Gate, the Upriver Gate, the Bridge Gate, and the Downriver Gate. Each of these gates is open from dawn to dusk, and shut at all other times. Caravan masters know that gaining entry into the city after the gates close can be a tiresome chore, requiring them to consent to tedious and thorough searches of their goods by the city's guards. Most don't bother to go through the routine if they arrive at Everlund after sunset, preferring instead to avail themselves of the hospitality to be found in any of a number of inns and taverns that have established a thriving trade outside the city walls for just such occasions.  

    Evermoor Way

    Evermoor Way begins at the Bridge Gate and winds its way southwest for hundreds of miles, passing between the Evermoors and the High Forest, north of the Dessarin Hills and offering the most direct available route to Waterdeep and the cities of the Sword Coast. Everlund has always been instrumental in keeping the roadway safe for caravans from its walls all the way to Calling Horns, hiring numerous mercenaries and adventurers to scour the route for monsters and other dangers.   The work has never been easy, and many are the sellswords and intrepid companies that have fallen to the trolls, orcs, and other marauding creatures that have preyed on the highway. In recent months Everlund has been harder pressed than ever to maintain the security of the roadway. Perhaps emboldened by the growing rumors of war between King Obould and the cities of the North, orc raiding parties have been striking hard at southbound caravans, and the depredations of giants based in the Evermoors (now depopulated of its former inhabitants, the trolls) have increased to the point where caravans are taking extra guards on journeys to and from the city. Many caravan masters are paying a premium for caravan guards who are also spellcasters, hoping that the additional magical power will help keep their goods (and their skins) safe. These are tough times for caravans, but profitable times for ambitious adventurers.  

    Moongleam Tower

    Built by a master dwarf engineer almost two hundred years ago, this keep of black, hard stone is one of the foremost Harper holds of the North. It rises from one of the higher knolls near the center of Everlund, visible from almost any part of the city. Moongleam Tower consists of four narrow, cylindrical towers joined together, surrounded by a dry moat that can be quickly flooded by a cunning system of cisterns and pumps. Its roof is crowned by an open turret, where a signaling mirror shaped like a crescent moon stands.   Moongleam Tower isn't meant to hold a great number of soldiers, but the keep is strong enough to put a stop to any attack made without heavy siege engines or great magical firepower. At any time anywhere from five to fifteen Harpers may be in residence, attended by a loyal staff and a garrison of twenty elite guardsmen. Moonlord Eaerlraun Shadowlyn (CG male half-elf Rgr16) is the master of the tower. Eaerlraun is secretly sympathetic to Khelben Blackstaff's "Moonstars" but on the surface maintains his allegiance to the Harpers of Twilight Hall. Should the High Harpers discover his loyalties and make an issue of them, Eaerlraun might break with the order altogether and take control of Moongleam Tower with him.  

    Hall of the Elders

    The seat of Everlund's government is this low, circular stone building located on the east side of Bell Market. The members of the Council of Six Elders meet here regularly. The building is defended by a detail of guards from the Army of the Vale; four soldiers remain vigilant outside the building's main entrance at all times, and during the periods when the hall is open at least six more soldiers patrol the interior corridors.   The soldiers permit all those who have legitimate business with the council to pass, but collect their weapons first. No armaments of any kind are permitted within. To ensure that no one steals or tampers with the weapons they hold in trust, the soldiers place the arms inside locked, iron-reinforced wooden chests: Each container is protected by a glyph of warding that is triggered if a chest is opened without first speaking the password.   To either side of the hall, two long, rambling wings of the building house the various officials and civil servants who comprise Everlund's government. The remaining ten soldiers of the detail watch the entrances to the Hall of Records and the Hall of Redress (home to the city's courts and magistrates).  

    The Elders of Everlund

    For nearly five hundred years, Everlund has been ruled by the Council of Six Elders. This group is always composed of the people holding the most prominent positions in the city, although from time to time debate breaks out over whether another civic figure is important enough to merit a position on the council.   The council is led by the First Elder of the Council, an office granted by vote of the Elders. The First holds his or her position until another Elder challenges it. Some hold the post for many years, others no more than a few days. Kayl Moorwalker, the High Captain, is the current First Elder.   The High Priest of Corellon Larethian, considered the leader of the Elves of the city, is one of the Elders. Currently the High Priest is Yeshelnó Amrallatha (CG female Wood elf Clr10 of Corellon). Yeshelnó is a former adventurer who has become circumspect and cautious in her role as an Elder of the city. For decades she worried that the Humans would simply swallow the elf parts of the town, but in recent months the unlooked-for return of some Elves from Evermeet has strengthened the elf community and charged it with determination to thrive and grow once again.   The Keeper of the Bridges is the civic official charged with overseeing the city watch and the conduct of commerce in the city. Currently this post is held by Malvin Draga (LE human male Rog8/Ftr3), a scheming man who uses his position to enrich himself by controlling the customs-taking throughout the city and overseeing the growing corruption of the city watch. The other Elders dislike Draga intensely, but it's long been the way of the city for Elders to avoid interfering in each other's selection in order to avoid civic conflict. Someone will have to catch Draga red-handed in order for the Elders to remove him from the council and appoint a new Keeper of the Bridges.   The High Captain, commander of Everlund's army, is Kayl Moorwalker (LG human male Ftr4/Ari8) a haughty nobleman who possesses an uncanny head for tactics and strategy. Extremely intelligent, he wields troops of cavalry and columns of infantry as deftly as a veteran duellist wields a rapier. Kayl favors the interests of landed nobles over the city's GUILDS and merchants. This makes him an unlikely ally of the Elves on the council, who share his respect for the ways of the past.   The High Sorcerer, a position held by the most powerful elf mage willing to take on the duties of the council, wizard or sorcerer. Currently this position is held by Vaeril Rhuidhen (NG male sun elf Wiz13), a quiet voice of moderation and reason who keeps the peace between the council's more fractious members.   The Master of GUILDS, an official representing the merchants of the city, is an extraordinarily stout halfling named Borun Fendelben (LN male lightfoot halfling Rog4). Fendelben is a very successful merchant who has his eyes firmly fastened on the pursuit of wealth. He also urges aggressive expansion of new enterprises into the wilderlands about, shouting down the cautioning words of Yeshelnó and Vaeril. Fendelben has no real friends on the council, since the Keeper of the Bridge is his natural opponent -- the Keeper's agents collect taxes grudgingly paid by the Master's fellow merchants.   The Speaker of the Town is the final member of the Council of Six Elders, a citizen elected every seven years to represent the common folk of the city. Currently the post is held by Sindyl Omoghael (CG female half-elf Brd4/Exp5), a minstrel and maker of musical instruments who once traveled far and wide as an adventurer. In the past, popular Speakers have served many terms on the council; Sindyl is in the middle of her second. She is the special enemy of Malvin Draga and opposes the Keeper at every turn -- a situation Draga finds intolerable.  

    Bell Market

    The economic and social center of Everlund is the Bell Market, so named for the enormous warning bell that hangs in a frame in the open space between the Hall of Elders and the Barracks. The bell is sounded when the city is under attack. In the middle of the market are a number of open-air stalls and stands that offer fresh produce, poultry, baked goods, and livestock. Around the edges of this area are permanent stalls selling manufactured items, and surrounding the market is a ring of shops that vend all manner of Trade goods and a variety of services. The market is open from one hour after dawn to one hour before dusk, to ensure that the evenings and nights of the residents are not disturbed by the noise created by such a thronged mercantile area.  

    The Barracks and Armory

    Not far from the Hall of the Elders stands the city armory, a small, square keep built from dressed limestone blocks. The place is evidently one of the older buildings in Everlund, but parts of the keep have been recently reinforced and repaired. One of the new additions to the structure is a low stone wall that prevents anyone from approaching closer than 30 feet. Soldiers patrol the courtyard inside the new wall, prohibiting entry to anyone who is not a soldier or is not on official government business.   Hard by the armory are six large wood-frame buildings surrounded by another low wall. The sight of soldiers constantly moving in and out of the buildings, and drilling in the courtyard, marks this as the city's main barracks. (There are five smaller barracks, one located at each of the city's gates.) The army has set up a special station just inside the main entrance to the courtyard, where mercenaries and adventurers may obtain work patrolling Evermoor Way and keeping the route clear of monsters and other threats.   Major Temples Everlund's most prominent places of worship are the Keep of Vigilance (Helm), the Evergreen Hall (Mielikki), the Starmeadow (devoted to Corellon Larethian), and the Grotto (sacred to Shiallia). The folk of the city tend to be devout and crowd the major temples on the first day of every tenday to worship their deities. In addition to the major temples, Everlund is home to shrines to Oghma, Shaundakul (popular among the caravan masters), and Waukeen as well.  

    Everlund Circle

      The teleportation circle in Everlund is located inside a circular chamber in Moongleam Tower. An arcane lock spell has been cast on the chamber door, though tower mages can bypass it. Krowen has assigned a brusque but reliable apprentice named Nespril Menk (LG male Damaran human mage) to watch over this circle during the day, and a lazy, sleep-deprived apprentice named Flewen Aldhark (NG male Chondathan human mage) to mind the circle at night. If the characters arrive while Flewen is on duty, there is a 90 percent chance he’s propped up in a chair, sound asleep.   Everlund Everlund   Geographical Information Size: Large City • Location: Silver Marches Societal Information Populace: 12,000 • Human 48%, Elves 21%, Half-elves 14%, Halflings, Lightfood 9%, Shield Dwarves 7%, Others 1% Religion: Temples: Helm, Mielikki, Corellon Larethian, Shiallia • Shrines: Oghma, Shaundakul, Waukeen Imports: Ale, armor, cheese, clothing, fruit, grain, sugar, weapons, wine Exports: Amber, charcoal, furniture, furs, stone, syrup, timber, valuable ores Political Information Government: Oligarchy Ruler: Council of Elders, allied with the Lords' Alliance Military: Army of the Vale Everlund is a city of merchant traders and caravan teams and is one of the greatest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. Located southeast of Silverymoon and situated on the north bank of the River Rauvin, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities.   Even though it is one of the smaller and weaker cities of the North, Everlund is the Silver Marches gateway to the rest of Faern. It lies due south of Silverymoon, on the eastern banks of the river Rauvin and is the home base of many caravan masters, guides, hunters, mercenaries, adventurers, and Harpers. Local rangers and adventures, aid Everlunds large standing army in diligently keeping the local roads free of raiding orcs, Goblins, bugbears, trolls, and other monsters of the wilderlands. Since giants have driven the trolls out of the Evermoors, the trade road west of Everlund has become increasing expensive for the Silver Marches to patrol. There is concern that if the giants make a concerted effort they could effectively cut off the fledgling kingdom long enough to seriously affect trade.   Standing on the very edge of the High Forest, Everlund is a beautiful city of trees, wild flower gardens, and little bowers. The fact that the High Forest seems to be growing closer every day is a source of concern for some of Everlunds citizens, but so far there has been no confrontation with the mighty treant Turlang who rules the wood. The inns and taverns of Everlund are on its outskirts, and many the citys streets curve and meander around, avoiding the center of the city. Broad, straight caravan roads cut through the city like the spokes of a wheel however so its hard for a stranger to stay lost for long. Parks, groves and other patches of natural greenery, separate the homes and small shops in the heart of the city so that at night Everlund sometimes seems as quiet and as peaceful as any glade of the High Forest.   [edit]People As befitting a caravan and trade center Everlund is even more tolerant then Silverymoon of various peoples, races, and religions. The citys population is predominately human but there is also good representation of Elves, half-elves, and Halflings. There are a number of dwarven clans that have trade representatives in Everlund, but with retaking of Mithral Hall and revitalization of other Dwarven Halls in the North many of Everlunds Dwarves have left to help resettle their ancient homes in the mountains. Gnomes are a common sight in Everlund but most are visiting from their villages in the High Forest.   Everlunians are known to fiercely protect their city and well over half the citys population is capable of taking up arms if there is ever a need. Everlunds regular defenders include a large number of Silverymoon trained mages and bards, as well as their own homegrown rangers who are as wise in the ways of the wilds as any Uthgardt barbarian. Everlund is fairly ruled by a Council of Six Elders who are part of the Lords Alliance as well as members of the Silver Marches confederacy. They have always been a strong ally of Silverymoon and an active opponent of both the Zhentarim and the Arcane Brotherhood.   [edit]History The walled city was resettled by Humans from Ascalhorn on the site of Besander's Blockhouse in 515 DR. Since its humble beginnings as a fortified trading outpost and bridgehead on the Rauvin, the city's population and importance increased so that it became one of the most important trading cities in the region.   [edit]Government For nearly five hundred years, Everlund has been ruled by the Council of Elders. This group is composed of the people holding the most prominent positions in the city, although there was occasional debate over whether some civic figures were important enough to merit a seat on the council. The council is led by the First Elder, an office granted by vote of the others. The First Elder holds this position until another member challenges it; sometimes this post was held for many years, other times a few days.   [edit]Defenses The city is defended by the Army of the Vale. Its leader is titled the High Captain of Everlund, a position currently held by one Kayl Moorwalker, who was made First Elder a number of years ago after his service to the city. The Army has 200 heavy infantry, 400 light infantry, 300 elven archers, 300 light cavalry and 150 heavy cavalry. The Army also has 180 city watchmen, whose leader is called the Keeper of the Bridges, a man named Malvin Draga.   [edit]Places of Interest Moongleam Tower (7): Openly maintained by the Harpers, this fortress is made of large cut stone cemented together by a magical force. No one, except Harpers, has been inside. It's believed a ward of some sort prevents anyone from entering, even through the use of teleport and planeshift spells. Rumors that gates to places like Waterdeep, and Silverymoon have floated about recently, especially when several Harpers were seen exiting the structure blathering about an evil being with multiple arms and three heads that gated into the place. Flames and billowing smoke were seen in the sparse windows that day. [edit]Official The Great Armory (12): A walled compound overlooking the waterfront that serves as a barracks. The Hall of the Elders (9): The seat of government in Everlund, with a low, circular building at the heart of the city. It stands next to an old, battered keep that serves as the armory, and next to that are the six large barracks of Everlunds standing army. The Hall of Records (O1) and the Hall of Redress (O2) are the courts of Everlund. [edit]Mercantile The Bell Market (8): Market (1c - 3c). There's a great bell used to sound the call to arms or signal a retreat. The bell hangs in a frame in the open space next to the Barracks, and it gives its name to the space: the Bell Market. This is the chief produce fair of the city. The Bent Bow (M1): Bowyer (4c). This excellent archers' shop opens onto the Bell Market. It's known for its everbright (nonrusting) arrowheads, some of which can be enspelled so they can be magically traced. The Bent Bow is also known for custom-made bows designed to pull to the desired weight of the purchaser. Hethmeir's Highboots Corvisor (M2): Corvisor (5c). This is the best place to buy boots north of Waterdeep - truly a first-class corvisor (a cobbler resoles and repairs; a corvisor custom-makes). In fact, these boots are as good or better than any found elsewhere in Faerûn. Hethmeir and his four nimble-fingered assistants work with incredible speed. An adventurer who brings them a dead beast and wants boots made from its hide can expect them in three days. [edit]Nightlife Expenses Squalid (1sp/day): 1c Poor (2sp/day): 2c Modest (1gp/day): 3c Comfortable (2gp/day): 4c Wealthy (4gp/day): 5c The Battered Hat (N1): Inn (2c•3a). Guides such as the famous defender of Everlund, Ruldorn the Storm Ranger, gather at this inn. It's run by two halfling families, and it's decorated with dusty old stag heads and old maps. It stands just inside Silvermoon Gate. The inn is named for a piece of dilapidated headgear that perches atop a wyvern's Skull on the lobby wall. It was all that Nander Gultree, the halfling who built the inn, managed to wear out of his first encounter with a dragon. Danivarr's House (N2): Inn (5c•4a). The oldest and largest inn of the city, this rambling mansion joins to the one next to it by a number of rickety, covered, flying bridges. It's got a loyal clientele and is always full. This is the place to go if you want to meet interesting people (retired adventurers, Elves who think they've a royal claim to thrones that no longer exist, and Gnomes with delusions of grandeur). The Dreaming Dragon (N3): Tavern (3c•4p). The Dragon, located near the Downriver Gate, is beloved by Elves, Halflings, and the whimsical. The Dreaming Dragon is the place for good harping and eerie ballads of yesteryear. Its elverquisst is of the finest quality. Myklryn's Sorrow (N4): Tavern (3c•4p). Myklryn's, next to the Downriver Gate, is named for a man who drowned in the Rauvin River while sailing to see Waterdeep. His widow used his money to build this tavern. She's dead, but her three daughters run it now. Harpers are welcome here. The Old Sword Sheathed (N5): Tavern (3c•5p). This tavern is like all of those heard of in wonderful fireside tales. It's a ramshackle place where everyone's a friend, the dart and dice games never stop, elders tell tall tales, and young people trade jokes. It serves a huge wine list and butternut beer. Folk in Everlund say this tavern is the place to meet your mate for life. The Olorin (N6): Inn (4c•3a). This is a large, new inn near Mountain Gate. Many travelers end up here when they can't find room elsewhere. Though it's new and clean, it's rather soulless. All its furnishings were bought from a shop in Waterdeep and brought to Everlund by river barge, but many look mass produced. The Phantom Knight (N7): Inn (4c•4a). This inn, by Bridge Gate, is named for its ghost, a silent, mustached apparition in full plate armor who appears to guests who soon will face great danger. He makes warning gestures, sometimes pointing helpfully to needed or important items. The Knight is a large place, known for its fresh, hot bread, its cream pastries, and its hot baths (each room has its own copper tub). The inn is popular with caravan merchants and adventurers alike. The Seeking Arrow (N8): Inn (3c•4a). This inn caters to rangers, hunters, and guides. It stands between the Lady's Tree and the Bloody Hunt. Its walls are adorned with trophy heads, and its lobby desk is a glass case containing a wolf's skeleton of astonishing size. The wolf (killed by the owner's father) looks to have been as large as a bear. Sordar's Cup (N9): Tavern (3c•4p). This quaint tavern is named in awe of a local dwarf of legendary capacity for drink. He once won a bet by drinking three entire casks of wine in one evening. When he repeated the feat the next night, the odd human who'd lost the bet decided to build a tavern to accommodate Sordar's drinking supplies. Sordar is long deceased (he died soon after winning the bet), but his cup (about the size of an upturned war helm) is on display here. The Stag at Bay (N10): Tavern (3c•4p). Named for a sumptuous tapestry hung on its taproom depicting an elven hunt, the Stag caters to visiting hunters, adventurers, and those who like to fool themselves into thinking they're intrepid. Patrons outdo each other describing the perilous adventures that befell them in the "Savage Frontier." [edit]Bridges & Gates The two bridges in Everlund are named Knightbridge (10) and Dwarfbridge (11), both of which cross the River Rauvin. The five gates of Everlund are open from dawn to dusk and shut at all other times. They are named Bridge Gate (3) (the start of Evermoor Way), Downriver Gate (2), Mountain Gate (5), Silvermoon Gate (1) (the start of the road to Silverymoon) and Upriver Gate (4) (the start of the trail to Sundabar). [edit]Temples & Shrines Evergreen Hall (15): Temple of Mielikki, built around the Lady's Tree, a great oak once used as a simple shrine. The leaves of this oak change color with the season but never fall to the ground. Even in deepest winter the Ladys Tree and surrounding garden is never snow-covered. Once a season the resident priestess, Athytia Starbreeze selects and harvests several dozen leaves from the tree and uses them to create potions of healing which she sells to maintain the shrine. These potions are especially potent and have been known to cure diseases in both plants and animals. Legend has is that so long as a servant of Mielikki dwells within the Lady's Tree Everlund will never face attack from the High Forest. As Turlangs trees draw closer and closer many pray that this legend is based on fact. The Grotto (T1): Area devoted to Shiallia. The Keep of Vigilance (14): Temple of Helm. The Starmeadow (13): Area devoted to Corellon Larethian. All Faiths Hall (T2): Opening onto the Market is All Faiths Hall, a shrine for the use of all good worshippers. The Bloody Hunt (T3): Located just inside Downriver Gate, the Bloody Hunt is a bloodstained table made of petrified wood. The table is often used for dressing game and any remains left on the table overnight disappear with the coming of dawn leaving only the thick layers of dried blood behind. Local hunters consider it good luck to make an offering at this shrine as often as once a season. Also located in Everlund are small shines to Oghma, Shaundakul (popular with the caravan masters), and Waukeen. [edit]Trade Routes [edit]Roads & Trails Everlund is the final destination on the Evermoor Way (6), the primary trade route from the south and west. The road to the north, eventually reaching Silverymoon, passes through Everlund Pass at the western end of the Nether Mountains. Trade to the east traces the banks of the River Rauvin, reaching Sundabar as its final destination. Points of interest along this trail (in order from Everlund to Sundabar) included Hilltop, Jalanthar, Lhuvenhead, and Rauvincross.   [edit]River Downstream travel on the River Rauvin is blocked by the Striding Giant Rapids. Upstream travel on the River Rauvin is possible for about 170 miles (274 km) to Sundabar.       Everlund Geographical Information Size: Large City • Location: Silver Marches Societal Information Populace: 12,000 • Human 48%, Elves 21%, Half-elves 14%, Halflings, Lightfood 9%, Shield Dwarves 7%, Others 1% Religion: Temples: Helm, Mielikki, Corellon Larethian, Shiallia • Shrines: Oghma, Shaundakul, Waukeen Imports: Ale, armor, cheese, clothing, fruit, grain, sugar, weapons, wine Exports: Amber, charcoal, furniture, furs, stone, syrup, timber, valuable ores Political Information Government: Oligarchy Ruler: Council of Elders, allied with the Lords' Alliance Military: Army of the Vale Everlund is a city of merchant traders and caravan teams and is one of the greatest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. Located southeast of Silverymoon and situated on the north bank of the River Rauvin, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities. Even though it is one of the smaller and weaker cities of the North, Everlund is the Silver Marches gateway to the rest of Faern. It lies due south of Silverymoon, on the eastern banks of the river Rauvin and is the home base of many caravan masters, guides, hunters, mercenaries, adventurers, and Harpers. Local rangers and adventures, aid Everlunds large standing army in diligently keeping the local roads free of raiding orcs, Goblins, bugbears, trolls, and other monsters of the wilderlands. Since giants have driven the trolls out of the Evermoors, the trade road west of Everlund has become increasing expensive for the Silver Marches to patrol. There is concern that if the giants make a concerted effort they could effectively cut off the fledgling kingdom long enough to seriously affect trade. Standing on the very edge of the High Forest, Everlund is a beautiful city of trees, wild flower gardens, and little bowers. The fact that the High Forest seems to be growing closer every day is a source of concern for some of Everlunds citizens, but so far there has been no confrontation with the mighty treant Turlang who rules the wood. The inns and taverns of Everlund are on its outskirts, and many the citys streets curve and meander around, avoiding the center of the city. Broad, straight caravan roads cut through the city like the spokes of a wheel however so its hard for a stranger to stay lost for long. Parks, groves and other patches of natural greenery, separate the homes and small shops in the heart of the city so that at night Everlund sometimes seems as quiet and as peaceful as any glade of the High Forest. People As befitting a caravan and trade center Everlund is even more tolerant then Silverymoon of various peoples, races, and religions. The citys population is predominately human but there is also good representation of Elves, half-elves, and Halflings. There are a number of dwarven clans that have trade representatives in Everlund, but with retaking of Mithral Hall and revitalization of other Dwarven Halls in the North many of Everlunds Dwarves have left to help resettle their ancient homes in the mountains. Gnomes are a common sight in Everlund but most are visiting from their villages in the High Forest. Everlunians are known to fiercely protect their city and well over half the citys population is capable of taking up arms if there is ever a need. Everlunds regular defenders include a large number of Silverymoon trained mages and bards, as well as their own homegrown rangers who are as wise in the ways of the wilds as any Uthgardt barbarian. Everlund is fairly ruled by a Council of Six Elders who are part of the Lords Alliance as well as members of the Silver Marches confederacy. They have always been a strong ally of Silverymoon and an active opponent of both the Zhentarim and the Arcane Brotherhood. History The walled city was resettled by Humans from Ascalhorn on the site of Besander's Blockhouse in 515 DR. Since its humble beginnings as a fortified trading outpost and bridgehead on the Rauvin, the city's population and importance increased so that it became one of the most important trading cities in the region. Government For nearly five hundred years, Everlund has been ruled by the Council of Elders. This group is composed of the people holding the most prominent positions in the city, although there was occasional debate over whether some civic figures were important enough to merit a seat on the council. The council is led by the First Elder, an office granted by vote of the others. The First Elder holds this position until another member challenges it; sometimes this post was held for many years, other times a few days. Defenses The city is defended by the Army of the Vale. Its leader is titled the High Captain of Everlund, a position currently held by one Kayl Moorwalker, who was made First Elder a number of years ago after his service to the city. The Army has 200 heavy infantry, 400 light infantry, 300 elven archers, 300 light cavalry and 150 heavy cavalry. The Army also has 180 city watchmen, whose leader is called the Keeper of the Bridges, a man named Malvin Draga. Places of Interest Moongleam Tower (7): Openly maintained by the Harpers, this fortress is made of large cut stone cemented together by a magical force. No one, except Harpers, has been inside. It's believed a ward of some sort prevents anyone from entering, even through the use of teleport and planeshift spells. Rumors that gates to places like Waterdeep, and Silverymoon have floated about recently, especially when several Harpers were seen exiting the structure blathering about an evil being with multiple arms and three heads that gated into the place. Flames and billowing smoke were seen in the sparse windows that day. Official The Great Armory (12): A walled compound overlooking the waterfront that serves as a barracks. The Hall of the Elders (9): The seat of government in Everlund, with a low, circular building at the heart of the city. It stands next to an old, battered keep that serves as the armory, and next to that are the six large barracks of Everlunds standing army. The Hall of Records (O1) and the Hall of Redress (O2) are the courts of Everlund. Mercantile The Bell Market (8): Market (1c - 3c). There's a great bell used to sound the call to arms or signal a retreat. The bell hangs in a frame in the open space next to the Barracks, and it gives its name to the space: the Bell Market. This is the chief produce fair of the city. The Bent Bow (M1): Bowyer (4c). This excellent archers' shop opens onto the Bell Market. It's known for its everbright (nonrusting) arrowheads, some of which can be enspelled so they can be magically traced. The Bent Bow is also known for custom-made bows designed to pull to the desired weight of the purchaser. Hethmeir's Highboots Corvisor (M2): Corvisor (5c). This is the best place to buy boots north of Waterdeep - truly a first-class corvisor (a cobbler resoles and repairs; a corvisor custom-makes). In fact, these boots are as good or better than any found elsewhere in Faerûn. Hethmeir and his four nimble-fingered assistants work with incredible speed. An adventurer who brings them a dead beast and wants boots made from its hide can expect them in three days. Nightlife Expenses Squalid (1sp/day): 1c Poor (2sp/day): 2c Modest (1gp/day): 3c Comfortable (2gp/day): 4c Wealthy (4gp/day): 5c The Battered Hat (N1): Inn (2c•3a). Guides such as the famous defender of Everlund, Ruldorn the Storm Ranger, gather at this inn. It's run by two halfling families, and it's decorated with dusty old stag heads and old maps. It stands just inside Silvermoon Gate. The inn is named for a piece of dilapidated headgear that perches atop a wyvern's Skull on the lobby wall. It was all that Nander Gultree, the halfling who built the inn, managed to wear out of his first encounter with a dragon. Danivarr's House (N2): Inn (5c•4a). The oldest and largest inn of the city, this rambling mansion joins to the one next to it by a number of rickety, covered, flying bridges. It's got a loyal clientele and is always full. This is the place to go if you want to meet interesting people (retired adventurers, Elves who think they've a royal claim to thrones that no longer exist, and Gnomes with delusions of grandeur). The Dreaming Dragon (N3): Tavern (3c•4p). The Dragon, located near the Downriver Gate, is beloved by Elves, Halflings, and the whimsical. The Dreaming Dragon is the place for good harping and eerie ballads of yesteryear. Its elverquisst is of the finest quality. Myklryn's Sorrow (N4): Tavern (3c•4p). Myklryn's, next to the Downriver Gate, is named for a man who drowned in the Rauvin River while sailing to see Waterdeep. His widow used his money to build this tavern. She's dead, but her three daughters run it now. Harpers are welcome here. The Old Sword Sheathed (N5): Tavern (3c•5p). This tavern is like all of those heard of in wonderful fireside tales. It's a ramshackle place where everyone's a friend, the dart and dice games never stop, elders tell tall tales, and young people trade jokes. It serves a huge wine list and butternut beer. Folk in Everlund say this tavern is the place to meet your mate for life. The Olorin (N6): Inn (4c•3a). This is a large, new inn near Mountain Gate. Many travelers end up here when they can't find room elsewhere. Though it's new and clean, it's rather soulless. All its furnishings were bought from a shop in Waterdeep and brought to Everlund by river barge, but many look mass produced. The Phantom Knight (N7): Inn (4c•4a). This inn, by Bridge Gate, is named for its ghost, a silent, mustached apparition in full plate armor who appears to guests who soon will face great danger. He makes warning gestures, sometimes pointing helpfully to needed or important items. The Knight is a large place, known for its fresh, hot bread, its cream pastries, and its hot baths (each room has its own copper tub). The inn is popular with caravan merchants and adventurers alike. The Seeking Arrow (N8): Inn (3c•4a). This inn caters to rangers, hunters, and guides. It stands between the Lady's Tree and the Bloody Hunt. Its walls are adorned with trophy heads, and its lobby desk is a glass case containing a wolf's skeleton of astonishing size. The wolf (killed by the owner's father) looks to have been as large as a bear. Sordar's Cup (N9): Tavern (3c•4p). This quaint tavern is named in awe of a local dwarf of legendary capacity for drink. He once won a bet by drinking three entire casks of wine in one evening. When he repeated the feat the next night, the odd human who'd lost the bet decided to build a tavern to accommodate Sordar's drinking supplies. Sordar is long deceased (he died soon after winning the bet), but his cup (about the size of an upturned war helm) is on display here. The Stag at Bay (N10): Tavern (3c•4p). Named for a sumptuous tapestry hung on its taproom depicting an elven hunt, the Stag caters to visiting hunters, adventurers, and those who like to fool themselves into thinking they're intrepid. Patrons outdo each other describing the perilous adventures that befell them in the "Savage Frontier." Bridges & Gates The two bridges in Everlund are named Knightbridge (10) and Dwarfbridge (11), both of which cross the River Rauvin. The five gates of Everlund are open from dawn to dusk and shut at all other times. They are named Bridge Gate (3) (the start of Evermoor Way), Downriver Gate (2), Mountain Gate (5), Silvermoon Gate (1) (the start of the road to Silverymoon) and Upriver Gate (4) (the start of the trail to Sundabar). Temples & Shrines Evergreen Hall (15): Temple of Mielikki, built around the Lady's Tree, a great oak once used as a simple shrine. The leaves of this oak change color with the season but never fall to the ground. Even in deepest winter the Ladys Tree and surrounding garden is never snow-covered. Once a season the resident priestess, Athytia Starbreeze selects and harvests several dozen leaves from the tree and uses them to create potions of healing which she sells to maintain the shrine. These potions are especially potent and have been known to cure diseases in both plants and animals. Legend has is that so long as a servant of Mielikki dwells within the Lady's Tree Everlund will never face attack from the High Forest. As Turlangs trees draw closer and closer many pray that this legend is based on fact. The Grotto (T1): Area devoted to Shiallia. The Keep of Vigilance (14): Temple of Helm. The Starmeadow (13): Area devoted to Corellon Larethian. All Faiths Hall (T2): Opening onto the Market is All Faiths Hall, a shrine for the use of all good worshippers. The Bloody Hunt (T3): Located just inside Downriver Gate, the Bloody Hunt is a bloodstained table made of petrified wood. The table is often used for dressing game and any remains left on the table overnight disappear with the coming of dawn leaving only the thick layers of dried blood behind. Local hunters consider it good luck to make an offering at this shrine as often as once a season. Also located in Everlund are small shines to Oghma, Shaundakul (popular with the caravan masters), and Waukeen. Trade Routes Roads & Trails Everlund is the final destination on the Evermoor Way (6), the primary trade route from the south and west. The road to the north, eventually reaching Silverymoon, passes through Everlund Pass at the western end of the Nether Mountains. Trade to the east traces the banks of the River Rauvin, reaching Sundabar as its final destination. Points of interest along this trail (in order from Everlund to Sundabar) included Hilltop, Jalanthar, Lhuvenhead, and Rauvincross. River Downstream travel on the River Rauvin is blocked by the Striding Giant Rapids. Upstream travel on the River Rauvin is possible for about 170 miles (274 km) to Sundabar.       Everlund   Geographical Information   Size: Large City • Location: Silver Marches   Societal Information   Populace: 12,000 • Human 48%, Elves 21%, Half-elves 14%, Halflings, Lightfood 9%, Shield Dwarves 7%, Others 1%   Religion: Temples: Helm, Mielikki, Corellon Larethian, Shiallia • Shrines: Oghma, Shaundakul, Waukeen   Imports: Ale, armor, cheese, clothing, fruit, grain, sugar, weapons, wine   Exports: Amber, charcoal, furniture, furs, stone, syrup, timber, valuable ores   Political Information   Government: Oligarchy   Ruler: Council of Elders, allied with the Lords' Alliance   Military: Army of the Vale   Everlund is a city of merchant traders and caravan teams and is one of the greatest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. Located southeast of Silverymoon and situated on the north bank of the River Rauvin, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities.   Even though it is one of the smaller and weaker cities of the North, Everlund is the Silver Marches gateway to the rest of Faern. It lies due south of Silverymoon, on the eastern banks of the river Rauvin and is the home base of many caravan masters, guides, hunters, mercenaries, adventurers, and Harpers. Local rangers and adventures, aid Everlunds large standing army in diligently keeping the local roads free of raiding orcs, Goblins, bugbears, trolls, and other monsters of the wilderlands. Since giants have driven the trolls out of the Evermoors, the trade road west of Everlund has become increasing expensive for the Silver Marches to patrol. There is concern that if the giants make a concerted effort they could effectively cut off the fledgling kingdom long enough to seriously affect trade.   Standing on the very edge of the High Forest, Everlund is a beautiful city of trees, wild flower gardens, and little bowers. The fact that the High Forest seems to be growing closer every day is a source of concern for some of Everlunds citizens, but so far there has been no confrontation with the mighty treant Turlang who rules the wood. The inns and taverns of Everlund are on its outskirts, and many the citys streets curve and meander around, avoiding the center of the city. Broad, straight caravan roads cut through the city like the spokes of a wheel however so its hard for a stranger to stay lost for long. Parks, groves and other patches of natural greenery, separate the homes and small shops in the heart of the city so that at night Everlund sometimes seems as quiet and as peaceful as any glade of the High Forest.   People   As befitting a caravan and trade center Everlund is even more tolerant then Silverymoon of various peoples, races, and religions. The citys population is predominately human but there is also good representation of Elves, half-elves, and Halflings. There are a number of dwarven clans that have trade representatives in Everlund, but with retaking of Mithral Hall and revitalization of other Dwarven Halls in the North many of Everlunds Dwarves have left to help resettle their ancient homes in the mountains. Gnomes are a common sight in Everlund but most are visiting from their villages in the High Forest.   Everlunians are known to fiercely protect their city and well over half the citys population is capable of taking up arms if there is ever a need. Everlunds regular defenders include a large number of Silverymoon trained mages and bards, as well as their own homegrown rangers who are as wise in the ways of the wilds as any Uthgardt barbarian. Everlund is fairly ruled by a Council of Six Elders who are part of the Lords Alliance as well as members of the Silver Marches confederacy. They have always been a strong ally of Silverymoon and an active opponent of both the Zhentarim and the Arcane Brotherhood.   History   The walled city was resettled by Humans from Ascalhorn on the site of Besander's Blockhouse in 515 DR. Since its humble beginnings as a fortified trading outpost and bridgehead on the Rauvin, the city's population and importance increased so that it became one of the most important trading cities in the region.   Government   For nearly five hundred years, Everlund has been ruled by the Council of Elders. This group is composed of the people holding the most prominent positions in the city, although there was occasional debate over whether some civic figures were important enough to merit a seat on the council. The council is led by the First Elder, an office granted by vote of the others. The First Elder holds this position until another member challenges it; sometimes this post was held for many years, other times a few days.   Defenses   The city is defended by the Army of the Vale. Its leader is titled the High Captain of Everlund, a position currently held by one Kayl Moorwalker, who was made First Elder a number of years ago after his service to the city. The Army has 200 heavy infantry, 400 light infantry, 300 elven archers, 300 light cavalry and 150 heavy cavalry. The Army also has 180 city watchmen, whose leader is called the Keeper of the Bridges, a man named Malvin Draga.   Places of Interest   Moongleam Tower (7): Openly maintained by the Harpers, this fortress is made of large cut stone cemented together by a magical force. No one, except Harpers, has been inside. It's believed a ward of some sort prevents anyone from entering, even through the use of teleport and planeshift spells. Rumors that gates to places like Waterdeep, and Silverymoon have floated about recently, especially when several Harpers were seen exiting the structure blathering about an evil being with multiple arms and three heads that gated into the place. Flames and billowing smoke were seen in the sparse windows that day.   Official   The Great Armory (12): A walled compound overlooking the waterfront that serves as a barracks.   The Hall of the Elders (9): The seat of government in Everlund, with a low, circular building at the heart of the city. It stands next to an old, battered keep that serves as the armory, and next to that are the six large barracks of Everlunds standing army.   The Hall of Records (O1) and the Hall of Redress (O2) are the courts of Everlund.   Mercantile   The Bell Market (8): Market (1c - 3c). There's a great bell used to sound the call to arms or signal a retreat. The bell hangs in a frame in the open space next to the Barracks, and it gives its name to the space: the Bell Market. This is the chief produce fair of the city.   The Bent Bow (M1): Bowyer (4c). This excellent archers' shop opens onto the Bell Market. It's known for its everbright (nonrusting) arrowheads, some of which can be enspelled so they can be magically traced. The Bent Bow is also known for custom-made bows designed to pull to the desired weight of the purchaser.   Hethmeir's Highboots Corvisor (M2): Corvisor (5c). This is the best place to buy boots north of Waterdeep - truly a first-class corvisor (a cobbler resoles and repairs; a corvisor custom-makes). In fact, these boots are as good or better than any found elsewhere in Faerûn. Hethmeir and his four nimble-fingered assistants work with incredible speed. An adventurer who brings them a dead beast and wants boots made from its hide can expect them in three days.   Nightlife   Expenses   Squalid (1sp/day): 1c   Poor (2sp/day): 2c   Modest (1gp/day): 3c   Comfortable (2gp/day): 4c   Wealthy (4gp/day): 5c   The Battered Hat (N1): Inn (2c•3a). Guides such as the famous defender of Everlund, Ruldorn the Storm Ranger, gather at this inn. It's run by two halfling families, and it's decorated with dusty old stag heads and old maps. It stands just inside Silvermoon Gate. The inn is named for a piece of dilapidated headgear that perches atop a wyvern's Skull on the lobby wall. It was all that Nander Gultree, the halfling who built the inn, managed to wear out of his first encounter with a dragon.   Danivarr's House (N2): Inn (5c•4a). The oldest and largest inn of the city, this rambling mansion joins to the one next to it by a number of rickety, covered, flying bridges. It's got a loyal clientele and is always full. This is the place to go if you want to meet interesting people (retired adventurers, Elves who think they've a royal claim to thrones that no longer exist, and Gnomes with delusions of grandeur).   The Dreaming Dragon (N3): Tavern (3c•4p). The Dragon, located near the Downriver Gate, is beloved by Elves, Halflings, and the whimsical. The Dreaming Dragon is the place for good harping and eerie ballads of yesteryear. Its elverquisst is of the finest quality.   Myklryn's Sorrow (N4): Tavern (3c•4p). Myklryn's, next to the Downriver Gate, is named for a man who drowned in the Rauvin River while sailing to see Waterdeep. His widow used his money to build this tavern. She's dead, but her three daughters run it now. Harpers are welcome here.   The Old Sword Sheathed (N5): Tavern (3c•5p). This tavern is like all of those heard of in wonderful fireside tales. It's a ramshackle place where everyone's a friend, the dart and dice games never stop, elders tell tall tales, and young people trade jokes. It serves a huge wine list and butternut beer. Folk in Everlund say this tavern is the place to meet your mate for life.   The Olorin (N6): Inn (4c•3a). This is a large, new inn near Mountain Gate. Many travelers end up here when they can't find room elsewhere. Though it's new and clean, it's rather soulless. All its furnishings were bought from a shop in Waterdeep and brought to Everlund by river barge, but many look mass produced.   The Phantom Knight (N7): Inn (4c•4a). This inn, by Bridge Gate, is named for its ghost, a silent, mustached apparition in full plate armor who appears to guests who soon will face great danger. He makes warning gestures, sometimes pointing helpfully to needed or important items. The Knight is a large place, known for its fresh, hot bread, its cream pastries, and its hot baths (each room has its own copper tub). The inn is popular with caravan merchants and adventurers alike.   The Seeking Arrow (N8): Inn (3c•4a). This inn caters to rangers, hunters, and guides. It stands between the Lady's Tree and the Bloody Hunt. Its walls are adorned with trophy heads, and its lobby desk is a glass case containing a wolf's skeleton of astonishing size. The wolf (killed by the owner's father) looks to have been as large as a bear.   Sordar's Cup (N9): Tavern (3c•4p). This quaint tavern is named in awe of a local dwarf of legendary capacity for drink. He once won a bet by drinking three entire casks of wine in one evening. When he repeated the feat the next night, the odd human who'd lost the bet decided to build a tavern to accommodate Sordar's drinking supplies. Sordar is long deceased (he died soon after winning the bet), but his cup (about the size of an upturned war helm) is on display here.   The Stag at Bay (N10): Tavern (3c•4p). Named for a sumptuous tapestry hung on its taproom depicting an elven hunt, the Stag caters to visiting hunters, adventurers, and those who like to fool themselves into thinking they're intrepid. Patrons outdo each other describing the perilous adventures that befell them in the "Savage Frontier."   Bridges & Gates   The two bridges in Everlund are named Knightbridge (10) and Dwarfbridge (11), both of which cross the River Rauvin.   The five gates of Everlund are open from dawn to dusk and shut at all other times. They are named Bridge Gate (3) (the start of Evermoor Way), Downriver Gate (2), Mountain Gate (5), Silvermoon Gate (1) (the start of the road to Silverymoon) and Upriver Gate (4) (the start of the trail to Sundabar).   Temples & Shrines   Evergreen Hall (15): Temple of Mielikki, built around the Lady's Tree, a great oak once used as a simple shrine. The leaves of this oak change color with the season but never fall to the ground. Even in deepest winter the Ladys Tree and surrounding garden is never snow-covered. Once a season the resident priestess, Athytia Starbreeze selects and harvests several dozen leaves from the tree and uses them to create potions of healing which she sells to maintain the shrine. These potions are especially potent and have been known to cure diseases in both plants and animals. Legend has is that so long as a servant of Mielikki dwells within the Lady's Tree Everlund will never face attack from the High Forest. As Turlangs trees draw closer and closer many pray that this legend is based on fact.   The Grotto (T1): Area devoted to Shiallia.   The Keep of Vigilance (14): Temple of Helm.   The Starmeadow (13): Area devoted to Corellon Larethian.   All Faiths Hall (T2): Opening onto the Market is All Faiths Hall, a shrine for the use of all good worshippers.   The Bloody Hunt (T3): Located just inside Downriver Gate, the Bloody Hunt is a bloodstained table made of petrified wood. The table is often used for dressing game and any remains left on the table overnight disappear with the coming of dawn leaving only the thick layers of dried blood behind. Local hunters consider it good luck to make an offering at this shrine as often as once a season.   Also located in Everlund are small shines to Oghma, Shaundakul (popular with the caravan masters), and Waukeen.  

    Trade Routes


    Roads & Trails

      Everlund is the final destination on the Evermoor Way (6), the primary trade route from the south and west. The road to the north, eventually reaching Silverymoon, passes through Everlund Pass at the western end of the Nether Mountains. Trade to the east traces the banks of the River Rauvin, reaching Sundabar as its final destination. Points of interest along this trail (in order from Everlund to Sundabar) included Hilltop, Jalanthar, Lhuvenhead, and Rauvincross.  


      Downstream travel on the River Rauvin is blocked by the Striding Giant Rapids. Upstream travel on the River Rauvin is possible for about 170 miles (274 km) to Sundabar.   The city of Everlund straddles the River Rauvin and hosts a large population of around 23,500 souls. This includes mostly Humans and to a lesser extent Elves, but additionally Lightfoot Halflings and Shield Dwarves wouldn’t be considered uncommon. This population is protected by a high stone wall surrounding the city and a fighting force known as the Army of the Vale.   The city itself has a number of interesting buildings and points of interest throughout it. They include The Great Armory, a building surrounded by barracks, home to the Army of the Vale. The Bell Market, a mercantile district in the heart of the city, bordering the River Rauvin. A harper base known as the Moongleam Tower, situated along the northern wall. A number of well know inns and taverns such as the Dreaming Dragon and the Stag at Bay, two more famous examples.   Two bridges used to cross from the northern section of town to the southern section, the western bridge being known as the Kightbridge and the eastern one the Dwarfbridge. Finally a significant number of temples can be found in or around the town. Evergreen Hall is devoted to Mielikki, the Grotto to Shiallia, the Keep of Vigilance to Helm and the Startmeadow to Corellon Larethian. As well as these temples three shrines devoted to Oghma, Shaundakul and Waukeen are also found throughout the city.   The town is governed by a Council of Elders, a group with positions earnt through prominence within the city. A First Elder is elected by other members to be the lead and final word of the council.   Well known shops within the town include Bent Bow Bowyer, an archery shop and Hethmeir’s Highboots, a very popular boot maker. However there would be a number of other suppliers and merchants that would be able to supply almost any typical good, ever heard of.  

    Bent Bow Bowyer

      This bowyer and archery supplier is operated by a savvy Sun Elf named Roberth Plant. He has long blonde curly hair that reaches to his shoulders and a very slim frame, from which he wears an open shirt. The shop has risen to prominence after implementing the use of Everbright steel for their arrow heads. Additionally the store can provide custom made bow’s for any purpose.   Hethmeir’s Highboot’s A particular favourite of the many Elves within the city, Hethmeir’s boots are renowned for their quality and production speed. Within 3 days, the tanner’s and leatherworkers can produce a set of practical boots, made of almost any leather. These boots are often said to aid the user in a number of ways, depending on the amount paid for them. The shop it run by an elf by the name of Rageth Hethmeir.   The Dreaming Dragon Run by an elderly half elf named Roni Jamesh Dio, this inn is more of a local watering hole, than a typical adventurers stop off point. The common room has a number of burly dock workers and potential “ladies of the night”. Three young human barmaids rush back and forth, to the hollering of uncouth patrons. Most of the common room stop their conversations and look up at the party as they enter, unused to seeing outsiders in their bar. The Innkeeper greets you happily but, notifies you that there are no rooms available.  

    Stag at Bay

      The Stag at Bay is your typical adventurer’s tavern. Items of mysterious origin and import line the bar. Men and women of various clothing and race are scattered throughout the common room. Characters get the sense, most of these are well to do nobility from nearby Silverymoon and the distant Waterdeep. Behind the bar is a human by the name of Rojir Waters. He is happy for the new business and declares that there are a few rooms available.  

    Bell Market

      In a large clearing towards the center of town, lay the very beating heart of Everlund, the Bell Market. An assortment of permanent structures and tents can be found here, with merchants of every conceivable product all yelling to potential customers and over each other. To the very outsides of this area, lay the shops and workshops of the various trade’s people. Some guards can be found wandering the crowds, along with the occasional rogue or pickpocket.    
      Everlund   Size: Large City • Location: Silver Marches  

    Societal Information

      Populace: 12,000 • Human 48%, Elves 21%, Half-elves 14%, Halflings, Lightfood 9%, Shield Dwarves 7%, Others 1%   Religion: Temples: Helm, Mielikki, Corellon Larethian, Shiallia • Shrines: Oghma, Shaundakul, Waukeen   Imports: Ale, armor, cheese, clothing, fruit, grain, sugar, weapons, wine   Exports: Amber, charcoal, furniture, furs, stone, syrup, timber, valuable ores   Political Information   Government: Oligarchy   Ruler: Council of Elders, allied with the Lords' Alliance   Military: Army of the Vale   Everlund is a city of merchant traders and caravan teams and is one of the greatest supporters of the league of the Silver Marches. Located southeast of Silverymoon and situated on the north bank of the River Rauvin, Everlund is the second largest city in the Silver Marches and one of its most active mercantile communities.   Even though it is one of the smaller and weaker cities of the North, Everlund is the Silver Marches gateway to the rest of Faern. It lies due south of Silverymoon, on the eastern banks of the river Rauvin and is the home base of many caravan masters, guides, hunters, mercenaries, adventurers, and Harpers. Local rangers and adventures, aid Everlunds large standing army in diligently keeping the local roads free of raiding orcs, Goblins, bugbears, trolls, and other monsters of the wilderlands. Since giants have driven the trolls out of the Evermoors, the trade road west of Everlund has become increasing expensive for the Silver Marches to patrol. There is concern that if the giants make a concerted effort they could effectively cut off the fledgling kingdom long enough to seriously affect trade.   Standing on the very edge of the High Forest, Everlund is a beautiful city of trees, wild flower gardens, and little bowers. The fact that the High Forest seems to be growing closer every day is a source of concern for some of Everlunds citizens, but so far there has been no confrontation with the mighty treant Turlang who rules the wood. The inns and taverns of Everlund are on its outskirts, and many the citys streets curve and meander around, avoiding the center of the city. Broad, straight caravan roads cut through the city like the spokes of a wheel however so its hard for a stranger to stay lost for long. Parks, groves and other patches of natural greenery, separate the homes and small shops in the heart of the city so that at night Everlund sometimes seems as quiet and as peaceful as any glade of the High Forest.  


      As befitting a caravan and trade center Everlund is even more tolerant then Silverymoon of various peoples, races, and religions. The citys population is predominately human but there is also good representation of Elves, half-elves, and Halflings. There are a number of dwarven clans that have trade representatives in Everlund, but with retaking of Mithral Hall and revitalization of other Dwarven Halls in the North many of Everlunds Dwarves have left to help resettle their ancient homes in the mountains. Gnomes are a common sight in Everlund but most are visiting from their villages in the High Forest.   Everlunians are known to fiercely protect their city and well over half the citys population is capable of taking up arms if there is ever a need. Everlunds regular defenders include a large number of Silverymoon trained mages and bards, as well as their own homegrown rangers who are as wise in the ways of the wilds as any Uthgardt barbarian. Everlund is fairly ruled by a Council of Six Elders who are part of the Lords Alliance as well as members of the Silver Marches confederacy. They have always been a strong ally of Silverymoon and an active opponent of both the Zhentarim and the Arcane Brotherhood.  


      The walled city was resettled by Humans from Ascalhorn on the site of Besander's Blockhouse in 515 DR. Since its humble beginnings as a fortified trading outpost and bridgehead on the Rauvin, the city's population and importance increased so that it became one of the most important trading cities in the region.  


      For nearly five hundred years, Everlund has been ruled by the Council of Elders. This group is composed of the people holding the most prominent positions in the city, although there was occasional debate over whether some civic figures were important enough to merit a seat on the council. The council is led by the First Elder, an office granted by vote of the others. The First Elder holds this position until another member challenges it; sometimes this post was held for many years, other times a few days.  


      The city is defended by the Army of the Vale. Its leader is titled the High Captain of Everlund, a position currently held by one Kayl Moorwalker, who was made First Elder a number of years ago after his service to the city. The Army has 200 heavy infantry, 400 light infantry, 300 elven archers, 300 light cavalry and 150 heavy cavalry. The Army also has 180 city watchmen, whose leader is called the Keeper of the Bridges, a man named Malvin Draga.  

    Places of Interest

      Moongleam Tower (7): Openly maintained by the Harpers, this fortress is made of large cut stone cemented together by a magical force. No one, except Harpers, has been inside. It's believed a ward of some sort prevents anyone from entering, even through the use of teleport and planeshift spells. Rumors that gates to places like Waterdeep, and Silverymoon have floated about recently, especially when several Harpers were seen exiting the structure blathering about an evil being with multiple arms and three heads that gated into the place. Flames and billowing smoke were seen in the sparse windows that day.  


      The Great Armory (12): A walled compound overlooking the waterfront that serves as a barracks.   The Hall of the Elders (9): The seat of government in Everlund, with a low, circular building at the heart of the city. It stands next to an old, battered keep that serves as the armory, and next to that are the six large barracks of Everlunds standing army.   The Hall of Records (O1) and the Hall of Redress (O2) are the courts of Everlund.  


      The Bell Market (8): Market (1c - 3c). There's a great bell used to sound the call to arms or signal a retreat. The bell hangs in a frame in the open space next to the Barracks, and it gives its name to the space: the Bell Market. This is the chief produce fair of the city.   The Bent Bow (M1): Bowyer (4c). This excellent archers' shop opens onto the Bell Market. It's known for its everbright (nonrusting) arrowheads, some of which can be enspelled so they can be magically traced. The Bent Bow is also known for custom-made bows designed to pull to the desired weight of the purchaser. Hethmeir's Highboots Corvisor (M2): Corvisor (5c). This is the best place to buy boots north of Waterdeep - truly a first-class corvisor (a cobbler resoles and repairs; a corvisor custom-makes). In fact, these boots are as good or better than any found elsewhere in Faerûn. Hethmeir and his four nimble-fingered assistants work with incredible speed. An adventurer who brings them a dead beast and wants boots made from its hide can expect them in three days.   Nightlife Expenses   Squalid (1sp/day): 1c   Poor (2sp/day): 2c   Modest (1gp/day): 3c   Comfortable (2gp/day): 4c   Wealthy (4gp/day): 5c   The Battered Hat (N1): Inn (2c•3a). Guides such as the famous defender of Everlund, Ruldorn the Storm Ranger, gather at this inn. It's run by two halfling families, and it's decorated with dusty old stag heads and old maps. It stands just inside Silvermoon Gate. The inn is named for a piece of dilapidated headgear that perches atop a wyvern's Skull on the lobby wall. It was all that Nander Gultree, the halfling who built the inn, managed to wear out of his first encounter with a dragon.   Danivarr's House (N2): Inn (5c•4a). The oldest and largest inn of the city, this rambling mansion joins to the one next to it by a number of rickety, covered, flying bridges. It's got a loyal clientele and is always full. This is the place to go if you want to meet interesting people (retired adventurers, Elves who think they've a royal claim to thrones that no longer exist, and Gnomes with delusions of grandeur).   The Dreaming Dragon (N3): Tavern (3c•4p). The Dragon, located near the Downriver Gate, is beloved by Elves, Halflings, and the whimsical. The Dreaming Dragon is the place for good harping and eerie ballads of yesteryear. Its elverquisst is of the finest quality. Myklryn's Sorrow (N4): Tavern (3c•4p). Myklryn's, next to the Downriver Gate, is named for a man who drowned in the Rauvin River while sailing to see Waterdeep. His widow used his money to build this tavern. She's dead, but her three daughters run it now. Harpers are welcome here.   The Old Sword Sheathed (N5): Tavern (3c•5p). This tavern is like all of those heard of in wonderful fireside tales. It's a ramshackle place where everyone's a friend, the dart and dice games never stop, elders tell tall tales, and young people trade jokes. It serves a huge wine list and butternut beer. Folk in Everlund say this tavern is the place to meet your mate for life.   The Olorin (N6): Inn (4c•3a). This is a large, new inn near Mountain Gate. Many travelers end up here when they can't find room elsewhere. Though it's new and clean, it's rather soulless. All its furnishings were bought from a shop in Waterdeep and brought to Everlund by river barge, but many look mass produced.   The Phantom Knight (N7): Inn (4c•4a). This inn, by Bridge Gate, is named for its ghost, a silent, mustached apparition in full plate armor who appears to guests who soon will face great danger. He makes warning gestures, sometimes pointing helpfully to needed or important items. The Knight is a large place, known for its fresh, hot bread, its cream pastries, and its hot baths (each room has its own copper tub). The inn is popular with caravan merchants and adventurers alike. The Seeking Arrow (N8): Inn (3c•4a). This inn caters to rangers, hunters, and guides. It stands between the Lady's Tree and the Bloody Hunt. Its walls are adorned with trophy heads, and its lobbydesk is a glass case containing a wolf's skeleton of astonishing size. The wolf (killed by the owner's father) looks to have been as large as a bear.   Sordar's Cup (N9): Tavern (3c•4p). This quaint tavern is named in awe of a local dwarf of legendary capacity for drink. He once won a bet by drinking three entire casks of wine in one evening. When he repeated the feat the next night, the odd human who'd lost the bet decided to build a tavern to accommodate Sordar's drinking supplies. Sordar is long deceased (he died soon after winning the bet), but his cup (about the size of an upturned war helm) is on display here. The Stag at Bay (N10): Tavern (3c•4p). Named for a sumptuous tapestry hung on its taproom depicting an elven hunt, the Stag caters to visiting hunters, adventurers, and those who like to fool themselves into thinking they're intrepid. Patrons outdo each other describing the perilous adventures that befell them in the "Savage Frontier."  

    Bridges & Gates

      The two bridges in Everlund are named Knightbridge (10) and Dwarfbridge (11), both of which cross the River Rauvin.   The five gates of Everlund are open from dawn to dusk and shut at all other times. They are named Bridge Gate (3) (the start of Evermoor Way), Downriver Gate (2), Mountain Gate (5), Silvermoon Gate (1) (the start of the road to Silverymoon) and Upriver Gate (4) (the start of the trail to Sundabar).  

    Temples & Shrines

      Evergreen Hall (15): Temple of Mielikki, built around the Lady's Tree, a great oak once used as a simple shrine. The leaves of this oak change color with the season but never fall to the ground. Even in deepest winter the Ladys Tree and surrounding garden is never snow-covered. Once a season the resident priestess, Athytia Starbreeze selects and harvests several dozen leaves from the tree and uses them to create potions of healing which she sells to maintain the shrine. These potions are especially potent and have been known to cure diseases in both plants and animals. Legend has is that so long as a servant of Mielikki dwells within the Lady's Tree Everlund will never face attack from the High Forest. As Turlangs trees draw closer and closer many pray that this legend is based on fact.   The Grotto (T1): Area devoted to Shiallia.   The Keep of Vigilance (14): Temple of Helm.   The Starmeadow (13): Area devoted to Corellon Larethian.   All Faiths Hall (T2): Opening onto the Market is All Faiths Hall, a shrine for the use of all good worshippers.   The Bloody Hunt (T3): Located just inside Downriver Gate, the Bloody Hunt is a bloodstained table made of petrified wood. The table is often used for dressing game and any remains left on the table overnight disappear with the coming of dawn leaving only the thick layers of dried blood behind. Local hunters consider it good luck to make an offering at this shrine as often as once a season.   Also located in Everlund are small shines to Oghma, Shaundakul (popular with the caravan masters), and Waukeen.  

    Trade Routes


    Roads & Trails

    Everlund is the final destination on the Evermoor Way (6), the primary trade route from the south and west. The road to the north, eventually reaching Silverymoon, passes through Everlund Pass at the western end of the Nether Mountains. Trade to the east traces the banks of the River Rauvin, reaching Sundabar as its final destination. Points of interest along this trail (in order from Everlund to Sundabar) included Hilltop, Jalanthar, Lhuvenhead, and Rauvincross.  


      Downstream travel on the River Rauvin is blocked by the Striding Giant Rapids. Upstream travel on the River Rauvin is possible for about 170 miles (274 km) to Sundabar.  
      Though it's the smallest and weakest of the cities of the Interior, Everlund is as tolerant as Waterdeep of various peoples, races, and religions. This is an attitude well befitting a caravan trading center. Everlund is the home base of many caravan masters, guides, hunters, mercenaries, adventurers, and Harpers. The standing army of 2,000 diligently seeks out and slays raiding orcs, Goblins, bugbears, trolls, and other monsters of the wilderlands. Another 250 adventurers and mercenaries can be called upon in times of need. Everlunians are known to fiercely defend their city, and are as wise in the ways of the wilds as any Uthgardt barbarian.   Many adventurer-mages, bards, and rangers dwell here, under the six Elders who rule Everlund. The Elders keep it part of the Lords' Alliance, actively opposing both the Zhentarim and the Arcane Brotherhood.   Somehow word got around that I was a Zhentarim agent—vile slander, I assure you—so my visits to Everlund and Silverymoon were necessarily hasty and largely covert. I did learn that Everlund is a city of trees, wild¬flower gardens, and little bowers (lawns encircled by screening stands of trees).   The inns and taverns of Everlund are on its outskirts, by the wall, and the center of the city is quiet at night—a place where lovers and plotters walk and talk, I'm told. Homes and shops rise out of the greenery in pleasant little clumps, so that one might be in a village in the Dales rather than in a city of the North. There's plenty of space for children to play in. Although the lanes curve and meander, it's hard to stay lost for long: broad, straight caravan roads cut through this pleasant scenery like the spokes of a wheel. Everlund is a beautiful city, with more trees and grassy space than I’d ever seen in an enclosed space before. I wish I’d had a chance to know it better.  


      The city has five gates: Bridge Gate, Upriver Gate, Mountain Gate, Silver Moon Gate, and Downriver Gate; a quick look at the area map should make it obvious which gate opens in what part of the city wall.   I wasn’t allowed to approach some places in Everlund close enough to report on them properly. These include the Harper fortress of Moongleam Tower (at least, I think that’s what it’s called)4 and the Hall of the Elders, the seat of government in Everlund. The latter is a low, circular building at the heart of the city. Hard by it stands an old, battered keep that serves as the armory, and next to that are the six large barracks of Everlund’s standing army.   There is a great bell used to sound the call to arms or, when battle goes ill, the retreat. The bell hangs in a frame in the open space beside the barracks, and it gives its name to the space: the Bell Market. This is the chief produce fair of the city. Opening onto the Market is All Faiths Hall, a shrine for the use of all good worshippers. The two remaining places of worship, located by Downriver Gate, are a shrine to Mielikki, the Lady’s Tree, and a shrine to Malar, the Bloody Hunt. 4For more about this and features of Silverymoon, as  

    Places of InteresT in Everlund




    The Bent Bow

    Bowyer llll This is an excellent archers’ shop, opening onto the Bell Market. It is known for its everbright (nonrusting) arrowheads, some of which can be enspelled so that they can be located from afar (in other words, if an archer shoots an arrow into someone or something, it can be magically traced). The Bent Bow is also known for its custom-made bows, which can be designed to pull to the desired weight of the purchaser.  

    Hethmeir's Highboots

    Corvisor This is the best place to buy boots north of Waterdeep—truly a first- class corvisor! (For those where were not aware, a cobbler resoles shoes, repairs shoes, and sells premade footwear; a corvisor takes one’s measurements and makes custom- made boots to order.) In fact, these boots are as good or better than any found elsewhere in Faerun. Hethmeir and his four nimble-fingered assistants can work with incredible speed. An adventurer who brings them a dead beast and wants boots made from its hide can expect them as the Herald’s Holdfast, see FR4 Code of the Harpers. within three days. The price varies by size, design, and finish, from 50 gp a pair upward to as much as 1,000 gp a pair!  



    The Dreaming Dragon

    The Dragon is located nearest to the Downriver Gate, and is beloved of Elves, Halflings, and the whimsical. The Dreaming Dragon is the place to go if you love good harping and the eerie ballads of yesteryear. Its elverquisst is of the finest quality.  

    Mykhyn’s Sorrow

    Myklryn’s, next to the Downriver Gate, is named for a human man who drowned in the River Rauvin while sailing downriver to see Waterdeep. It was his “sorrow” that he never made it there. His widow used his money to build this tavern. She’s dead, but her three daughters run it now. Harpers are most welcome here.  

    Sordar’s Cup

    Sordar’s Cup is a quaint tavern located by the Mountain Gate. Sordar was a local dwarf of legendary capac¬ity for drink. He once won a bet by drinking three entire casks of wine in one evening. When he repeated the feat the next night, the odd human who’d lost the bet decided he had best build a tavern to accommodate Sordar’s drinking supplies. Sordar is long dead, but his cup (about the size of an upturned war helm) can be seen on display here.  

    The Stag at Bay

    Named for a sumptuous tapestry hung on its taproom that depicts an elven hunt, the Stag is located near the Silver Moon Gate. It caters to visit¬ing hunters, adventurers, and those who’d like to fool themselves into thinking they’re intrepid. Patrons outdo each other describing the per¬ilous adventures that have befallen them in the “Savage Frontier.”  

    The Old Sword Sheathed

    This tavern stands just inside Down¬river Gate. It’s a tavern like all of those you’ve heard of in wonderful fireside tales. The Old Sword is a ramshackle place where everyone’s a friend, the dart and dice games never stop, elders are always telling tall tales and young people are always trading jokes. It serves a huge wine list and something wonderful called “butternut beer.” I was enchanted, and urge everyone who strays into the Interior to make a special trip to try it. Folk in Everlund say the tavern is where you’ll meet your mate for life. I saw plenty of adventurers, ladies of the evening, colorful old souls, and other interest¬ing folk there, too.


    By and large, the inns of Everlund are better than in most cities of the North.  

    The Battered Hat

    Guides such as the famous defender of Everlund, Ruldorn the Storm Ranger,5 like to gather at this inn. It's run by two halfling families, and it's decorated with dusty old stag's heads and older maps. It stands just inside Silver Moon Gate. The inn is named for a piece of dilapidated headgear that can now be seen perched atop a wyvern’s Skull on the lobby wall. It was all that Nander Gultree, the halfling who built the inn, managed to wear out of his first encounter with a dragon!  

    Danivarr’s House

    This is the oldest and largest inn of the city. It’s a rambling mansion joined to the one next to it by a number of rickety, covered, flying bridges. It’s got a loyal clientele, and it’s almost always full. This is the place to go if you want to meet interesting people (retired adventureres, Elves who think they have a royal claim to thrones that no longer exist, and Gnomes with delusions of grandeur).

    The Olorin

    This is a large, new inn, near Mountain Gate. Many travelers end up here when they can’t find room elsewhere. Though it’s new and clean, it’s rather soulless. All of its furnishings were bought from a shop in Waterdeep and brought to Everlund by river barge, but unfortunately, they look mass produced.  

    The Phantom Knight

    This inn, by Bridge Gate, is named for its ghost. It’s haunted by a silent, will soon face great danger. He makes warning gestures, sometimes pointing helpfully to needed or important items. The Knight is a large place, known for its fresh, hot bread, its cream pas¬tries, and its hot baths (each room has its own copper tub). The inn is popular with caravan merchants and, adventurers alike. The Seeking Arrow This inn, by Downriver Gate, caters to rangers, hunters, and guides. It stands between the Lady's Tree (a shrine to Mielikki) and the Bloody Hunt (a shrine to Malar). Its walls are adorned with many trophy heads, and its lobby “desk” is a glass case containing a wolf's skeleton of truly astonishing size. The wolf (killed by the proprietor's father) looks to have been as large as a bear. Warning: One of the inn staff is a rather simple soul who likes to put a stuffed snake in a random bed that he makes every morning.


    Human 58%, Elves 11%, Half-elves 14%, Halflings, Lightfood 9%, Shield Dwarves 7%, Others 1%


    For nearly five hundred years, Everlund has been ruled by the Council of Elders. This group is composed of the people holding the most prominent positions in the city, although there was occasional debate over whether some civic figures were important enough to merit a seat on the council. The council is led by the First Elder, an office granted by vote of the others. The First Elder holds this position until another member challenges it; sometimes this post was held for many years, other times a few days.


    Armed Forces

      Хорикс Зоар Главнокомандующий Эверлунда, командует Эверлундской армией, Армией Долины. Городская Стража подчиняется Малвину Драге, Хранителю Моста.   Армия Долины: 201 тяжелый пехотинец; 400 легких пехотинцев; 301 эльфийский стрелок; 301 легких кавалериста; 151 тяжелых кавалеристов. (1354)   Городская Стража: 187 стражников (привлекаются к битве только в крайних случаях).   The city is defended by the Army of the Vale. Its leader is titled the High Captain of Everlund, a position currently held by Horix Zoar. The Army has 200 heavy infantry, 400 light infantry, 300 elven archers, 300 light cavalry and 150 heavy cavalry. The Army also has 180 city watchmen, whose leader is called the Keeper of the Bridges, Kythora Shen.


    Imports: Ale, armor, cheese, clothing, fruit, grain, sugar, weapons, wine   Exports: Amber, charcoal, furniture, furs, stone, syrup, timber, valuable ores


    Nightlife   The Battered Hat (N1): Inn (2c•3a). Guides such as the famous defender of Everlund, Ruldorn the Storm Ranger, gather at this inn. It's run by two halfling families, and it's decorated with dusty old stag heads and old maps. It stands just inside Silvermoon Gate. The inn is named for a piece of dilapidated headgear that perches atop a wyvern's skull on the lobby wall. It was all that Nander Gultree, the halfling who built the inn, managed to wear out of his first encounter with a dragon.   Danivarr's House (N2): Inn (5c•4a). The oldest and largest inn of the city, this rambling mansion joins to the one next to it by a number of rickety, covered, flying bridges. It's got a loyal clientele and is always full. This is the place to go if you want to meet interesting people (retired adventurers, elves who think they've a royal claim to thrones that no longer exist, and gnomes with delusions of grandeur).   The Dreaming Dragon (N3): Tavern (3c•4p). The Dragon, located near the Downriver Gate, is beloved by elves, halflings, and the whimsical. The Dreaming Dragon is the place for good harping and eerie ballads of yesteryear. Its elverquisst is of the finest quality.   Myklryn's Sorrow (N4): Tavern (3c•4p). Myklryn's, next to the Downriver Gate, is named for a man who drowned in the Rauvin River while sailing to see Waterdeep. His widow used his money to build this tavern. She's dead, but her three daughters run it now. Harpers are welcome here.   The Old Sword Sheathed (N5): Tavern (3c•5p). This tavern is like all of those heard of in wonderful fireside tales. It's a ramshackle place where everyone's a friend, the dart and dice games never stop, elders tell tall tales, and young people trade jokes. It serves a huge wine list and butternut beer. Folk in Everlund say this tavern is the place to meet your mate for life.   The Olorin (N6): Inn (4c•3a). This is a large, new inn near Mountain Gate. Many travelers end up here when they can't find room elsewhere. Though it's new and clean, it's rather soulless. All its furnishings were bought from a shop in Waterdeep and brought to Everlund by river barge, but many look mass produced.   The Phantom Knight (N7): Inn (4c•4a). This inn, by Bridge Gate, is named for its ghost, a silent, mustached apparition in full plate armor who appears to guests who soon will face great danger. He makes warning gestures, sometimes pointing helpfully to needed or important items. The Knight is a large place, known for its fresh, hot bread, its cream pastries, and its hot baths (each room has its own copper tub). The inn is popular with caravan merchants and adventurers alike.   The Seeking Arrow (N8): Inn (3c•4a). This inn caters to rangers, hunters, and guides. It stands between the Lady's Tree and the Bloody Hunt. Its walls are adorned with trophy heads, and its lobby desk is a glass case containing a wolf's skeleton of astonishing size. The wolf (killed by the owner's father) looks to have been as large as a bear.   Sordar's Cup (N9): Tavern (3c•4p). This quaint tavern is named in awe of a local dwarf of legendary capacity for drink. He once won a bet by drinking three entire casks of wine in one evening. When he repeated the feat the next night, the odd human who'd lost the bet decided to build a tavern to accommodate Sordar's drinking supplies. Sordar is long deceased (he died soon after winning the bet), but his cup (about the size of an upturned war helm) is on display here.   The Stag at Bay (N10): Tavern (3c•4p). Named for a sumptuous tapestry hung on its taproom depicting an elven hunt, the Stag caters to visiting hunters, adventurers, and those who like to fool themselves into thinking they're intrepid. Patrons outdo each other describing the perilous adventures that befell them in the "Savage Frontier."   Temples & Shrines   Evergreen Hall (15): Temple of Mielikki, built around the Lady's Tree, a great oak once used as a simple shrine. The leaves of this oak change color with the season but never fall to the ground. Even in deepest winter the Ladys Tree and surrounding garden is never snow-covered. Once a season the resident priestess, Athytia Starbreeze selects and harvests several dozen leaves from the tree and uses them to create potions of healing which she sells to maintain the shrine. These potions are especially potent and have been known to cure diseases in both plants and animals. Legend has is that so long as a servant of Mielikki dwells within the Lady's Tree Everlund will never face attack from the High Forest. As Turlangs trees draw closer and closer many pray that this legend is based on fact.   The Grotto (T1): Area devoted to Shiallia.   The Keep of Vigilance (14): Temple of Helm.   The Starmeadow (13): Area devoted to Corellon Larethian.   All Faiths Hall (T2): Opening onto the Market is All Faiths Hall, a shrine for the use of all good worshippers.   The Bloody Hunt (T3): Located just inside Downriver Gate, the Bloody Hunt is a bloodstained table made of petrified wood. The table is often used for dressing game and any remains left on the table overnight disappear with the coming of dawn leaving only the thick layers of dried blood behind. Local hunters consider it good luck to make an offering at this shrine as often as once a season.   Also located in Everlund are small shines to Oghma, Shaundakul (popular with the caravan masters), and Waukeen.  

    Places of Interest in Everlund




    The Bent Bow Bowyer

      This is an excellent archers’ shop, opening onto the Bell Market. It is known for its everbright (nonrusting) arrowheads, some of which can be enspelled so that they can be located from afar (in other words, if an archer shoots an arrow into someone or something, it can be magically traced). The Bent Bow is also known for its custom-made bows, which can be designed to pull to the desired weight of the purchaser.  

    Hethmeir’s Highboots Corvisor

      This is the best place to buy boots north of Waterdeep—truly a first- class corvisor! (For those where were not aware, a cobbler resoles shoes, repairs shoes, and sells premade footwear; a corvisor takes one’s measurements and makes custom- made boots to order.) In fact, these boots are as good or better than any found elsewhere in Faerun. Hethmeir and his four nimble-fingered assistants can work with incredible speed. An adventurer who brings them a dead beast and wants boots made from its hide can expect them within three days. The price varies by size, design, and finish, from 50 gp a pair upward to as much as 1,000 gp a pair!      



    The Dreaming Dragon

      The Dragon is located nearest to the Downriver Gate, and is beloved of elves, halflings, and the whimsical. The Dreaming Dragon is the place to go if you love good harping and the eerie ballads of yesteryear. Its elverquisst is of the finest quality.  

    Mykhyn’s Sorrow

      Myklryn’s, next to the Downriver Gate, is named for a human man who drowned in the River Rauvin while sailing downriver to see Waterdeep. It was his “sorrow” that he never made it there. His widow used his money to build this tavern. She’s dead, but her three daughters run it now. Harpers are most welcome here. Sordar’s Cup is a quaint tavern located by the Mountain Gate. Sordar was a local dwarf of legendary capac¬ity for drink. He once won a bet by drinking three entire casks of wine in one evening. When he repeated the feat the next night, the odd human who’d lost the bet decided he had best build a tavern to accommodate Sordar’s drinking supplies. Sordar is long dead, but his cup (about the size of an upturned war helm) can be seen on display here.   Named for a sumptuous tapestry hung on its taproom that depicts an elven hunt, the Stag is located near the Silver Moon Gate. It caters to visit¬ing hunters, adventurers, and those who’d like to fool themselves into thinking they’re intrepid. Patrons outdo each other describing the per¬ilous adventures that have befallen them in the “Savage Frontier.”   This tavern stands just inside Down¬river Gate. It’s a tavern like all of those you’ve heard of in wonderful fireside tales. The Old Sword is a ramshackle place where everyone’s a friend, the dart and dice games never stop, elders are always telling tall tales and young people are always trading jokes. It serves a huge wine list and something wonderful called “butternut beer.” I was enchanted, and urge everyone who strays into the Interior to make a special trip to try it. Folk in Everlund say the tavern is where you’ll meet your mate for life. I saw plenty of adventurers, ladies of the evening, colorful old souls, and other interest¬ing folk there, too.   


      By and large, the inns of Everlund are better than in most cities of the North.  

    The Battered Hat

      Guides such as "the famous defender of Everlund, Ruldorn the Storm Ranger, like to gather at this inn. It’s run by two halfling families, and it’s decorated with dusty old stag’s heads and older maps. It stands just inside Silver Moon Gate.   The inn is named for a piece of dilapidated headgear that can now be seen perched atop a wyvern’s skull on the lobby wall. It was all that Nander Gultree, the halfling who built the inn, managed to wear out of his first encounter with a dragon!   This is the oldest and largest inn of the city. It’s a rambling mansion joined to the one next to it by a number of rickety, covered, flying bridges. It’s got a loyal clientele, and it’s almost always full. This is the place to go if you want to meet interesting people (retired adventureres, elves who think they have a royal claim to thrones that no longer exist, and gnomes with delusions of grandeur). This is a large, new inn, near Mountain Gate. Many travelers end up here when they can’t find room elsewhere. Though it’s new and clean, it’s rather soulless. All of its furnishings were bought from a shop in Waterdeep and brought to Everlund by river barge, but unfortunately, they look mass produced.  

    The Phantom Knight

    This inn, by Bridge Gate, is named for its ghost. It’s haunted by a silent, mustached apparition in full plate armor who appears to guests who will soon face great danger. He makes warning gestures, sometimes pointing helpfully to needed or important items.   The Knight is a large place, known for its fresh, hot bread, its cream pas¬tries, and its hot baths (each room has its own copper tub). The inn is popular with caravan merchants and, adventurers alike.   This inn, by Downriver Gate, caters to rangers, hunters, and guides. It stands between the Lady’s Tree (a shrine to Mielikki) and the Bloody Hunt (a shrine to Malar). Its walls are adorned with many trophy heads, and its lobby “desk” is a glass case containing a wolf’s skeleton of truly astonishing size. The wolf (killed by the proprietor’s father) looks to have been as large as a bear. Warning: One of the inn staff is a rather simple soul who likes to put a stuffed snake in a random bed that he makes every morning.

    Гильдии и фракции

    Moongleam Tower (7)

      Openly maintained by the Harpers, this fortress is made of large cut stone cemented together by a magical force. No one, except Harpers, has been inside. It's believed a ward of some sort prevents anyone from entering, even through the use of teleport and planeshift spells. Rumors that gates to places like Waterdeep, and Silverymoon have floated about recently, especially when several Harpers were seen exiting the structure blathering about an evil being with multiple arms and three heads that gated into the place. Flames and billowing smoke were seen in the sparse windows that day.


    The walled city was resettled by humans from Ascalhorn on the site of Besander's Blockhouse in 515 DR. Since its humble beginnings as a fortified trading outpost and bridgehead on the Rauvin, the city's population and importance increased so that it became one of the most important trading cities in the region.

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