Black Ossuary


The Black Ossuary is central place of worship and devotion to Ordonda and is the site were a variety of her holy relics are stored. It is considered the safest place to inter one's dead as the site also serves as the largest mausoleum in Novus. Most dead in Novus are cremated due to limited space, but those who live particularly honored live has a place in death here. The Black Ossuary also houses a crematorium. Clerics and paladins to the Grave Guardian train here to purge the world of undead by fighting back corruptive forces that would twist their minds or by helping a deceased spirit find the acceptance of death and the safety of the Grave Guardian's protection as they pass on to the afterlife.

Purpose / Function

The Black Ossuary was constructed for two purposes. The first was to inter those who believed in the protective capabilities of Ordonda in transporting the dead to the afterlife. The second was for the training of clerics or Ordonda to purify undead and those lost souls clinging to life to find rest.


The Black Ossurary was constructed of black marble stone. It has high set gothic walls and a sharp rectangular shape. The steep angles of its walls and roof suggest the angular appearance of Orndonda's armor. The temple appears foreboding and austere, but is regularly open to mourners and those seeking the purpose that Ordonda provides.


Clerics regularly enchant the temple to be resistant to necromancy. Many necromantic spells will fail instantly within the temple. Clerics of Ordonda are able to cast necromancy spells within the temple after undergoing certain purification rites to Ordonda.


The Black Ossuary predates the fall of Novus. Its sturdy constructio stood through the fall and since. It is considered to be one of the safest and sturdiest places in all of Novus, but carries with it a sense of foreboding and ill omen due to its close associations with death.


Those wishing to spend their final days in the presence of Ordonda often travel to the Black Ossuary. A hospice fascility is run here helping many find peace in their last days.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location