Fairwind Skyport


Fairwind Skyport is one of the few functioning skyports in Novus. It is the base of operations for all airship based endeavors of the Adamantine Wayfinders and is where Cicereth Caeldion is most likely to be found when he is not out of Novus. The skyport largely fasciliates cargo trasport and small craft ferrying between rings and districts for those who do not wish in inconvenience themselves with other forms of transportation.

The skyport is largely a flat airfield with loading ramps that can be moved for loading and unloading. A multilevel builing serves as a hub station where small craft can be accessed directly.

Workers at Fairwind Skyport busy themselves with maintaing skyships, servicing them with repairs or replacing spent Skystone when necessary. The Deerai Collective also maintains a presence here to further airship related research goals. It was their work that made airship flight successful once again and the earlies post-fall test flights were conducted here.

Purpose / Function

Fairwind Skyport is in many ways the gate to the Outer Wilds, with many exploratory expeditions being launched from here. However the primary purpose of the skyport is to be a central place of air travel for all of Novus. Some have asked with this is a priority at all, but airship travel has become emblematic of what advances are possible when society pushes the bounds of possibility. Even though flight beyond Novus's walls is dangerous, it has been deemd important the the common people of Novus see the skies teeming with aircraft once again.

Fairwind Skyport is also the place of intake for mining operations outside of Novus, particularly skystone. Materials collected outisde of Novus and brough back via cargo hauler are deposited here at an industrial lift which lowers raw materials to the Foundry District of the Bronze Ringbelow.


Fairwind Skyport started merely as a leveled section of city, a flat section suitable to testing, landing, and launching aircraft. One flight became more commonplace, the Brass Ring of Novus ruled that skyports needed more resource allocation. Ever since, Fairwind Skyport has been under various levels of improvement and expansion.


Fairwind Skyport relies of the defensive capablities of the Brass Spears of Novus, though there are rumors of plans to enact another defenive force -- a patrol fleet under the control of Cicereth Caeldion.


Fairwind Skyport is most known for being the site where skyship technology was rediscovered. There is a museum on the groups of the skyport the celebrates this discovery.


All manner of travel is supported through Fairwind Skyport, including leisure. For many inhabitants of lower rings, the chance to take a short flight around the city to see the glistening upper levels of Novus from a new vantage point is a novelty worth paying for. There are also a handful of airship pleasure cruises that fly between Novus and the peak of Mount Abregoth, which are well furnished with luxury food and drink.
Transportation hub
Parent Location