Edera District


The Edera District was notable post fall for being largely unscathed by damage. Some likened this to the providence of the gods, whom had a number of temples within the district. The Black Ossuary, Zenith Tower, and the Conflux Arcadium all exist here. Another theory relates to Edera District being the site of Novus's supply of skystone, a necessary component for airship travel. This supply was used to service Fairwind Skyport. Today, with skyship technology recovered, Edera District once again serves to support the air industry of Novus.

As the principle use for air transport in Novus is much more local than it once was, Edera is something of a transportation hub for Novus with access to air taxis, the air tram, and the older systems of travel such as the rail system and the Collumn lifts.

Edera District is named after Haim Edera, the founder of the Adamantine Wayfinders. Adamant Keep is situated within the district as well as access to the Copper Gate, one of the primary means that the Wayfinders use to access the Outer Wilds.


The Edera Distrct is largely populated by moderately wealthy city functionaries and officials. As many religious temples are here, this district supports many more religious itinerants from other levels. Of all the districts on the Copper Ring, Edera district probably has the largest population of commoners and middle class citizens on the Copper Ring.