Daskatile Forge


The Daskatile Forge is a temple to Tsukitae located within the Foundry District of the Bronze Ring. It is the oldest industrial forge in Novus, belonging once to Daerun Daskatile, the great elven blacksmith founder of the faith in Tsukitae. Daskatile was given a vision about the Well of Souls and the Darktide from the Hallowforge himself, seen as an image swirling within the molten metal of his forge. Since the earliest days of post fall Novus, the forge was preserved as a religious site and remains a key place of worship for followers of the Hallowforge.

Purpose / Function

The Daskatile Forge now is used more as a divining tool for followers of Tsukitae to discern his will. It is where followers undergo rites and rituals of consecrating to Tsukitae, believing that it will tie their souls to him and his service, safe from the concerns of the mortal realm and preparing them for the Darktide. The most extreme of these rites involves being submerged in molten metal, relying on the blessings of the Hallowforge to survive. This miraculous, but brutal ritual occurs here often. Participation in the ritual is not required to be bound to Tsukitae, but the most faithful believe it to be a necessary step in showing their reliance on him.

The forge also produces special purified, blessed metals, which are used in the reconstruction efforst in Council structures or the forging of weapons and implements for various religious uses. A strong tradition of smithing and forging is taught here, relying on archaic methos over the increasingly automated existence of Novus.


The Daskatile Forge is built around a massive central forge which contains molten metal for use in smaller forges throughout the facility. The interior is an austere plain, black cavernous space, resembling a darkened cathedral inside. It is lit by channels carved and fashion in the stonework itself that run with glowing molten metal. A massive tower exists at the rear of the structure which extends to abut with the base of the Copper Ring, allowing for the people within to observe the moon, another central component of belief in Tsukitae. On select occasions, the blessed metal flowing freely within the temple glows a pure silver light, like the light of the moon.


The Daskatile Forge was once just the massive forge, exposed to the elements. Daerun Daskatile, considered to be the founding prophet of the religion, conducted his communion with the Hallowforge here. When the Council verified his claims, the decision was made to properly enshrine and consecrated the forge for religious purpose and they began a constuction process on the forge. Daskatile never contributed to the construction and remained fixated on his rituals until his death some years later. The temple was completed some years later and dedicated to him sometime later.
Temple / Church
Parent Location