Doxa Erflin


Doxa Erflin is a gnome thief and a member of the Dusters. He was recruited by Nance for his ability to quickly scale and traverse buildings with his expert climbing and parkour skills.

Doxa is carefree and unaffected by most things. He often is providing levity to the group, caught between the squabbling of Nance and Gunn. Doxa is a relentless flirt and overall a kind soul. He also has a distaste for violence, a result of watching the Brass Spears haul away his father -- bloodied and beaten -- after a protest gone awry in the Foundry District. The wounds his father endured there later led to his death.

Doxa specializes in flight when the situation calls for it, and uses his skills with a rope to bind targets rather than tackle a fight head on.

Circumstances of Death

In 316 PF, Doxa and the the Dusters (led by Nance) resolved to illegally salvage ethereum crystals by covertly enterring the Windswept District through disused rail tunnels. While the plan was somewhat haphazard, it put the Dusters in the path of Rayla Moonshadow, Feyre Blackwood, Winnow Olafson, and Dac Earreac.

While in the tunnels, Doxa diffused the tension between this newfound group, and attempted to lead the group to save the life of a fallen gearforged within a nest of stirges. Sadly the gearforged was already lost and the attempt to rescue him resulted in Doxa's death by the stirges.

Rayla immediately whisked his body to Hollow, where Siluna Cloverloam was unable to restore him to life. She instead cast gentle repose on his body, perhaps widening an opportunity to bring Doxa back, however slim the chances.


In 316 PF, Jondam was resurrected by Jondam Klefta. The was accomplished by Dac, Rayla, Feyre, and Winnow, who assisted Jondam in a ritual to connect Jondam with his deity - Mazarathes, the Ebon Prince. Using materials recovered from the wreckage of the Silver Lining, that party was able to restore Doxa to life.

Clever, flirtatious, parkour gnome

Character Location
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Current Status
Alive (Resurrected)
287 PF 316 PF 29 years old
Circumstances of Death
killed by stirges
Place of Death
Disused rail tunnels between the Copper Ring and Bronze Ring