Windswept District


The Copper Ring sustained heavy damage during the fall, but no district recieve more damage than the Windswept district. Destroyed city records reveal that it is not clear what the section of the city was called before, but people took to calling it the Windswept district after the heavy winds that can sometimes gust through the area off of Mount Abregoth. The area was once being investigated and evaluated for reconstruction. Debris was cleared and existing structures were largely leveled, leaving behind a skeleton of scaffolding, support beams, temporary constructions, and grated levels. However the project was abandoned due to limited resources. Ever so often, a proposal is delivered to the Brass Ring of Novus to develop the area, but until current factors are alleviated, it is unlikely that anything will come of such efforts.

Officially, the district is sealed of, considered a safety hazard to other Copper Ring inhabitants. But this does not stop some from seeking admittance or even living there. In Novus, this is one of the "off the grid places" to live. As such, those looking to live free from the rule of the Brass Ring (but still live within the safety of Novus's walls) make makeshift homesteads here. There are rumors of strange magical folk that live here, but these rumors are unsubstatiated. The Windswept district is also a haven for several illicit organization, who allegedly use the Windswept district's proximity to the outer walls of Novus to smuggle things into and out of the city.

As much of the Windswept district is open to the air and elements, territory on various sublevel districts beneath it are considered preferential.

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