
Dwarves in Novus

Dwarves in Novus generally fall into two camps: traditionalists and progressives. Traditionalists, seeing Novus as a broken place look to the traditions of their distant pasts and consider how they may keep them alive now. They devote themselves to ancient dwarven ideals of living in subterrainean settlements, carving a home for themselves out of the stone of the mountain. Compounds of these dwarves are prominent in the Landslide District and within the Earthen Ring.

Progressive dwarves do not hold as tightly to these notions of dwarven identity, instead embracing Novus as it is. Many of these dwarves hold prominent positions in industry, guilds, politics, reconstruction efforts, and trade within the city.

Dwarves are numerous on lower rings such as the Bronze Ring and below, more accustomed to living without and abundance of natural light and fresh air. They are a major presence in the work forces of the Dust District, Foundry District, and Fabricators District.

Race Relations

The more traditional viewpoints a dwarf has, the more likely that they will have strained racial views of other races, most notably elves. In post-fall Novus, Dwarves were the first racial group to quickly adopt Bregoure as their foremost deity. This proved to be a unifying factor for Dwarves with other races.