The Astrolabe


The Astrolabe is the fromer navigation control station of Novus, crucial to its flight when it still airborne. It is regarded today a monument of what Novus once was more than something that holds any function in present day Novus.

The Astrolabe still functions as a monitoring station for Novus, particularly being a command center for Novus officials to cooridante efforts to maintain power, rebuild the city, and keep tabs of Novus's many systems. These positions are considered toothless and redundant, as the officers who staff them are naval officers for a city ship that no longer flies. Many of the responsibilities they once held have now been re-allocated to other station functionary groups, or even directly to the oversight of the Brass Ring of Novus.

The Deerai Collective also holds a presence in the Astrolabe, continually researching Novus's many arcane technologies and flight based systems.

Purpose / Function

The Astrolabe once housed the helm and navigation center of Novus for the sake of its flight. It housed a number of tools, sensors, and equipment necessary for navigating Novus across the skies. Most of those tools were destroyed and those that remain serve purposes that elude the minds of todays best thinkers. As a result, the Astrolabe iss a monument to Novus's past, a scientific curiousity, a museum, and only barely a structure that provides a vital function to the city.


The Astrolabe was largely destroyed in the fall with most of the command personnel at the time perishing in the event. Since then, great effort has gone into restoring the Astrolabe, both in form and function. As far as form goes, much as been achieved, but as far as function -- there is a lot more work to do.


The Astrolabe is situated near what could be considered the prow of the city. It is a raised tower whose uppermost floors feature wide panoramic gallery style views overlooking the expanse beyond Novus. The Astrolabe is far from the tallest structure in Novus, but has an imposing sense to it nonetheless. There is evidence to suggest that the Astrolabe's structure was mobile, able to rotate freely or even shift position within the city to have the best possible vantage of the skies.


The Astrolabe was outfitted with special arcane projectors that could project a magical barrier to protect itself and other sections of the city from attack. These wards have not been used since the fall and it is uncertain if they even work again.


The Astrolabe is both a museum and a monument if more ways than one. It draws visitors from all over Novus who are curious about the city's function and history. Funds collected from this fuel research and reconstruction of the Astrolabe.
Room, Ship, Navigation
Parent Location