Quorum District


The Quorum District is situated near the Silver Ring and is the central-most location of government, civics, and legal structure within the city. It houses many of the functionary buildings of Novus - such as The Astrolabe, which once housed the sky navigation equipment for Novus, and the Wind Keep, the former control center of Novus.

Today it is most known for housing the Brass Quorum, where the members of the Brass Ring of Novus meet to discuss important business of Novus's continued operation. To help with managing daily affairs of the city, a number of law offices, courts, administrative functions are run here.

The Quorum Distict is home to many important symbols within Novus. The Skysea Observatory, Grinners Hall, and the Ivory Chapel are situated here. Crucially, the Reverberant Locus is here, an open-air ampitheatre where many current and aspiring politicians go to debate and spread their ideals

The Quroum District is pridefully mantained, filled with monuments to Novus's progress, buildings with grand fascades and museums to the history of Novus. It is always polished and gleaming with many beautiful gardens and public gathering places.


The inhabitants of the Quorum District are more than likely wealthy business owners, personal employees of Novus's nobility, or those looking to climb and change their station in life. Having a home in the Quorum District is perhaps the nicest place one can live in the city without having a title or special appointment to live on the Silver Ring.
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