Reverberant Locus


The Reverberant Locus is a large open-air ampitheatre within the Quorum District. It is nestled within a beautifully maintained courtyard several city blocks away from the Brass Quorum. It a made of polish white sandstone and constructed with acoustics in mind. A person speaking from the center of the Locus will have their voice naturally amplified by the acoustics of the ampitheatre.

The Reverbeant Locus is a focal point for politics within Novus, allowing politican and common person both to come debate and make their voice heard. The spaces is teeming with operatives for a number of factions, who keep an ear to listen to the concerns of the citizenry. Sometimes, a rabble rousing agitant will take the stage here to make a fanatical belief or political diatribe known.

However on the whole, the discourse in the Reverberant Locus is constructive, if not meandering. Sometimes simply having a venue to air grievances is enough. Many citizens will simply sit within the ampitheatre to listen.

Sometimes the ampitheatre is closed for another function - a concert from an esteemed artist, a performance from a classic drama, or a speech from a ringbearer. These occasions are rare.

At night, the Locus is empty of crowds. However those who travel near it in the dead of night say the hear strange sounds echoing forth from it. It is a trick of the well-tuned acoustics some say. Others say it is evidence of a haunting, ill-omen, or oppressive spirit.

Purpose / Function

The Reverberant Locus is a public meeting place and platform for Novus's delicate politics. It is a place where people are meant to be heard. When a new ringbearer takes their oath, they do so here. Important speeches and public displays as part of the election process for new ringbearers happens here as well.


When Novus fell, the Reverberant Locus was completely destroyed. The stone that now builds the amiptheater together is sourced from Mount Abregoth. Followers of Bregoure hold to the belief that this means the Spire Father gives his blessing to the rulership of Novus and the democratic process that brought them to power.


The Reverberant Locus is made of pure, polished sandstone. It is remarkably simple in its construction, compared to the likes of much of the other architecture within the Copper Ring.


Before the fall of Novus, the Reverberant Locus was a place where mages debated magic theory, philosphers guaged the mertis of their philosophies, and clerics evangelized their orders. It has and always will be a place of discourse and debate. Even in pre-fall Novus, when the magocratic monarchy ran the city, they fielded concerns about their governance here, before the citizenry. It was even a place where foreign dignitaries would come to watch all of Novus's culture on display, warts and all.
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