
Salvagers is the name given to the semi-nomadic groups of humans that have lived as hunter-gatherers in the The Southern Passes since the area fell out of control of the Aurean Empire at the start of the Mountain War in 4835 AY. They survive by hunting and gathering and by salvaging useful items and materials from abandoned settlements, an act that has given them their name. They can often be reclusive around outsiders, something that's often necessary to survive in the Southern Passes, but will occasionally seek out permanent settlements to trade.   The Salvagers are decended from survivors of the fall of the Southern Passes who took to living in small groups in the wilderness to avoid the orcs, goblinoids, and giants that were attacking many settlements. They still speak common, though they have developed a distinctive dialect that is quicker to speak and to many outsiders seems more informal. Many worship the gods of the The Divine Five that are popular within the empire, though Arthara, Jult, and Flek have become popular, as has the worship of nature spirits.
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