Burdain Geographic Location in Od | World Anvil
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Burdain is a monster ridden region in Riveria. It is north of Allsfield, and south of Nordea.  

Brief History

Many years ago, Riveria was ruled over by Great Queen, Riviera. She assigned a nobles to rule over various parts of her land, many as dukes or counts. Eventually she was lost and the nations under her command were in turmoil. After some years one man stood up and took the place as King of Burdain. Burdain prospered for a while, until the king started going mad. Slowly, over time, he exiled or executed any who disagreed with him, who questioned his rule, or he saw as a threat to himself. Eventually there were so few people left, and the surrounding monstrosities quickly took over the land.
Many believe the king’s madness was a curse put on him by the Great Queen Riviera for ruling over the land as King when she did not allow it. Some say the land itself is cursed, causing all who stay there to go mad. Whatever the cause, the land is now infested with monsters, and any attempt to fend them off and setup new settlements in the area have failed.  


Burdain is located as a threshold between the grassy hill lands of Allsfield and the swampy lowlands of Nordea. As a result the land varies and can be quite difficult to cross.  

Rocky Moor

The southern side of Burdain is a rocky moor. It has low hills populated with short grass and shrubs and many rocky outcrops scattered about. Trees grow seldom along the hills, and from atop some hills its possible to see for miles towards the lowlands.  


The land transitions into a more flat and almost marsh-like environment. The ground isn’t particularly wet in most place, but the vegetation is yellow in color with a stench and fog and permeate the surrounding area, making it difficult to navigate. Cuts appear through the ground where small rivers might have once been and lose soil mix with hard compacted areas making every step a unknown outcome.  


Parts of Burdain border the northern end of the Silver Cliffs. This area is similar to the rocky moor, but considerably more hilly.  


There are many legends pertaining to the beasts and lands of Burdain.

The Beast of Burdain

Location under


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