
Werejaguar, usually called Nagual, are a species of Shifter found primarily in South America.

Their patron deity is Tezcatlipoca.

Nagual are unusual among the supernatural species, in that they possess a natural affinity for Magic.

Basic Information


In their unshifted form, nagual are indistinguishable from a Human to the naked eye, although they still possess superhero abilities. They may choose to allow their true eyes to show when unshifted.

In a half shift, they have dark spots on their skin, similar to the markings on a jaguar's fure, pointed teeth with prominent canines, distinctive brow-ridges, and glowing eyes.

It is believed a full-shift is possible, as many cultures native to the Amazon have myths which describe it, but due to nagual's solitary nature, this is unconfirmed.

Genetics and Reproduction

Little is known about nagual reproduction, but it is believed they more commonly reproduce by infecting others (through a bite or scratch) than sexually.

It is believed that all nagual can infect others.

As with other shifters, an individual bitten by a nagual may became a different type of shifter, depending on personality, and other shifters may occaisionally make nagual.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nagual are naturally solitary, avoiding others much of the time, and rarely forming close relationships. They do not form packs, and only travel with other nagual in the case of a parent and child.

They tend to be nomadic, and rarely remain in one place long.

Facial characteristics

Nagual eyes refract light in a way that makes them appear to glow green, although like other shifters, they can control this if they choose to.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Nagual have an extremely accute eyesite, able to see in the dark just as well as in the light, as well as an enhanced sense of smell and hearing.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Panthera Onca
Notable Individuals
Kate Argent


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