Werewolves & Nemetons

The sons of Lykaon were able to shift, but once they attained full wolf shape, they often could not turn back and would be trapped as a wolf forever, and no one knew how to prevent this, for many centuries.

Eventually one of Lykaon's decendants, Oentrus, was called up to serve in the 18th Legion of the Roman Army. He was with the Legion when they were dispatched to Germania, and when they crossed the Rhine into unconquered tribal territory.

At the Battle of Teutoburg, the 17th, 18th, and 19th Legions fought and fell. The only survivor was Oentrus, who had transformed into a wolf, but was now unable to turn back to his human form.

However, members of the victorious Chatti tribe had witnessed his transformation. They captured him and took him back to their village to meet their wiseman.

Like the Celtic Druids, the Germanic wisemen were shapechangers, able to take the form of animals through magic. The Chatti wiseman told the wolf Oentrus that he could teach him to transform back to human form, but in exchange, he must share his gift with the warriors o the tribe, so they could protect their lands (and especially the sacred Nemeton) from Roman retalliation.

Oentrus agreed, and after many months of training, he was able to return to his human form. In keeping with the terms of the bargain, he turned several members of the tribe, and they, along with Oentrus, who choce to make a home among the Chatti, became the first Guardian Pack, protecting the Teutoburg Nemeton.

Over time, Oentrus's decendants spread out from the Rhineland to protect other Nemetons, taking with them the secret of the full-shift.
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