Old canon Outdeted History of 7 Seals Timeline

Outdeted History of 7 Seals

A complete and comprehensive timeline of everything that has ever happened, is happening and will happen in the 7 Seals Universe.

  • 34000

    The Beginning

    Where there was noting, with a boom, suddenly there was One, One being who would come to be known as The One. The One was all there was, there was no time, no space, no nothing, just a black faceless infinite void. The One has Everything there was held within and with the same breath they used to breathe their first, they breathed their last and from their chest burst forth Creation.

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    The Firstborn

    When The One died, their existence created two primordial powers or bodies, the Radiance which would bring purification and light, and the Darkness which would bring shadows and corruption. Both were needed to ensure Creation would not fall into chaos.

    From the Radiance came two beings, the Father Almighty, Yahweh, and the Mother Superior, Asherah. In all things, there must be balance and thus from the Darkness came two beings as well, Izanami and Izanagi. These four are dubbed the Firstborn and form the Dais Tu Fika, a treaty that ensures the four of them would equally share Creation and their kin.

  • 0

    1 Period of Liberation

    The Creation of the New Universe

    The Old Universe, now rot with death, decay, and sin is washed away and replaced with a New Universe, one that would be unstained by the sins of its father. This New Universe was dubbed Midgard as it was the mid realm between Yomi & Nirvana.

  • 355

    22 Period of Liberation

    The Tinamorii Set Sail
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Tinamorii are among the first sentient species to develop space travel, utilizing starships powered by solar sails. They easily secure their Mother Star and make contact with many worlds, careful to never interfere with the affairs of other species as to not disturb their evolution.

  • 2182

    Disaster / Destruction

    Of all the bounty hunters and hitmen in the Universe, one stood above them all as a true force to be trifled with; Ajatasatru Barvadekar, who mastered the Null Eyes to the point where he could nullify pure energy, even life energy. Ajatasatru could kill men just by looking at them and nullifying their internal life energy, making him the Universe's most deadly assassin. He was among the top 10 Most Wanted Criminals (MWC) by the Commonwealth and once he was finally caught and killed, the order would later extend to his family.

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    2 Period of Reconstruction

    The Cleansing of the Barvadekar Clan
    Life, Death

    On an unnamed planet in the USC, the Barvadekar's gave birth to Manjistha, the 7th child of the family and 3rd daughter. (Manjistha name meaning in English is Extremely that clearly describes the expected significance of the name on personality.) However, when Manjistha was only seven years old, the Commonwealth Marines arrived and massacred her entire family. Clan Barvadekar had the Null Eyes Zenkai and the Commonwealth could not allow such a dangerous power to go unchecked any longer. Manjistha only survived because her brother Ravi gave his life to cover her escape.

  • 2215

    1 Period of Liberation

    The Birth of the Immortal
    Disaster / Destruction

    On planet Kretios, two farmers give birth to a baby boy, Hayden (The name Hayden is a boy's name of English origin meaning "fire".). Just eight years after his birth, Hayden's world was invaded by the Bizarians who enslaved his people and killed any who rebelled or who were not useful. Instead of dying, Hayden awoke in a mass grave of his species and managed to escape the planet on a trash heap.

  • 2218

    12 Period of Peace

    Louis B. Fay is Born Into Wealth
    Life, Birth

    In the wealthy city of Sing Le Faun on planet Mars, aristocrats Violette Boudreaux and Jean-Baptiste Fay are gifted their first son, whom they name Louis Boudreaux Fay. (Louis is the French form of "Ludwig" and means "famous warrior". Louis was the name of 14 kings of France and is a prominent name in French aristocracy.) The Fays were aristocrats and spent their days in lavish mansions and expensive Starships enjoying the privileges of their wealth and the Universe.

  • 2219

    14 Period of Reconstruction

    The Son of the Pirate Queen is Born
    Life, Birth

    On the planet Canin, a religious stronghold was raided by the Null-Eyed Pirates, led by their fearless and pregnant Captain, Manjistha Barvadekar. In the heat of battle, Manjistha gave birth to her treasured son, whom she named Haroli, but was misheard as "Har". (The meaning of Har is 'Name of Lord Shiva.' Har in the Hindi Language is written like हर .) When the news of Manjistha's son reached the Commonwealth, a bounty of 500k Gems was placed on his head. The Barvadekar line continuing was the last thing they wanted.

    More reading
    House of Al-Hashimi
  • 2220

    9 Period of Reconstruction

    The Girl Born with Demon Blood
    Life, Birth

    On the planet Venus, at SummerTime Labs., lead researcher Miranda Pandora dies whilst giving birth to her daughter, Sobizel. The child was born with Deliphoma, a rare sickness which makes her blood dangerous to her body and others. Dr. Harrison Summers, a close friend of Miranda, takes the daughter in as his own and raises her as he tries to develop a cure for her.

  • 2227

    1 Period of Peace

    4 Period of Peace

    Death is Never Far from You
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    At the age of 14, Tento Chijimatsu was alone in the Universe and was earning a name as a Bounty Hunter after being exiled from Earth. In her hubris, she came upon the pirate Wynston Archer, Captain of the ARCHER Raiders on VENUS. She foolishly believed herself to be on his level but he mortally wounded her, slicing her through, from the left shoulder down to her lower right side. It nearly cut her in half and brought her to Death's Door. She was saved by an old swordswoman named Saionji Namika, it took six months before Chijimatsu could move again and did not leave Venus until the year 132, after being trained by Namika.

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    12 Period of Peace

    The Fall of Yagi
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Kaori Mochizuki conspired with her brothers-in-law to kill her husband and expel their daughter from Earth. However, after Yagi was killed, his brothers tried to kill Mochizuki and sent her into hiding. Mochizuki would have her revenge another day, she swore it. She assumed the position of a lowly fishermen's wife, Sojuro Kentarō, and brought him one son, Sojuro Hanzō, who would be used to enact her revenge on the ones who wronged her.

  • 2230

    6 Period of War

    2 Period of Liberation

    Violation of the Innocent
    Criminal Activity

    The Fay family's facade of wealth began to die down and their debt of well over 75 Billion Gems. When it came time to settle their charges, they sought to absolve themselves by selling their 11-year-old son Louis into slavery, cutting their debt in half. Louis was sold to Beck Estate, to the Lady of the house who knew of his great Majikal potential and worked him like a dog to wear down his physical body while draining his immense Magical Energy. Louis believed he was sold because he wasn't useful to his family and vowed to become strong and useful once he escaped the Estate, where he remained for five years.

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    2 Period of Mercy

    2 Period of Reconstruction

    Iron Lady Newgate Recruits her Students
    Life, Milestone

    Iron Knight, Poppy Newgate decides to save a street kid named Balthazar who just lost his mother and aims to mold him into a Knight like herself. A runaway slave named Louis Fay stowaways on her ship and after witnessing his immense potential, Newgate also takes him. Upon returning to Camelot, she is greeted by a third boy and final student, the son of a notorious pirate, Har Barvadekar. Poppy, the strongest Iron Knight, has now taken up her students, and over the course of three years, educates them in the ways of Majiks and the Four States, unknowingly setting the stage for a grand and epic adventure.

    New Camelot